Mountain bike disc brakes: pros and cons

Disc brakes are a mechanism consisting of the disc itself and the pads. They are often used on bicycles, as their use can improve the safety and efficiency of this vehicle. However, we must not forget that the brake system, consisting of them, is not always reliable: it can be fraught with some danger. But the same can be said of any other.

Disc brakes
Of course, disc brakes are installed on any type of wheeled vehicle. For the first time they were used in motorcycles, but since it is rather difficult to cover all areas of their application, this article will focus only on bicycles.

So, perhaps we should start with a more detailed description of the mechanism of action of the brake system on this type of transport. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, its main components are steel discs, mounted in the wheel hub, in its left part, in the immediate vicinity of the spokes. Pads are pressed against them, squeezing them and causing the bicycle to stop when braking. The force is transmitted using a special cable.

However, this is how a mechanical type system works. But hydraulic disc brakes act somewhat differently. They are based on the same details, but they are also supplemented with highways with liquid and special linings that separate the disk from the pads. When braking, the force is transmitted by the fluid. In addition, from the pads, it switches to linings that smoothly compress the disk without erasing it.

Thus, the hydraulic brake system is more advanced than the mechanical.

Mountain bikes with disc brakes
But let's talk about the history of disks entering the life of cyclists. As mentioned above, initially they were installed only on motor vehicles. Therefore, mountain bikes with disc brakes appeared at the time when a new and very dangerous sport was invented - downhill, which is an extreme descent from steep slopes. Having appreciated the numerous advantages, lovers of more relaxed cycling began to use them.

But disc brakes are not entirely unambiguous, as they have certain pros and cons. Therefore, a person who purchases a mountain bike must decide for himself whether he needs them or not.

So, about the benefits:

1. Since there is free space between the brake and the brake pad, air can circulate freely, which reduces the heating of the disc.

2. They are not afraid of any weather conditions: rain and dirt from the road almost do not fall on them, which significantly reduces wear.

3. Braking is much more effective than when using other types of similar systems.

4. The wheel rim does not heat up during slow descent; during various maneuvers, it is not damaged.

disc brakes
5. Even if the rim is damaged, the disc brakes will not stop working.

6. They are durable.

7. They can put any tire.

8. They decorate the bike.

However, they have disc brakes and cons. So, they are quite expensive and weigh a lot, they are very difficult to repair, and the pads are replaced difficult. In addition, spare parts for them are quite difficult to find, and special needles and a trunk are needed, and the oil that gets on the brakes puts them out of order.


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