Diets after which weight does not return: review, nutrition features, reviews

With the onset of spring, the word ā€œdietā€ becomes simply magical. Most women, and men, begin to think about putting their figure in order. After all, the season of open clothing and beach holidays is ahead. Going through the various options, everyone wants to find a diet after which weight does not return. Such really exist. Today we consider the most popular and reliable of them.

after a keto diet, the weight returns

Information for losing weight

But before moving on to a boring description of what you should eat, you need to discuss the principles of building a dietary scheme. According to statistics, only 5% of people get rid of the lost forever. How to get into their number? Do you endlessly look for diets after which weight does not return? Three rules need to be learned. They are simple and intuitive, but itā€™s important to get started.

Rule number 1. Power control

This is a norm to be reckoned with. Always, generally always, is required to monitor nutrition. After completing the course and achieving a normal weight, there are more concessions, but still the daily diet should not exceed 1.5 thousand kcal. If you go to the gym and do strength training, then increase this number to 2 thousand kcal.

And yet, calorie counts daily. If today I ate a cake, then we subtract it from the general norm. For example, it was taken as 1.5 thousand kcal, and the cake extended by 650 kcal. For the rest of the day, you can count on only 850 kcal. Then everything will be all right. This rule works and vice versa. If today was a half-starved day, this does not mean that there are ā€œfree caloriesā€ for tomorrow and you can get a bonus in the form of a second portion for them.

diets after which weight does not return reviews

Rule number 2. No need to strive for the impossible

A large physique and a tendency to overweight creates a certain problem. Each organism has some kind of framework that it ā€œconsidersā€ to be the norm. Usually this is laid back in the puberty. If you reduce the figure by 10-15 kg, the body will try to return them. Therefore, calculate your BMI and set a goal to fall in the range of 20-24. You can calm down on this. It may not work out like a model, but the main thing is health.

Rule number 3. Learning to enjoy not eating

Be frank: there are no diets after which weight does not return, especially if you are used to jamming your anxieties with buns. So look for alternatives. Arrange walks, buy a new lipstick / air fragrance for a car, take pictures of the surroundings, but just donā€™t please your body with another cake. And vice versa, if you promised yourself a dessert, then you should not refuse, even if everything went badly. It is just food, not encouragement or punishment. If you have learned these rules, then you can proceed to consider diets, after which the weight does not return.

top diets

Carbohydrate-free diet

Or a keto diet. It excludes carbohydrate foods as much as possible. This is what allows you to lose body fat with minimal damage to the muscles. This does not happen because you exhaust the body with training or starve. A keto diet is the only diet that has a scientific basis.

If you stop taking carbohydrates, the body has to rebuild. He begins to get energy from free fatty acids, which accumulate in subcutaneous fat. That is why it is the first in the list of diets, after which the weight does not return. Reviews of a huge number of people fully confirm this. But pay attention to the rules that we reviewed above.

The diet is excellent and gives excellent results. But if after its end you allow yourself carbohydrates in all their variety (buns, cakes, sweet soda), then your results will be lost. After a keto diet, weight is returned only if you have not learned the reasons for its set and continue to exceed the amount of carbohydrates consumed with minimal physical exertion.

after the ducan diet, the weight returns

Diet "Maggie"

This is another popular protein diet. At the heart of the diet are eggs and chicken fillet. Usually the first days are very difficult. I want to break and cut myself a sandwich. It is important to stay and drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. If you want to achieve results, you must strictly follow the declared diet.

By the beginning of 3 weeks, people are getting used to their diet. I donā€™t want anything harmful and forbidden. The last week is easy, it is designed to exit the diet, so the portions are increasing. The results are fantastic. For 4 weeks, people throw off 15-20 kg, leave volumes.

And most importantly, during this time, the attitude to food is changing. I do not want rolls, chocolates and the like. Is the weight back after the Maggi diet? It is up to you. Many note that they did not recover when they began to eat the usual food. Moreover, the result is stored for six months, regardless of whether you eat buns and cookies. Of course, within the limits. Then, subject to a regular violation of the diet, the weight starts to grow again.

Does weight return after a maggi diet

Ducan's diet

There is also a lot of information about her, as well as people in your environment who have already tried it on themselves. Sitting on it is easy because it includes a wide variety of products. The diet is not at all hungry. The first achievements can be seen even at the ā€œAttackā€ stage. Of course, this is mostly water. In the second stage, the weight continues to decline. But then sometimes it stops. Most often this is observed in those whose body weight was initially not too large.

In general, the food is very good, I donā€™t even want to break the regime. But after the end of the diet, the weight slowly returns. If you decide to lose weight, then be prepared for the fact that for the rest of your life you will have to eat differently. Otherwise, you will return to hard mode. Forums often ask questions about why weight returns after a Dukan diet. The answer is always one:

  1. Because you have ceased to maintain the balance of the BJU.
  2. Calorie intake exceeds cost.

That's all the secrets. That is, the system itself is not bad, just a person is not ready to adhere to the framework after its completion.

why after a diet weight quickly returns

Carbohydrate diet

There are exotic varieties such as chocolate diets. But it is not too common. The buckwheat diet can be considered a classic option. Whether the weight returns after it will be taken together. This option gives a good result, but imposes strict restrictions on the diet. It is difficult to observe such a regime, and eating buckwheat for a long time is completely unhealthy.

During the diet you need to eat only porridge, and without restrictions. It is advisable not to cook the cereal, but to fill it with water at night. You can not use salt and spices, which is quite difficult. In 25 days you can lose up to 12 kg.

What do they say about saving results? Judging by the reviews, this system has proven itself the worst. Most women write that as soon as they went out of the diet, weight immediately began to increase. Slowly, then faster, until it reaches the usual performance. What is the reason for this? First of all, with severe restrictions. The body lacks protein, fats, and many other trace elements. And he believes that difficult times have come, so he starts the mechanism of accumulation.

Sometimes a person works against himself. There are no restrictions on the amount of buckwheat eaten per day, but they deliberately set the limits for the result to be even better. And so, the metabolism slows down. And after leaving the diet, it will not immediately become the same, so a normal diet will lead to a set of extra pounds.

Does weight return after a buckwheat diet

What diet to choose

We examined several options for the most popular diets. A diet high in fat, protein, carbohydrate - which one is the most effective? Each of them will help to lose extra pounds, but it has drawbacks. Why does weight quickly return after a diet? Because the person did not work on the reasons that led to his recruitment.

The second point: he did not fix for himself new principles of nutrition. Having suffered the entire course ā€œfrom the bell to the bellā€, he was just waiting to start again absorbing buns and other tasty things.

Do you need diets

Yes, when you want to achieve weight loss. All options considered are very effective. But in parallel, you need to work on your lifestyle, on the basket of products that you bring with you from the supermarket, on recipes that you will use every day. It is best if the family agrees to adhere to the chosen concept of a healthy diet. Then the result can be not only good, but also long-term.

Which diet to choose? It is best to consult a doctor. Keto-diet and protein diets have their drawbacks and contraindications. Therefore, with diseases of the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, they can not be used or you need to look for milder options. And of course, it is very important to think about how you will eat after the diet is over.


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