Lotus (tattoo): meaning of the symbol and history

Many women who want to decorate their body with tattoos choose floral motifs. Indeed, floral ornaments look appropriate on ladies of any age. This is not a drawing to be ashamed of in adulthood. What flower to choose? The lotus (tattoo) looks spectacular. The meaning of this symbol can be multifaceted; it is not without reason that it is mentioned in many religions and cultures. Lotus is always associated with something good. If you are sure that you want to see this particular symbol on your skin, feel free to fill it without a higher meaning, just for the sake of beauty.

Beautiful flower with a stubborn character

Lotus tattoo meaning
You can see the lotus today in many greenhouses and botanical gardens. In different types of plants, inflorescences vary in size and color. Unites them one. All lotuses grow in swampy places, where it is not so easy to get to a person. The plant makes its way from the muddy bottom through muddy waters to the surface in order to open its buds to meet the sun. It is for this reason that the lotus (tattoo) often has a sense of purpose and firmness of intent. This symbol is chosen for themselves by people who possess these qualities and those who are only striving to develop them. But this is not the only interpretation of the sign; for centuries, a beautiful flower has occupied the minds of many philosophers. For this reason, references to the swamp flower are found in cultures of many peoples.

Lotus in the ancient world

Lotus flower tattoo
Anyone thinks about how the vast majority of people will interpret the selected pattern. You should think about it, even if you choose harmless tattoo flowers. Lotus is traditionally associated with Ancient Egypt and the East. In the kingdom of the pharaohs, this plant was considered sacred, it was depicted together with the solar gods, symbolizing the constancy of cycles, eternal life and wisdom. If we turn to Buddhism, we can see that on the inflorescences of the lotus gods and sages are depicted during meditation. It is not difficult to guess what a lotus tattoo means in the context of a given religion. This is enlightenment of consciousness and craving for higher knowledge. Many peoples describe the lotus as a symbol of femininity due to the shape of its inflorescences. No exception - and the population of ancient Rome, who considered the flower a symbol of the goddess of love.

The modern meaning of the symbol

Lotus tattoo
Lotus is an uniquely positive symbol. Throughout its history, it has not been mentioned in any culture as a bad sign. In China, these inflorescences symbolize love and fidelity, as well as a marital union. If you rely on this value, such a pattern can be chosen to create paired tattoos of lovers. It is believed that the lotus (tattoo) has mystical significance. Sometimes this inflorescence is stuffed on their skin by people associated with spiritual practices, magic and fortune telling. The symbol is not suitable for warlocks and those who wish evil to others, since one of its meanings is purity. Stuffing a lotus is only with pure thoughts and good intentions. Often people who are going to change a lot in their life choose a tattoo in the form of this flower. Remember that all signs applied to the skin carry a strong energy. To choose a tattoo you need to consciously. If you decide to depict a lotus, in the future you will have to match the meaning and nature of this flower.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

What does lotus tattoo mean?
Positive characters can be typed on any part of the body - it is completely safe. Choosing a place for a tattoo depends on your desire and lifestyle. For people working in areas that require a strict dress code, it makes sense to choose areas of skin for a tattoo that are easy to hide under clothing. These are the back, hips and buttocks, stomach, upper arms and shoulders. If the opinion of the authorities and the public about your appearance does not bother you, you can safely choose any part of the body. The lotus tattoo on the leg or arm looks interesting, you can supplement it with a vegetative type ornament or an arbitrary pattern. This flower is often depicted along with a goldfish or other oriental symbols. In this case, the meaning of a tattoo can be interpreted as the pursuit of an existing goal, combined with the luck and favor of external factors. When creating a sketch, remember that the water lily and lotus (tattoo) have different meanings. Learn to distinguish between these plants, and if you want to proudly carry on yourself a water lily, revered all over the world since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, do not confuse it with a small egg or other plants of marshy ponds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7752/

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