Diet for carrots: menus, recipes and reviews

Carrots are a healthy and tasty root vegetable. Its great taste and beautiful appearance attracts losing weight. Among the many methods of losing weight, carrot diet stands out for its special properties. Thanks to it, you can not only lose weight, but also saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Carrots are able to overcome the craving for sweets - due to the special natural taste and nutrition.

The positive qualities of carrots

This root crop for weight loss has long been used. Even then, carrots were used for diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory tract and to prevent constipation. A positive effect of carrots on the organs of vision was also found. Used it with olive oil.

The modern carrot diet was developed by Bulgarian healer Peter Dimkov. The main goal of the methodology is to quickly normalize the digestion process. During this time, the body is cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances. At the same time, the process of weight loss is easy.

Carrots are a low-calorie root vegetable, 100 g of the product contains only 32 kcal. The orange color of the vegetable is appreciated for beta-carotene, which in the human body is transformed into vitamin A. The substance improves vision and speeds up metabolism.

Boiled carrot diet

Beta-carotene strengthens nails and hair, and also positively affects the skeletal system and skin. According to reviews, a diet for carrots will not only save you from excess weight, but also improve the appearance of the skin.

The structure of the root crop includes: vitamins B, K, C, E, fiber, folic acid, minerals (potassium, phosphorus).

Antioxidants are present in carrots that prevent early aging of the body and prevent the development of cancer.

The benefits and harms of diet

Carrots are one of the vegetables that can be safely included in the diet menu. The structure of the root includes many useful substances and vitamins. At the same time, there are no fats in carrots, which gives it a low calorie content. Regular use of the vegetable will not only help to lose weight, but also positively affect the health of the body as a whole.

Here are the main reasons that make a carrot diet especially effective:

  1. A large amount of fiber in the root crop helps to quickly provide a feeling of satiety.
  2. Thanks to fructose, it is saturated with useful carbohydrates, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  3. Increases hemoglobin level.
  4. It speeds up the metabolism.

From carrots you can cook quite a few tasty and healthy dishes.

Beet and carrot diet

The disadvantages of the method of losing weight include its rigidity. In addition to carrots, a limited amount of food is eaten during the diet period. Any mono-diet, including carrot, is difficult for the body to tolerate.

The disadvantages of losing weight include the fact that the root crop is an extremely difficult product for the digestive tract.

Basic rules of the technique

A carrot diet is one of the most effective weight loss systems. To achieve a positive result, you must:

  1. Choose fresh and young vegetables, they have enough fiber.
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. This is not only water, but also green and herbal tea. On the day it is allowed to drink no more than 1 cup of kefir or milk.
  3. Eat root vegetables with citrus fruits, apples or pomegranates.
  4. Add olive oil to dishes with raw carrots, since beta-carotene is not absorbed without fat.

You should leave the diet gradually, introducing protein food (low-fat meat, sour-milk products) into the diet.

Types of diets according to their duration

Weight loss on carrots is due to the large amount of fiber in it. As a result, the intestines are cleansed and released from old toxins. Dietary fiber improves its motility, which also contributes to natural weight loss.

The root crop is rich in vitamins and useful substances, which helps to saturate the body during the diet.

The following weight loss methods are distinguished, which are designed for 3, 7 and 10 days.

A mono-diet, which lasts for three days, helps to reduce weight by 2-3 kg. The main rule of the diet is to eat only carrots, and in unlimited quantities. The root crop is eaten raw. They make salads from it, seasoning with lemon juice.

Korean carrot diet

During the diet period on raw carrots it is allowed to drink an unlimited amount of water, green tea.

It is best to grind root vegetables before use, due to which the useful substances of the vegetable will be absorbed faster than when eating it in its entirety.

The diet for carrots, designed for 7 days, is not so popular among losing weight. After all, to withstand such a method of weight loss is quite difficult.

A sample menu for 7 days includes:

BreakfastDinnerHigh teaDinner
1 day and all subsequentcarrot salad with 1 teaspoon honey, green teasalad with carrots and kiwi seasoned with low-fat yogurt or sour creamassorted boiled root vegetables and fresh apple seasoned with lemon juicelow-fat cottage cheese (100 g), carrots and any fruit

After a 7-day diet, you can get rid of 4-6 kg of excess weight. It is quite difficult to follow such a method of losing weight, but carrot lovers can withstand such a tough regime.

A diet designed for 10 days will allow you to lose from 7 to 9 kg of excess weight. During this period, only carrot salad seasoned with low-fat sour cream is eaten. It is prepared not only from raw root vegetables, but also boiled.

The diet includes fresh carrot and green tea.

The weight loss technique is characterized by constant fatigue and a feeling of hunger. After all, a little protein will enter the body along with carrots. Instead of adipose tissue, he will begin to get rid of muscle, which is completely unacceptable.

The disadvantages of the diet include sagging skin and the appearance of stretch marks.

With vegetables and fruits

The carrot diet, in addition to the root crop itself, may include other low-calorie foods. At the same time, observing such a diet menu is much easier.

The diet for Korean carrots has some features that should be considered by everyone who wants to lose weight. The diet of a weight loss system is expanded to include other low-calorie foods.

300 g of Korean carrots and any protein dish should be eaten daily. The calorie content of the daily diet is 1200 kcal.

Carrot diet reviews

To achieve the effectiveness of the diet, carrots in Korean must be prepared as follows:

  • chop the vegetables and salt, leave for half an hour to allocate juice;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic are fried in a pan with warmed butter until golden brown;
  • at the end add 15 ml of vinegar;
  • the resulting mass is thoroughly mixed and added to previously prepared carrots;
  • the dish is pepper and salt to taste.

The diet menu for Korean carrots includes:

cottage cheese (100 g), green tea150 g Korean carrots, boiled chicken or steamed fish, a glass of kefirany fruit or 20-30 g of nuts

Drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. As a result of losing weight in 7-10 days, you can get rid of 3-6 kg of excess weight.

The diet on apples and carrots is short-lived. It is 3 to 5 days.

The fruits are peeled and chopped. This method of use contributes to the gentle cleansing of the intestines and the maximum absorption of all nutrients.

The diet includes 0.5 grated carrots and 1 kg of chopped apples. Food should be taken every 2 hours. Nutrition experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.

Gentle physical activity is required for maximum effect.

The diet for carrots and beets is of particular benefit to the body. It is based on the Metelka salad. The cooking method includes the following steps:

  • carrots and beets are peeled, grated;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil;
  • in addition to the main components, celery and cabbage are added.

The method of losing weight, based on lettuce "Metelka", cleanses the intestines from toxins and harmful substances.

A diet for carrots and beets promotes weight loss and improves the functioning of the digestive system. The salad used in this technique is also used for fasting days.

There are several more weight loss techniques that are based on this root crop. A diet of cabbage and carrots is one of the most useful and delicious ways to lose weight.

The basis of the weight loss system is salad. It consists of cabbage, carrots, apples, vegetable oil, lemon juice.

The main stages of salad preparation include:

  • vegetables and fruits are washed, peeled and ground;
  • mix thoroughly;
  • seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices are added to taste.

Eat with a diet on a carrot salad for 3-4 days. During this time, losing weight manages to get rid of several kilograms of excess weight.

Other varieties of weight loss system

An effective diet is aimed at burning fat, it is based on only 2 products - carrots and eggs. She is only 3 days. Weight loss is 5 kg.

The diet on carrots and eggs is suitable even for people whose body is in a weakened state of the disease. After a diet, losing weight should not immediately switch to high-calorie foods, so as not to return the lost pounds.

Breakfast and lunch consist of a boiled egg, grated carrots and a spoonful of sour cream. One portion is obtained from the indicated quantity of products, so it is cooked every time before a meal. Full dinner is missing. Instead, they use a glass of water or a cup of green tea.

The diet on buckwheat and carrots includes 2 options. In the first case, porridge is used with cabbage, onions, carrots. The second option is to alternate buckwheat and vegetable days.

In the first case, the diet is not so easily tolerated. Losing weight do not feel hunger at all.

In the second embodiment, the results are more noticeable. Indeed, on a vegetable day, glycogen and fat are consumed, and on the next day, the body does not experience a lack of energy.

Diet on cabbage and carrots

With the method of weight loss, you must follow these rules:

  • comply with the drinking regime (drink at least 2 liters of water per day);
  • exclude prohibited foods from the diet;
  • dine 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • daily walk for 2-3 hours.

The basis of nutrition in both diet options is buckwheat, vegetables and greens. It is allowed to drink coffee and tea without sugar, herbal decoctions. For 1 day, if you follow all the recommendations exactly, you can get rid of 1 kg of excess weight. This is due to the removal of excess fluid and broken down fat, as well as harmful substances from the intestines.

For the first option, the menu is more diverse:

DayBreakfastLunchDinnerHigh teaDinnerSecond dinner
1 daybuckwheat, tea or coffee without sugargrated carrot salad, 1 teaspoon olive oilbuckwheat, coffee and teacoleslaw, carrot and onion salad, rosehip brothbuckwheat, herbal decoctionsalad of greens and vegetables
2 daybuckwheat, unsweetened coffee and teacarrot salad, 1 tsp olive oilbuckwheat porridge teavegetable slices, rosehip brothbuckwheat porridge, tea with lemon balmcoleslaw with carrots, greens
3 daybuckwheat porridge, coffee without sugarsalad with carrots and cabbage, 1 tsp olive oilbuckwheat, unsweetened teacutting from vegetables, rosehip infusionbuckwheat, herbal teasalad with carrots, herbs and cabbage, without dressing

The diet can be repeated until the necessary mark of body weight is reached or the slimming person has enough patience.

Exact dosing of the volume of dishes is not required. It is necessary to use so much to feel a slight satiety. In the afternoon, reduce the amount of buckwheat.

The second version of the diet is quite simple. The first day - steamed buckwheat porridge, the second - cabbage, carrots, fresh herbs. This method of losing weight has some nuances.

If on raw vegetables, those who lose weight notice severe hunger, then they can be steamed or boiled. This, of course, will reduce the rate of weight loss, but will provide an acceptable diet.

A protein diet with carrots involves a complete rejection of sweet and other junk food. There are two ways to eat. In the first option, it is necessary to alternate protein and vegetable days. In the second case - to use all allowed foods, mixing them together.

Vegetable Day Option:

breakfastlunchdinnerafternoon teadinner
1,3, 5 and otherstomatoes (200 g)celery stalk and fresh carrots (300 g)vegetable salad (cabbage, carrots, dill, lemon juice)cucumbers (200 g)grated carrots with lemon juice (250 g)

Protein day option:

breakfastlunchdinnerafternoon teadinner
2, 4, 6 and others4 egg whites to fry in a pan without fatnuts or seeds (30 g)boiled chicken without salt (200 g),yogurt or kefir (100 g)boiled fish (250-300 g)

During weight loss, you need to drink clean water. To prevent fluid retention in the body, add dill or parsley to salads. Salting food is not recommended.

The result of losing weight largely depends on the initial body weight. In a week, you can get rid of 5-6 kg of excess weight.

Fasting days

Another way to lose weight include fasting days. One of their most popular types is carrots in combination with kefir.

The root crop is consumed in its raw form, washed down with a dairy product. You can also make kefir-carrot cocktails.

Diet carrot salad

The second variant of the fasting day includes taking freshly squeezed carrot juice. 5-6 glasses are enough per day. The main thing is that the drink was freshly prepared, not packaged.

Preparing and leaving the diet

It is important to lose weight without harm to health, for this you need to correctly enter and exit the method of losing weight.

Before starting a carrot diet, you need to prepare the body. Initially, reduce the amount of servings, because overeating is the main problem of overweight people. Experts recommend eating no more than 200 g of food for 1 time.

Then change the diet of dinner. In the evenings, it is good to eat broccoli, fruits, raw and boiled vegetables, cauliflower, nuts and milk. This food is light, and it does not take much time to digest it. Then proceed to the diet.

If you switch sharply to the method of losing weight, then the person will be constantly hungry, and yet this is a huge stress for his body.

When dieting on boiled carrots and other components, it is important to correctly complete the weight loss technique. Fatty and floury foods should be introduced into the diet gradually. Do not immediately overload the digestive system. This can lead to health problems.

In the first 2-3 days for dinner, eat raw carrots. You can add boiled or baked meat with potatoes.

Only after 10 days it is allowed to add flour and fatty dishes to the diet. The last meal should take place 4 hours before bedtime, drink a glass of water at night.


Carrots when dieting for weight loss are not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcer).

Do not follow the methods of losing weight to women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And also such a diet is contraindicated in adolescents and the elderly.

Raw carrot diet

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines and flatulence, it is not recommended to include carrots in the diet.

Before starting a diet, it is best to get specialist advice.

Feedback and Results

The diet for carrots, according to reviews, is considered one of the most complex, but the effect of it is impressive. Depending on the chosen diet, some losing weight lose up to 1.5 kg per day.

Especially targeted and motivated people are able to lose 11 kg per week. In many respects, it depends on the chosen nutrition system, initial weight and individual characteristics of the body.

One group of women is very pleased with the result. They followed a diet of buckwheat and carrots. As a result, they managed to get rid of 5-6 kg of excess weight in a week.

The second group of women was able to lose weight on Korean carrots. The diet was satisfying, and therefore they did not feel hunger. After 7-10 days of the weight loss system, I managed to get rid of 5 kg of excess weight.


Carrots in any form bring great benefits to the body. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Even in a short period, you can get rid of several kilograms of excess weight. However, the weight loss system is quite tough, and before choosing it you need to evaluate the pros and cons.


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