Thick legs are a reliable way to solve a problem.

When men evaluate a girl’s figure, often beautiful legs are even more important than high breasts and wasp waist. In the price were and remain long slim legs. However, by nature such data does not go to everyone. If you are not very lucky with the length, you can make them visually attractive by working on problem areas. And then you get beautiful chiseled legs, for example, Nicole Wienhofer, who devoted herself to fitness and is the best advertisement for her activities. But what if you have thick legs today?

Exercises aimed at forming chiseled legs will not allow you to see the result due to a layer of fat, so it is useless to mock yourself with power exercises if there is too much fat in the body. Your hard way to slim legs is through aerobic exercise. Running helps best. But you will have to run to the results for quite some time. In order to burn 5 kg of pure fat, you will need 75 hours of running. Does it sound sad? There is nothing to be done about it, if the initial weight is about 60 kg, then only 300 kcal will be spent for a half-hour training. The good news is that if you run, your leg muscles will get a load and they will not break down due to lack of energy.

Of course, you can not do without a special diet. Do not buy promises that the next “hip diet” will work. You will never guess where the body will take the fat from in order to survive the next “crisis”, and that’s how it considers your diet. Sooner or later it will reach the hips, but due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, it will be rather late than sooner. Therefore, mentally prepare for serious and rather long deprivations in the sense of food. The best figure is 1000-1200 kcal, if you eat less, the likelihood of starvation fainting and poor health increases. If you eat more, the result will have to wait quite a while. In addition, there is also the adaptation of the body, familiar to everyone who is losing weight, to reduce spending. As a result, weight loss dramatically slows down or even stops altogether.

What to do if the weight loss and volume reduction has stopped, and the thick legs are still with you? Surely you heard about cheating, that is, a day when you eat up, the body receives a lot of energy and the slowdown in metabolism stops? Yes, that’s real. But there are some limitations.

Firstly, you can eat not just anything, but only carbohydrates and proteins. A lot of carbohydrates and a lot of protein. Almost no fat. Therefore, from meat you can only low-fat beef and chicken breasts. From desserts - forget about everything where fat is more than 3%. That is, ice cream and chocolate are not for those who want to get rid of the problem called “full legs”. You can marshmallow, marmalade, pita bread. But donuts should be put aside. Sausages and sausages are also not allowed, ham is very limited.

Secondly, carbohydrates in 2-3 hours should not receive more than 50 g, otherwise the process of fat formation may begin. This is especially true for those who were on a very harsh diet.

Thirdly, the total number of calories for those who do not want to have thick legs on the day of cheating should not be twice as much as on a regular diet day. That is, if you usually eat a thousand, on the day of cheating you can two.

Losing weight with aerobics and diet should be until the weight becomes ideal minus 2 kg. Then you will purposefully gain two kilograms of muscle mass. This will require special exercises. Contrary to popular belief, a gym is optional. For girls who do not want to become bodybuilders, their own body weight is enough.

But it will be necessary for life to limit the amount of fat to 40 g per day and drink special protein shakes. Make some effort and you will forget about thick legs.


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