Why see apples in a dream?

According to dream books, one of the most favorable signs is considered to be apples in a dream. This is the rare case when most interpreters of dreams are unanimous in their interpretations. Of course, the plots of sleep, as well as their meanings, can be very diverse, but in most cases to see apples in a dream - to happy changes in life, to wisdom, to luck and wealth, and also to love.

In many Russian fairy tales, apples were associated with health and strength. After all, it was not in vain that the king sent heroes to distant lands for rejuvenating apples. In addition, these fruits were considered a symbol of reward and knowledge. The one who happened to eat apples in a dream is waiting for an acquaintance with an older person who will give him all his experience and knowledge. In addition, if apples are bulk and ruddy - in the near future, nothing threatens your health, and if you are sick, you will recover very soon. And also, ripe apples are in a dream - to wealth and good luck in business. If you ate baked apples, then this is a joy.

In addition, apples have always been considered a symbol of life. And therefore, to see apples in a dream means that you have great vitality and are able to enjoy life and achieve your goals. In a dream, seeing apples surrounded by green foliage is a sign that the time has come for the implementation of your plans. Sleep advises to move forward more boldly. If you saw ripe red apples on top of a tree, perhaps you should reconsider your plans, as they are not realistic. If you see an apple on a plate or on a saucer - in reality you have to become a participant in very interesting events. Well, if you roll this apple on a plate, you will soon find out someone else's secret.

If you dreamed that you were holding a golden apple in your hands - universal love and recognition are guaranteed to you. If in a dream you pick a green apple from a branch , then in reality you rush things. Just remember the saying that advises not to pick a green apple, but to wait until it ripens and falls. Apples in a dream to see rosy and ripe in large numbers - to well-being. Another such dream portends that in the future you can make some discovery and, in general, will be held in high esteem by others. If one apple rolls along the path in the garden, wait for the guests in your house, and it’s your relatives. Picking apples in a dream is a good omen, which means that your dreams will certainly come true.

And, of course, do not forget that the apple also represents a symbol of temptation, temptation. Indeed, it was because of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. Sometimes, seeing apples in a dream is ripe and juicy, it means that soon a pleasant love adventure awaits you, which may end in a successful marriage. In a dream, a man has a sweet apple - to meet a very attractive person who will be of great importance in his future fate. If a man sits under an apple tree in a dream, then in reality he dreams of a charming girl seducing him, and if a woman offers him an apple, they are already trying to seduce him. If a woman dreams that she treats a man to an apple, she would not mind waking up a relationship with him in reality. If the apple that the woman is holding turns out to be wormy, perhaps she will be disappointed in her partner. To receive apples as a gift in a dream means that someone loves you.

If you dreamed rotten apples

But not only good changes can foreshadow a dream with apples. So, if you eat rotten or wormy fruits, you will find disappointment and frustration. Such a dream often means losing, receiving false information. Cut apples into slices in a dream - to contention, in addition, a dream means that you are in error, for which you have to pay. Sometimes a wormy apple indicates a latent disease. Fallen and rotten apples in a dream warn that you should not agree to a tempting offer. Cook jam from the fruit - you will become a participant or witness to sad events, and there are unripe apples - to unpleasant news. And, if you stole apples in a dream , then in reality you can commit an unseemly act that will have disastrous consequences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7738/

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