TV presenter Svetlana Pesotskaya: biography, career

Who said news should be presented in a business suit and with a serious face? This stereotype was destroyed by the creators of the experimental program of the Moscow television channel M1, which was called Naked Truth. This program literally made its way to the top of bare-chested television ratings. At the same time, the young presenter Svetlana Pesotskaya played a huge role in building the popularity unusual for the news project. Who is she? How it was? And what sacrifices did she have to make to participate in the project?

News Announcer

A few words about the journalist

Little is known about the scandalous presenter, who became famous due to exposure on the air. The girl was born on June 18, 1975. Today she is 42 years old. Previously, she was a Ukrainian journalist, during her studies she came to the capital under the experience exchange program, as well as for practical training. Later, she liked Moscow so much that she decided to stay in it forever.

Unfortunately, nothing is known about the biography of Svetlana Pesotskaya during her studies at school and at a higher educational institution. However, many of Svetlana’s colleagues speak of her as a very intelligent, cultured girl with an excellent education, excellent diction, and diverse interests.

Politics news

“Walking gait and head held high”

According to the colleagues of Svetlana Pesotskaya, she completely devoted herself to work. She went into it "with a light gait and with her head held high." The journalist got used to the desired image without any problems, seriously approached the choice of information for the news. She could easily change her image without much difficulty. But if circumstances required it, the director or director of the television project. TV program host Svetlana Pesotskaya also managed to take part in the Starry Evening program, but the Naked Truth program brought her fame and fame, where she was a permanent host.

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How did you get to The Naked Truth?

The television project “Naked Truth” Svetlana Pesotskaya got with the assistance of the director. With his active participation, the girl managed to work in several interesting projects at once. However, she was invited to the Naked Truth as a person who was not afraid to go for experiments and challenge the world around her.

Three journalists claimed the position of a sexually liberated presenter. However, at the time of the tests, two other applicants refused to participate for an unknown reason. As a result, Pesotskaya remained the only candidate who was immediately approved.

Female striptease

Unusual news format

This project was the product of the so-called new wave that swept through Russian television after the 1998 crisis. At that time, they tried not to overload the broadcast with various shows, series and programs. This business was costly and not promising. Therefore, only the most interesting and unusual shows made vivid competition. One of them was the Naked Truth program. Svetlana Pesotskaya easily turned from a journalist to a news anchor.

Custom feed

Initially, the project was planned as something special, entertaining and unusual. True, many believed that this was just someone's frivolous joke. But none of them could imagine how much the show will appeal to Moscow erotomaniacs, and all because of a non-standard idea. The idea of ​​the project is insanely simple: the host of the television program “The Naked Truth” was to bring the latest news to the viewer. She easily talked about politics, incidents, financial information.

However, unlike the standard news feed, in this program the presenter each time took off one element of her clothes. Moreover, this happened at the climax. At the end of the program, the announcer was completely naked. In this case, all the intimate places of the heroine were constantly covered with hands, a microphone, boxing gloves or other details.

And then, when the presenter Svetlana Pesotskaya finished with the news, the weather forecast began. It is noteworthy that he was led by real strippers. They erotically wriggled around the map, periodically exposing various parts of their bodies.

There were several girls in the “erotic” staff of the journalists who arranged live broadcasts in the State Duma. According to some reports, those wishing to give them an interview literally lined up.

Unexpected success and glory

After several live broadcasts, the ratings of the program rapidly climbed up. At the same time, a large part of the audience fell on the strong half of humanity. Someone watched it solely because of sympathy for Svetlana Pesotskaya. Others liked the weather report. And others were furiously delighted with the non-standard news feed.

Gifts, sweets, flowers

Talent to make sacrifices

Initially, Svetlana liked that she was very popular among men. The number of enthusiastic fans of the presenter was simply amazing, she was bombarded with flowers, declarations of love, gifts.

At that time, Svetlana Pesotskaya had a man with whom she was in a serious relationship. However, he did not like the popularity of his lady of the heart. As a result, the charming girl announcer had a serious conversation, the boyfriend of Svetlana in the form of an ultimatum demanded that she voluntarily refuse to participate in the project.

But to his surprise, the TV presenter of The Naked Truth, Svetlana Pesotskaya, made her choice not in favor of her beloved. She broke up with him and continued her work in the TV show.

Glory and life inside out

Participation in the project completely changed the life of a journalist. According to her, she liked the idea of ​​a custom news bulletin. She was also attracted by the fact that she was actually the first presenter to take off her clothes during the live broadcast. And let her always leave a certain intrigue, covering her breasts and intimate parts of the body with a certain decor. She liked to play this unusual role and at the same time maintain the seriousness of a true news announcer.

The further fate of the television project

The scandalous television program went on the air from November 1999 to January 2001. Then the project was officially banned, but the idea itself was madly liked by the French and British. According to some reports, they managed to redeem the rights to transfer. Therefore, its analogues could well appear in the UK and France.

Later, a remake of the project came out under the title "The theme is revealed." This time, the leading journalist was from Kemerovo. But since the pilot version of the program caused a flurry of criticism, for a long time it did not exist.

Russian police

Career and next steps

After the closure of the project, the fate of Svetlana is unknown. There is information that she took part in several more television projects, but this time she got secondary roles. In a word, she was no longer the announcer of the roundup. There was also information about the detention of the leading law enforcement officials, according to some spectators, the woman was arrested live. And just when she was completely undressed. During filming, two law enforcement officers handcuffed her. As a result, she had to hide behind her hands in order to maintain at least some appearance of decency.


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