Some tips on when to plant lawn grass

Of course, every owner wants his garden to look the most beautiful and well-groomed compared to others. A huge number of gardeners and summer residents in order to improve the countryside prefer to use lawn grass. However, not everyone knows, not only the features of the technology of this procedure, but also when to plant lawn grass. And this is very important, since the above decorative accessory on the garden site can please the eye most of the calendar year.

when to plant lawn grass

Those who are interested in the question of when to plant lawn grass should know that no matter what the size of the plot intended for the lawn, the technology and timing of planting seeds remains unchanged.

However, among amateur gardeners there are those who think that planting and caring for lawn grass is a “five-minute” business. However, this is not at all true, as it is a multi-step process. Before you can admire the rich range of colors in your garden, you need to choose the location of the lawn, think about ways of tillage, weed control. Of course, one of the most important aspects is to know when to plant lawn grass.

The best time for this is considered to be the period from early spring to late autumn.

grass growing

However, in this time period there are restrictions when experts do not advise sowing the lawn. In particular, they include a period of time starting in mid-June and ending in mid-July.

When is the best time to plant lawn grass ?

Most experts agree that the "golden time" for planting a lawn is the beginning of autumn. If you move this procedure, say, to the middle of November, then you may incorrectly determine the date of the onset of cold weather, which can negatively affect the crops. It is also not recommended to plant grass earlier than generally accepted, otherwise it will not be able to grow to the desired height (10 cm) and simply die.

In addition, the cultivation of lawn grass implies compliance with a number of requirements, namely:

a) high soil moisture;

b) moderate temperature;

c) high humidity.

Despite the fact that the lawn grass planted in spring has incredible beauty and splendor, it can quickly die due to the fact that it is during this period that a moisture deficit is fixed, and if you want to extend the life of such a lawn, you will have to regularly to water.

clover lawn

And, of course, the lawn requires regular maintenance, which is not limited to watering and weed control. You need to cut the grass from time to time, especially if you have a clover lawn in your garden. The fact is that clover grows very quickly and experts recommend cutting not with a mower, but with a trimmer.

Of course, the care of lawn grass will require some effort and time, but in return this decorative accessory will give unforgettable minutes of joy and will charge you with exclusively positive emotions.


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