Summary: “The Night Before Christmas”, N. Gogol

“The Night Before Christmas” Gogol N.V. included in the cycle “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. Events in the work take place during the reign of Catherine II, just at that time when, after the work of the Commission, which was engaged in the abolition of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, the Cossacks came to her.

"Christmas Eve". Gogol N.V. Vakula's promise

The last Christmas day has come to an end. It was a clear, frosty night. No one sees a couple flying in the sky: a witch collects stars in her sleeve, and the devil steals a month. Cossacks Sverbyguz, Chub, Golova and some others are going to visit the clerk. He will celebrate Christmas. Oksana, the 17-year-old daughter of Chub, whose beauty was spoken throughout Dikanka, was left alone at home. She just dressed up when the blacksmith Vakula, who was in love with a girl, entered the hut. Oksana treated him severely. At this time, cheerful, noisy girls burst into the hut. Oksana began to complain to them that she had no one to even present the little animals to. Vakula promised to get them to her, and those that not every panel has. Oksana, at all, promised to marry Vakula if he brings her such little cuttings as those of the tsarina herself. The discouraged blacksmith went home.

“The Night Before Christmas”, Gogol N.V. Guests at Solokha

At this time, the Head came to his mother. He said that he did not go to the clerk because of a blizzard. There was a knock on the door. His head did not want to be caught by Solokha and hid in a sack of coal. Pounded the clerk. It turns out that no one came to him at all, and he also decided to spend time in the house of Solokha. There was another knock on the door. This time the Cossack Chub came. Solokha hid the clerk in a bag. But before Chub could tell about the purpose of his arrival, someone knocked again. It returned to Vakul. Not wanting to run into him, Chub climbed into the same bag into which the clerk had climbed up to him. Before Solokha had time to close the door behind her son, the Sverbyguz approached the house. Since there was nowhere to hide him, she went out to talk to him in the garden. The blacksmith did not get out of her head Oksana. Nevertheless, he noticed the bags in the hut and decided to remove them before the holiday. At that time, fun was in full swing on the street: songs and carols were heard. Amid the laughter and conversation of the girls, the blacksmith heard the voice of his beloved. He ran out into the street, resolutely approached Oksana, said goodbye to her and said that in this world she would not see him again.

"The Night Before Christmas", Gogol N.V. Help

Having run through several houses, Vakula cooled down and decided to turn for help to Patsyuk, a former Cossack who had the reputation of being strange and lazy. In his hut, the blacksmith saw that the owner was sitting with his mouth open, and the dumplings themselves were dipped in sour cream and sent to his mouth. Vakula told Patsyuk about his misfortune, said that in such despair he was ready to turn even to hell. On these words, the unclean appeared in the hut and promised to help. They rushed out into the street. Vakula caught the devil by the tail and ordered him to be carried to the queen in Petersburg. At this time, Oksana, saddened by the words of the blacksmith, regretted that she was too harsh with the guy. Finally, everyone noticed the bags that Vakula had long ago taken to the street. The girls decided that there was a lot of good. But when they were untied, they found a Cossack Chub, Head and clerk. They laughed and joked about this incident all evening.

N.V. Gogol, "The Night Before Christmas." Content: at the reception of the Queen

Vakula flies in the starry sky on the dash. At first he was afraid, but then plundered so much that he even made fun of the demon. Soon they arrived in Petersburg, and then to the palace. There, at the reception of the tsarina, there were just Cossacks. Vakula joined them. The blacksmith expressed his request to the queen, and she ordered him to take out the most expensive shoes embroidered in gold.

Retelling. Gogol, “The Night Before Christmas”: Vakula Returns

In Dikanka they began to say that the blacksmith either drowned, or accidentally drowned. Oksana did not believe these rumors, but still got upset and scolded herself. She realized that she fell in love with this guy. The next morning they served the matins, then the mass, and only after it did Vakula appear with the promised cuttings. He asked Father Oksana for permission to send matchmakers, and then showed the girl cherevichki. But she said that she did not need them, because she was without them ... Further Oksana did not finish and blushed.


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