How did the husband of Evelina Bledans lose weight? How much and how did Alexander Semin lose weight?

Evelina Bledans is one of the sexiest stars in Russia. For a long time there were rumors about her. Many viewers did not understand how such a charming and attractive diva could attract a pretty chubby man. In addition, it was clear that the couple was very happy together. Now the husband of the famous actress has noticeably become easier. Now everyone cares about another question: “How did the husband of Evelina Bledans lose weight?”

Briefly about the stars

Before talking about how Evelina Blendas' husband lost weight, it is worth saying a few words about these famous personalities.

Evelina Blendans was born in the city of Yalta. Insanely attractive woman, with an unusual appearance, a beautiful figure and outstanding shapes. The audience knows her as a talented actress of theater and cinema, a TV presenter and a pop artist.

How Evelyn Bledans Husband Lost Weight

Alexander Semin is a famous Moscow director and producer. He became the third husband of the famous movie star. He met her on the set. The most long-awaited event in their life took place in 2012. After a short time, a son of Simon was born to a star couple.

Couple in contrast

The actress was incredibly lucky - nature awarded her a chic figure. She claims that from childhood she allowed herself to be pampered with cakes, pastries, sweets and other goodies, while her body continued to be impeccable. Such a wonderful metabolism was inherited by her. Evelina's mom and grandmother were also owners of chic forms.

how the husband of evelyn bledans diet lost weight

Alexander Semin, like his wife, did not remain indifferent to flour dishes and confectionery. But all these goodies quickly turned into hated body fat. The television star was several years older than her other half, but at the same time she looked like a young little inch compared to him.


How it was possible to lose weight to the husband of Evelina Bledans and what made him do it, almost no one knows. A talented director does not like to talk about this topic. The fans had a version that his sexual wife made him change so much. He wanted to match his soulmate.

The second likely cause is stress. The whole country knew that the couple raised a child with Down syndrome.

how Alexander Semin lost weight

The third reason - Alexander Semin began to get tired of his size. He wanted to reduce the enormous load on his body.

What prompted the director to this reincarnation? The exact answer to this question is unknown, only assumptions exist. Nevertheless, he was able to achieve his goal and deserves respect. Now the age of Evelina Bledans and Alexandra Semina visually equal.

Diet change

Fans saw the director’s first success on a social network. The actress put together photographs with her husband, in which he could hardly be recognized: he became a stately and fit man. About how Alexander Semin lost weight, said his wife.

The first thing he did was ask a nutritionist for help. The man abruptly changed his diet, it lacked all the confectionery, sweets, fatty dishes, alcohol and lasting harmfulness. On the contrary, he increased the amount of fluid consumed to three liters of pure water per day. His dinner was exactly at 18:00, later that time he did not come to the refrigerator.

Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin age

The director was distinguished by great willpower, he did not allow himself to make indulgence. He adhered to this diet during all holidays, during trips to a restaurant or to a guest.

What else?

The actress, TV presenter and singer is proud of the successes of her second half. Thanks to her, everyone finally learned about how Evelina Bledans' husband lost weight. Diet was only part of this process. The man had to radically change his lifestyle. He began to use the car less, trying to make long walks. After he managed to lose the first 10 kilograms, trips to the gym and pool were included in the weight loss process. All the free time, the director tried to move more to improve the result. On the day off he visited the bathhouse.

how did you manage to lose weight husband Evelyn Bledans

What did he achieve?

Journalists of well-known publications managed to find out about how much the husband of Evelina Bledans lost weight. His weight dropped exactly 48 kilograms. Having lost excess weight, the man began to look noticeably younger and more solid. He did not reach the desired weight category. His work on himself continues.

Life after the "reboot"

After the husband of Evelina Bledans lost weight, his life noticeably changed. He became a model for many overweight people. They saw his results and believed in themselves.

His career also improved. The man became confident in himself, which helped him achieve great success. The financial condition of the director has improved markedly, and he was able to afford to buy a house in an elite area.

how much weight did husband of evelina bledans

The circle of communication of the thinner Alexander Semin has also increased. Women always paid attention to him, but after the reincarnation of fans, it became noticeably more. 4 years after the wedding, the transfigured man met his new love and divorced his wife.

Until now, the producer and director have not given a single interview about his “reboot”. He is a very modest man who is not used to sharing his successes. About how Alexander Semin lost weight, his ex-wife likes to tell. She claims that he managed to lose half a cent of excess weight in less than one year.


The rumor that the creator of many famous films has changed markedly quickly spread throughout the country. Many fans became interested in the question of how Evelina Blendans' husband lost weight. Accordingly, many various myths about this appeared on the net.

how much weight did husband of evelina bledans

  • He got himself a personal nutritionist, who was almost all the time near him, made the right diet and did not allow his ward to break loose.
  • He visited Thailand shortly before his renewal. In this amazing country, he learned about the miraculous methods of losing weight. He came home, taking with him various teas and pills, which helped him burn excess fat.
  • He is sick. The rumor that the famous director may have health problems appeared after he dropped his famous 48 kilograms. It seemed to the audience not just lost weight, but unhealthy. They believed that he had a serious illness that devours him from the inside.

In fact, the secret to the success of the husband of the famous film star is simple and banal. He managed to get rid of extra pounds due to moderate physical exertion, a proper lifestyle and healthy nutrition.

Exactly one year after the legendary transformation, the fans finally managed to find out the answer to the most exciting question: “How did Evelina Bledans’s husband lose weight?” Diet and moderate exercise helped him achieve the desired result. His success largely depended on the support of his loving wife, who, like no other, believed in his strength and was proud of victories.


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