What is the dream of green grass in the meadow?

Many people are sure that dreams are not just beautiful pictures. They believe that these are some messages that can predict the future. That is why in this article I want to talk about what green grass dreams of.

what is green grass dreaming about


If a person dreamed of green grass, you need to remember under what circumstances it appeared. So, for clarification, even the most insignificant details are important: where it grew, what color it was, who else was nearby. Depending on this, the interpretation of sleep will also vary. However, in general, green grass is a symbol of hope and good health.

Lying on the grass

So, what is green grass dreaming for if you have dreamed that you were lying on it? So, it is very important to remember in which particular pose it was:

  1. Lying on the grass on your back - for a long trip.
  2. Lying on your stomach - to rest within the boundaries of their native places - cities, villages.
  3. If in a dream the sleeper was lying on either side, he would have to rest at home.

In a dream I had to fall on the grass - in reality, a setup or betrayal by a loved one can be expected. If the sleeper tried to get up from the grass, but he did not succeed, then you should be afraid of the vileness of friends and comrades. You also need to be extremely careful in the workplace, as employees can set you up.

why dream green grass with dew

Appearance of grass

What else is green grass dreaming for? To answer this question, you need to consider the vegetation itself.

  1. If the grass is tall, then the sleeping person may soon be offered a new job or a better position.
  2. If the grass is very low, then most likely you will have to take on other people's functions and obligations.
  3. Why dream green grass with flowers? In this case, we are talking about the personal relationship of lovers. Flowers fall off - to be a wedding. If they just crumple their feet, then parting with your loved one is possible .
  4. Why dream green grass with dew? This vision indicates that soon the disease that torments the sleeping man or his close relatives will recede. Also, such a dream suggests that in the near future a person will be absolutely healthy.


I wonder what the green grass dreams of, on which these or other animals are dreaming.

  1. Dog on the grass - to gossip. If she barks, someone slanders the dreamer and at the same time is very envious. The dog just runs along the grass - to joy, sits - to a love adventure, lies - to the arrival of an old friend.
  2. Cat on the grass - to problems at work. If there are a lot of cats, this suggests that there will be disputes and friction with colleagues.
  3. If livestock is grazed on a green meadow, the sleeping person will receive news from a loved one. If the grass in this case is bright and beautiful, then success in love affairs awaits success, while the withered vegetation promises parting or quarreling.

why dream green grass

Actions for grass

If in a dream a person is looking for something in the beautiful green grass, in reality he should better not poke his nose into other people's affairs. Otherwise, everything may end badly. Also, this dream recommends that the sleeping person understand his affairs, restore order in his personal life.

The grass, which a person admires, indicates that in reality something needs to be changed in life. Otherwise, depression cannot be avoided.

What else is green grass dreaming for? To tear it in pieces, to tear it indiscriminately - to the fact that in reality the sleeping person has so many desires and needs that it is very difficult to control them. Therefore, you need to moderate your appetites, otherwise it will be trouble.

What is the dream of green grass, still smelling? Such a vision indicates that you are waiting for an improvement in well-being. It is important who exactly mowed the grass. If he himself is sleeping, then it will have to make an effort. If someone else mowed it, then material wealth will flow like a result of a fortunate combination of circumstances.

why dream green grass with flowers


What is green grass dreaming for? Walking on it, taking a walk - to various changes in life. So, here again it is important to remember the details:

  1. Seeing a clear footprint from your steps means that soon there will be a chance to improve your abilities, improve in your favorite business.
  2. When a well-trodden path is visible on the grass, the complex tasks that arise on the way can be solved quickly and without any special problems and disappointments.
  3. If, on the grass, a sleeping person goes towards his beloved, this promises parting. However, it will be short-lived. Perhaps your loved one will have to leave for some time, for example, on a business trip.
  4. If there are islands of withered or yellowed grass, you should be afraid for your health. Some kind of disease may occur.

why dream green grass to tear

Opinions of ancient dream books

Various old collections of interpretations can tell about what green grass dreams of. It was there that numerous information was collected about the meaning of dreams that our grandfathers-great-grandfathers accumulated.

  1. Gipsy dream book. If the grass is thick and beautiful, then there will soon be a wedding. If it’s rare, then hard times await the sleeper.
  2. Female oriental dream book. If a girl sees a beautiful bright green, this promises an improvement in well-being. Dried vegetation - to the disease of the sleeping person or his close relatives.
  3. Esoteric dream book. If the grass is beautiful, tall, bright, then a sleeping period awaits a successful period, but if it turns yellow, then the disease. Fear is worth mowing the grass. In this case, a person may await death in reality.
  4. Zadkiel's Dream Book (Old English). If in a dream a person admires the grass, in reality he will find success and an improvement in well-being. If the grass is ugly, yellowed, this may mean that there is an unfavorable period ahead: diseases, troubles.
  5. Dream Interpretation Maya. Positive value: if the grass is dreaming, soon the sleeping person will be able to rest. Negative interpretation: one must be wary of making a waking mistake. However, to prevent this from happening, the ancient Mayans recommend eating one blade of grass before going to bed for a couple of days.
  6. Old french dream book. Grass itself, according to this interpretation, acts as a warning. It is necessary to be wary of imaginary friends and new comrades. They can betray, do harm. Eating grass in a dream - to poverty and loss. If it is yellow, it means that the awakening awaits loss and disappointment.
  7. Ancient Chinese dream book. If the sleeping man dreams of a meadow with green grass, then this is for profit, prosperity, material well-being. If the grass grows in the house, the room will soon be empty, people will move out of there.
  8. According to the Old Russian dream book, grass dreamed in a dream portends various troubles and obstacles in business.
  9. The moon dream portends health to everyone who dreamed of grass.
  10. Dream interpretation of health. If the grass is green, beautiful - to recover or strengthen immunity. If yellow, wrinkled - to the disease.

what the green grass is sloping about

Interpretations of modern dream books

You also need to consider why green grass is dreaming, according to modern dream books.

  1. Russian dream book. If the grass dreamed, a person regrets the past and hopes for a better future.
  2. Ukrainian dream book. According to the interpretation of this source, grass symbolizes people, the environment of a sleeping person. The better the vegetation, the more positive and friendly the people around him. If there are dry spots in the meadow, then among friends there are ill-wishers. If in a dream it was necessary to mow the vegetation, serious things or great troubles can await a person in reality.
  3. The latest dream book of Ivanov. Grass is some kind of clue. To hear it, you need to do meditation or self-improvement.
  4. Dream traveler. Generally speaking, grass symbolizes hope and expectation. If she is beautiful, then the dreamer will find prosperity and success, if too high - difficulties. Chewing or mowing her is disappointing.
  5. New family dream book. If you dreamed of a beautiful juicy grass in a meadow, it means that well-being and luck await in the life of the sleeper. This promises businessmen replenishment of capital, artists - fame, lovers - wonderful feelings and enjoyment of each other. If you dreamed of dried or rumpled grass, you need to be wary of diseases.
  6. Modern dream book. The dreamed green beautiful grass promises a person a successful and prosperous life. If it is a little faded, you need to be afraid of fraud in the affairs of relatives or friends. If mountains rise above the grass, then this is a sign of impending danger.

why dream green grass to walk on it

In any case, it is worth remembering that any dream is not something bad. A negative vision is just a warning that something needs to be feared in real life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7720/

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