How to check the hall sensor? Hall sensor - photo, price, replacement

This article will talk about how to check the Hall sensor , which is used on VAZ 2108 and more modern cars. You understand that in any car it is necessary to control all the parameters of the internal combustion engine in order to know what condition it is in. Among these devices, one can distinguish a Hall sensor, which is installed on all vehicles equipped with a contactless ignition system. Thanks to this device, it was possible to get rid of the contact chopper, and at the same time increase the output voltage of the coil, the energy of the spark that is generated between the electrodes of the candles.

Sensor operation

how to check the hall sensor

In the Hall sensor, a voltage change occurs at the control output during a change in the magnetic field. This device is very reliable, does not require intervention from the driver during the entire period of operation. On cars with a carburetor injection system, such sensors are installed in the ignition distributor. If it fails, then the spark is not generated. Therefore, the engine cannot be started. On a VAZ 2108 car, the Hall sensor is the main element of the ignition system. Injection vehicles also use sensors based on the Hall effect.

Breakdown: what will it lead to?

In this case, failure of only one sensor can easily stop the engine. The Hall effect is used for switching contacts, as well as positioning and speed determination. With its help, current command signals are transmitted. In its simplest form, this sensor is an analog converter, with its help, power is switched in the ignition of the car. Some sensors that operate under the influence of permanent magnets are also used. The Hall sensor works similarly on a VAZ 2108.

Device design

VAZ 2108 Hall sensor

Typically, the Hall sensor comes in a single housing with a metal core, as well as a magnet. It allows you to act on a semiconductor crystal. On all vehicles, these sensors operate only with a specific control circuit. With it, the device operates in the protection mode. It turns the signal on and off. It is worth noting that Hall effect sensors are very often used in industry. In particular, in pneumatic devices, computerized drives, video surveillance. In addition, most non-contact ignition systems are based on the operation of this particular device. Also in computer technology, you can often find devices that work on the Hall effect. In particular, they are installed in joysticks and keyboards. It is worth noting that it has a different cost Hall sensor. The price of this device for use in the ignition system of VAZ cars is about 200 rubles.

Benefits of using

hall sensor Price

There are many benefits to using the Hall effect sensor. In particular, with its help it is very easy to implement a speedometer or tachometer circuit on microcontrollers. In automotive technology with its help it turns out to significantly improve the parameters of the internal combustion engine. Consequently, transport safety is greatly enhanced. Typically, these sensors monitor the speed of the crankshaft to ensure very fast engine starting. And also with its help the tachometer works. The sensor is necessarily present in the design of anti-lock systems. In some DC motors, a Hall sensor is used to determine the position of the rotor. It is worth noting that the repair of electronics can be significantly complicated if you install a sensor with other parameters.

The main elements of the device

You should find out the design of the Hall sensor in order to understand how it works. The design is very simple, but it depends on the application of the electronic device in the car. Digital sensors contain very complex connections on a semiconductor chip. In particular, a substance such as indium is very often used. This semiconductor is mounted on a substrate of aluminum and mounted in the working part of the element. The planes of the sensor and the crystal are perpendicular to each other. Pieces of conductors come from the crystal, with the help of which a connection is made with the electronic circuit. Before checking the Hall sensor, you must disable it. A semiconductor crystal is located near the magnet. And from the last field lines go at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, EMF is generated in the crystal. It is worth noting such a moment as the Hall effect. It occurs at the moment when a conductor passes through the magnetic field. In this case, the magnetic field acting on the semiconductor crystal changes its direction.

Sensor Diagnostics

hall sensor replacement

And now it’s worth talking about how to check a device such as a Hall sensor. A photo of this device is given in the article. It is also necessary to mention about the main signs that manifest themselves during the breakdown of this electrical device. For diagnostic work, you will need a multimeter. You must put it in voltage measurement mode. In this case, the range of the measured voltage should be up to 12 volts. Connect the positive output of the multimeter to the signal wire. Less - to the general. If the device does not work correctly, its mode is normal, then the voltmeter readings will vary in the range of 0.4..3 Volts. If the sensor is defective, a replacement for a similar element will be required. If you do not have a multimeter, but there is a need to check the Hall sensor, you need to install a new element in its place, which is obviously working. It will turn out to be much simpler, though more expensive, since the cost of such an element for some cars can be large. Here's how to check the Hall sensor, there can be several ways.


hall sensor photo

To replace the Hall sensor on the distributor, the cover must be disconnected. On cars of the classic series, two latches are installed for this. If we are talking about front-wheel drive VAZ cars, then the cover must be removed by unscrewing two bolts. Next, you need to mark the position of the slider so that subsequently you do not have to adjust the ignition. After that, on the cars of the classic series, the timer is completely removed. To do this, unscrew the nut with the key to "13". On front-wheel drive vehicles, it is necessary to unscrew the three nuts with the β€œ10” key. At the same time, do not forget to get rid of the hose that goes to the vacuum to the corrector. With a hammer, it is necessary to knock out the pin. Using this, the coupling for the oil reflector was mounted. Now about how to replace the Hall sensor.

Dismantling the sensor from the distributor

electronics repair

Then the washer and clutch are removed, and the rotor of the distributor is taken out of the housing. Then brass bolts are removed to secure the Hall sensor housing to the movable plate. It is also necessary to remove the metal mount and the vacuum regulator. It is worth noting that the latter can not be completely dismantled, but only slightly pulled to the side so that free space appears. On front-wheel drive cars, the work is much easier. The body of the slider is removed from the latch, after which the protective screen is removed. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the Hall sensor mount. As well as a small screw that secured the plug to the body of the distributor. Here's how to check the Hall sensor and replace it. The work is simple, you can cope in a few minutes.


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