How to remove Tencent from your computer completely: step-by-step instructions

It often happens that after downloading some necessary program, you get additional ones along with it. I am glad that during the installation of the main one you are offered to install additional ones and you have a choice whether to refuse or not. But it often happens that people do not notice these important ticks. And it’s good if these programs are not malicious, but sometimes it’s completely different. One of these will be discussed in this article, or rather, how to remove Tencent from a computer.

how to remove tencent from a computer

What is Tencent?

Tencent - this is exactly the malware that gets on your computer if you did not uncheck the box during installation. It comes directly from the Internet, and most importantly - it pretends to be a regular antivirus, although this is not so. Another detail that complicates life - during installation, the program gets into autorun when you turn on the computer. And the problem with the removal of this software arises for the reason that it is in Chinese, as a rule, completely incomprehensible to us.

Before you talk about how to remove Tencent from your computer, you need to mention how to avoid installing it. And everything is very simple. Firstly, carefully monitor where you are downloading the programs from and it is advisable that the sources are verified. Secondly, during installation, always read everything carefully, and if you are offered to install, say, high-quality anti-virus protection or software to speed up computer processes, immediately refuse.

As for the symptoms, they are also obvious - you will always have windows pop up in which everything is written in Chinese. But there is also a complicated form, when programs and various files randomly start to be deleted from your computer. This is the main damage from this program.

Can i remove Tencent?

Of course! You can remove this program. About how to remove Tencent from the computer completely, now it will be discussed.

More or less familiar with malware problems, users know that there are programs such as Cleaner YAC, Unlocker, Adw Cleaner. Roughly speaking, they are designed to remove programs, but, unfortunately, they do not always help. And all because, along with the malicious program, various utilities are installed that are eaten into the system itself, and the above programs may not see them. But still it’s worth a try, at least, this method is the easiest. Just in the list of programs to be deleted, look for those that have a name in hieroglyphs.

The funny thing is that Tencent has its own Unistaller, that is, a delete button, but it is incredibly difficult to find it. And in order to do this, it is necessary to stock up on patience and a Sino-Russian dictionary, so let's move on to other methods.

Uninstall using Uninst.exe

The first way to remove Tencent from a Windows 7 computer is the one mentioned above. It is clear that few people can do this on their own, so detailed instructions will be given on how and why to do it.

First of all, you need to go to the task manager and close all the processes of the malicious program. For this:

  1. Press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
  2. The task manager opens.
  3. In it, we look for all the tasks in the name of which QQPCMng or tencent is present. However, often they can be found by the characters in the names.
  4. You can terminate the processes by right-clicking and selecting the line of the same name from the context menu.

how to remove tencent from windows 7 computer

In order to make sure that all actions are performed correctly, you can go to the "Details" tab, and there, next to the malicious process, it will be written "Stopped" or it will not exist at all.

Next, go to the next “Startup” tab. And there, cancel all malware.

Once this has been dealt with, immediately head to the program folder. Usually it is on the path C: / Program Files / Tencent. Open it and go further to QQPCMng and then to the folder with numbers. There should be a file Uninst.exe. This is the exact file that deletes the program. We open it.

Now you will see only Chinese characters, so follow the instructions:

  1. Press the white button in the lower left corner.
  2. We put three checkmarks and press the red button in the lower left corner.
  3. In the window that appears, click the button on the left.
  4. After the process is complete, press the left button and restart the computer.

how to remove tencent from your computer completely

This was one of the ways to remove Tencent from the computer. But unfortunately, it does not always help, so we move on.

The hardest way

If the previous option did not help you, then the next one is, of course, more complex, but effective. So how to remove Chinese Tencent from computer completely? Let's talk right now.

This method must be applied when, in the task manager, when you click Cancel, they inform you that this is not possible.

  1. Then head to the "Startup" tab and remove the program from there. In the event that the process is all running smoothly, go to the “Services” tab and select “Open Services”.
  2. We select the extended view and after we find the processes in Chinese we stop them.
  3. Now we need to register. To do this, press Win + R and press regedit in the window that appears.
  4. Next, in the window that opens, click on "Edit" and there select "Search". In the search line, write QQPCMgr, tencent or qqpctray.exe. Click search. All found files need to be deleted.
  5. After that, we go back to the task manager and look for processes. If they are running, then go to the "Services".
  6. Next, in the “Open Services” and open the advanced view. In the list you need to find our process and select it. Then you need to click "Actions" at the top and click on the "Stop" line in the menu. Now you should restart your computer.

After starting, we head to the already familiar Tencent folder and click RMB on it. In the context menu, click Unlocker (if you do not have this program, then download it). Click on the checkmark, opposite "No action", and in the menu - "Delete".

how to remove chinese tencent from computer

In principle, everything, now you know how to remove Tencent from a Windows 7 computer. But still there may be traces that can lead, so to speak, to a relapse, so you need to remove them. On how to remove Tencent from your computer completely, next.

We clean the registry

To remove the remnants of the malicious program, you must again enter the registry. Again, click Win + R and enter regedit.

Last time we used the search, now we’ll use the “Find” option. To do this, click "Computer" - "Edit" - "Find." Further in the line you need to enter the familiar inscription tencent. Click on "Next".

how to remove tencent program from computer

This will highlight the files that need to be deleted. After everything is done, you can calmly close the registry and restart the computer.

Residues in browsers

You now know how to remove Tencent from your computer, but it also happens that it affects browsers. True, everything is easy with them. We present solutions for each browser.


  • In the address bar, type about: addons.
  • Click on "Extensions".
  • Looking for Tencent.
  • We delete.

Intertet Explorer:

  • Click on the gear.
  • Select "Add-on Add-ons."
  • Next - “Toolbars”.
  • Also, find Tencent and turn it off.

Google Chrome and Yandex Browser:

  • Enter chrome: // extensions in the line.
  • We find Tencent.
  • We delete.

That's all, now you know one hundred percent how to remove Tencent from your computer, so that there is no trace of it.


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