Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of an abandoned building? The meaning and interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed of an abandoned building, a dream book will help you to interpret the meaning of this vision. This may be a reflection of events occurring in reality, or your state of mind. Also, a dream can predict the future or warn of impending danger.

what is the dream of an abandoned building in a dream

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of an abandoned building, Miller's dream book will explain it as follows:

  • This may be a reflection of your current state. Most likely, you feel loneliness and helplessness.
  • If the building is beautiful and magnificent, it means that you are a successful person. But, having excelled in a career, you have estranged yourself from friends and relatives. Be easier to communicate.
  • A collapsing building is a symbol of stagnation in work or personal growth. Because of your laziness and inaction, you are not progressing.
  • If an abandoned building collapsed before your eyes, this means that you will get rid of the burden of the past, which for a long time did not give you rest.
  • If you saw an unfinished abandoned building, it means that you don’t know how to finish what you started. This prevents you from succeeding.
dream book walk through an abandoned building

Dream Interpretation

The abandoned building according to Loff's dream book means the following:

  • This is a symbol of the fact that in real life you have also abandoned your affairs, because of which they can fall into decay. It is also worth paying attention to your well-being.
  • If the building is tall and beautiful outside, and neglected inside, it means that behind your outer gloss there is little spirituality. Pay more attention to self-development.
  • If you see your own home abandoned, it means that you pay little attention to your loved ones. This can cause family strife.
  • If the building collapsed in your dream, it can symbolize the collapse of hopes and plans in real life. If the destruction is gradual, then you can prevent a negative outcome.
  • An empty abandoned building in the middle of a deserted wasteland is a reflection of your loneliness in real life.
abandoned building in a dream dream book

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

The following is said about the abandoned building in Tsvetkov’s dream book:

  • This reflects your attitude to your health, inner world and work. You prefer to be inactive, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • If you get lost in the corridors of a large empty building, it means that you are confused in your thoughts. Perhaps you should not keep in yourself problems and worries. Share them with loved ones.
  • If you hid in a big empty building in your dream, then in reality a load of problems and public opinion puts pressure on you. You should take a break and relax away from everyone.
  • If you consciously go into an abandoned building that carries a threat, this means that in real life you commit a lot of rash acts.
  • If the building was low, this indicates your pettiness. You are trying to make profit everywhere.
  • A burnt down abandoned building is a symbol of love disappointment.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Here's what the abandoned building dream of Hasse dreams of:

  • If the old building in your dream burned to the ground, it means that soon you will be able to get rid of the burden of the past and freely begin a new life. Perhaps this will be due to the final severance of old relationships that prevented you from moving forward.
  • If you were standing or sitting near an old building that is collapsing, it means that in real life you are prone to take risks. But you should not rely on luck, because it will not always accompany you.
  • An unexpected appearance on the way of an abandoned building can symbolize a meeting with an old acquaintance whom you have not seen for many years.
  • A crumbling abandoned building can symbolize a relationship with a family. Perhaps you should pay more attention to your relatives and be interested in their problems.
  • If the old building is flooded, it means that you have to spend some time away from home. What may be connected with a business trip or a forced trip to relatives.
  • If the building had huge windows, it means that you flaunt your life. This causes bewilderment and condemnation among others.
  • Jumping from the roof of an abandoned building is a symbol of carelessness and recklessness.
abandoned building dream interpretation meaning

Modern dream book

In a modern dream interpretation of an abandoned building, the following:

  • It is a symbol of longing and boredom that you experience due to a lack of communication with others. Perhaps it's time to leave the comfort zone and make new acquaintances.
  • If the old building is on fire, it portends a massive change for the better. Some event will force you to abandon the old priorities and open up to the new.
  • If beautiful green lawns and flower beds spread out in front of the building, this means that soon you will be able to get out of the routine. Bright moments and new emotions await you.
  • Many small abandoned houses are a symbol of disunity in family relationships. You should spend more time with your family.
  • Walking in an abandoned building - a dream book interprets this as trouble at work or health problems.
  • If in a dream you are trying to restore an abandoned building, then you will be able to restore the long-destroyed relationship. And it can also be a symbol of a return to old hobbies.
  • If in a dream you acted as the owner of an abandoned dilapidated building, this means that you yourself complicate your life, as well as relationships with others.
  • If the building collapses, it means that you expect failure in work. Try not to start any high-risk cases soon.
abandoned building dream book

Female dream book

In the women's dream book, the meaning of an abandoned building is as follows:

  • This is a symbol of business decline, health problems, or a breakdown in relationships with a lover.
  • If the building was filled with people, it means that soon your despondency and loneliness will end. You will meet with distant relatives, make peace with friends or make new acquaintances.
  • If the abandoned building turned out to be very tall, it means that you are wasting time on a person who is not at all interested in you. Try to get rid of this hopeless love.
  • If the building resembles a factory, warehouse or factory, it means that you are immersed in a routine. You need entertainment or a change of scenery.
  • The abandoned church building is the collapse of faith in people. Most likely, this will be due to the betrayal of a friend or betrayal of a loved one.
  • If in a dream you are working on the restoration of a destroyed building, it means that not everything is lost. Do not give up your goals at the first failure.
abandoned building dream interpretation

Dream Book of Medea

The dream building of Medea interprets the abandoned building in a dream as follows:

  • If the hospital building was in disrepair, this means that you should be more careful about your health. It may be worth a medical examination to prevent serious ailments.
  • If an abandoned building is surrounded by lush gardens, it means that you are trying to be better than you really are. This is a symbol of your pretense to get into high society.
  • If you have seen abandoned new buildings, it means that your new connections are very unreliable. For their sake, do not break off relations with old friends.
  • The restoration of an old abandoned house is a return to an old relationship that seemed hopelessly lost. Realizing the old mistakes, you can build happiness.
what is the dream of an abandoned building a dream book

East dream book

About what the abandoned building dreams about in a dream, the dream book of the eastern sages says the following:

  • If in a dream you were the only resident of an abandoned building, it means that you are stuck in the past. Departed attachments prevent you from moving forward.
  • If you see the building staggering from gusts of wind, it means that soon you will have to change your place of residence.
  • To leave an abandoned house is a favorable sign. This means that you will cope with problems and get rid of worries.
  • If you bought a house, and it turned out to be dilapidated, it means that someone wants to circle you around your finger. Be careful when making deals. Also take all precautions if you intend to lend money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7700/

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