HSGD diet: diet options, goals, objectives, a sample menu for the week, indications, contraindications, recommendations and reviews

Healthy skinny girl diet, or the HSGD diet, is a fashionable food trend, within which almost all products are allowed, but you must observe the calorie count and not exceed the established limit. The daily calorie rate is set at no more than 1100. Is it a lot or a little?

Due to the fact that you can eat almost everything, the diet will not be very burdensome and exhausting. The only "but" - exclude fast food, fatty, unhealthy foods, the calorie content of which "goes off scale". Keep away mayonnaise and cakes, sweet bars and chips. A pleasant circumstance is that the calorie content of vegetables and fruits does not count, they can be eaten in unlimited quantities, perhaps, with the exception of very sweet fruits - grapes, bananas, as well as potatoes.

low-calorie foods

If you want to lose weight, cleanse your body of toxins, acquire a beautiful body, improve your health and get a constant, unchanging result on the scales, forming your habit of eating right, then the HSGD diet is what you need. Four to five times a week you need to give yourself a cardio load of 30 minutes — swim, run, exercise on an elliptical trainer, as an option — you can walk up the stairs. You can also do squats and exercises for the press - 40 times. Jumping rope is also welcome - a great workout for the legs, hips and buttocks. Physical activity will consolidate the result.


  1. You can eat any food, except chips, pastries, bars, juice from packages and sugary drinks.
  2. Eat when you get hungry - no need to wait for lunch or dinner. Feel the hunger - eat something. The HSGD diet will not harm your metabolism and your health.


hsgd diet reviews

May be a little exhausting constant account of what you ate. We have to burn calories, distracted by counting. It saves that in many restaurants the calorie content of a dish is already indicated.

The basis

The HSGD diet is based on a healthy diet. As already noted, the calorie content of vegetables and fruits does not need to be considered, they can be eaten in any quantity.

Daily calories

  1. 900
  2. 800
  3. 900
  4. 1000
  5. 950
  6. 1100
  7. 1100
  8. 900
  9. 800
  10. 900
  11. 1000
  12. 950
  13. 1100
  14. 1150
  15. 900
  16. 800
  17. 900
  18. 950
  19. 1100
  20. 1100
  21. 1150
  22. 900
  23. 800
  24. 950
  25. 1000
  26. 950
  27. 1100
  28. 1150
  29. 900
  30. 900
    diet result

Observation will be interesting and useful: if you start the diet on Monday, then on weekends you can consume more calories than on weekdays, and this is very convenient for most of us.

Who is not allowed

Contraindications to the use of the HSGD 30 diet are any risk groups for nutrition, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, pregnancy and child feeding.

Menu for the week - the basis for your imagination

If you correctly compose a menu for a week, then the diet will never get bored, and your body will be light, airy and, of course, the most beautiful.

Breakfast options. Porridge (oatmeal, on water or on milk in half with water, millet, rice with fruit). You can eat an egg. Also pancakes or donuts, pies (if the level of daily calorie content allows).

Lunch options. Chicken cutlets baked in foil are not nasty. You can boil any meat, bake a very tasty chicken in the foil, after holding it in kefir mixed with herbs and garlic, choose cranberry sauce and add broccoli with a side dish (vegetable puree or buckwheat porridge). Or cook fish with lemon in foil in the oven. Remember that meat should be lean: chicken, beef, veal, rabbit will fit perfectly into your HSGD diet.

For dinner, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, a green apple, a handful of fresh berries.

Low-calorie snack options

Fruits, dried apricots, prunes, whole grain breads, berries, low-fat natural yogurt - these are products that are great for “worm-freezing” between meals. Do not forget to record calories.

If you are very hungry, do not buy a loaf or Snickers.

Here are some examples of win-win snacks:

  1. 80 calories. Cut one peach or a little dried apricots and mix them with 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
  2. 85 kcal. Latte with skim milk without sugar.
  3. 90 kcal. Apple with a slice of hard cheese.
  4. Snack 90 kilocalories. A quarter cup of low-fat yogurt mixed with half a glass of strawberries, raspberries or blueberries.
  5. 100 kcal. Salad of mozzarella, a glass of cherry tomatoes and a few basil leaves.

Protein Roll Recipe

Want to enjoy a delicious roll for dinner? 100 grams contains only 75 calories. Need to take:

  • 100 g chicken breast;
  • 50 milliliters of milk;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 2 egg proteins;
  • half a bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • olive oil;
  • to taste - salt and pepper.
protein roll

Beat the egg, protein and milk; from the mixture, prepare an omelet with a little olive oil. Chop the chicken breast finely or chop it into minced meat. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes together with the bell pepper. Heat the pan, add oil, fry the onion, chicken and pepper, add the herbs of Provence, salt and pepper. Put the chicken mixture on the omelet and roll the roll.

Cream Cheese Soup

Boiled in just 15 minutes, and 100 grams contains only 53 kilocalories. Take 150 grams of vegetables, half a liter of water, 1 cream cheese, 1 egg.

Pour the vegetables into boiling water, chop the cheese and add to the vegetables, stirring the soup until the cheese is completely dissolved. Before serving, finely chop the boiled egg into cubes and add it to a plate with your favorite greens to taste.


hsgd diet 30 days

Among the reasonable advice and recommendations of those who have already used this system, the obvious is that even 90 days of the HSGD diet will not seem like an eternity if you conduct an experiment in the summer and autumn. It is then that we have the opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits grown in our beds, environmentally friendly and completely free. Those who do not have their own garden and garden should not be upset - in summer, prices for seasonal products are always low.

The HSGD diet is easy to maintain after more severe food restrictions, weight does not go away quickly, but the result is good. If there is a fantasy, then you can cook a lot of options for delicious smoothies, salads, cocktails, and you will not stay hungry.

A lot of positive feedback concerns that the diet does not bother. Among the shortcomings, almost all users noted the need to weigh food, to constantly count calories, which takes both time and energy. But, as an option, you can always carry portioned foods prepared in advance with you in your purse.

Many note as a positive thing that the main meal can be attributed not only to breakfast, but also to dinner. How many calories to eat for breakfast, and how many - for lunch and in the evening, does not matter. They recommend not to eat at night, as water may linger and swelling may appear.

What was said about the number of lost kilograms per month?

high-calorie food

According to surveys of girls who adhere to this diet, they dropped from 5 to 7 kg in 25-30 days. Even those who periodically allowed themselves harmful foods were able to lose 4-5 kg ​​during this period.

In general, the reviews about the HSGD diet for 30 days are unanimous - this is a great option to form the right eating habits, get fit, throw off excess without harming your health. This is a mode without starvation, irritability, depression and a constant desire to sleep and eat. The result of losing weight, although not lightning fast, but is acquired gradually and for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7751/

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