Laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk: clinics, reviews

In today's world, an increasing number of people suffer from vision problems. Many are forced to eventually resort to laser vision correction. What is it, and where can I do laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk?

What is vision correction

We see due to the fact that the rays of light fall on the retina of our eye, are fixed there and transmit the image to our brain. However, if for some reason the retina cannot get a clear "picture", we see blurry, and then they speak of poor eyesight. Laser vision correction - that is, intervention using a special device - is designed to eliminate this problem.

Krasnoyarsk laser vision correction
There are other ways to resolve this issue - various eye exercises, contact lenses, glasses. However, in some cases, the disease progresses, these methods no longer work, and laser correction remains the only true remedy. The laser affects the cornea of โ€‹โ€‹the eye, the strongest lens in optical magnitude. Thanks to this, the rays of light hit exactly the retina, and we begin to see better.

Many are afraid to do this procedure, but it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, it is safe for sight. The operation itself is very fast, takes no more than twenty minutes - accordingly, inpatient treatment is not required, it can be done under pain relief, and absolute vision restoration is guaranteed within a week after the operation. You can operate on a person of almost any age and with any type of disease. In addition, laser vision correction has been done for many years, and this procedure has helped hundreds of people.

When laser vision correction is needed

Nevertheless, not everyone can do laser vision correction. This operation is permissible only in the following cases: with stable myopia or farsightedness, astigmatism, impaired functioning of one eye, with impaired vision and the inability to wear glasses or lenses due to the specifics of the work (this includes firefighters, military, swimmers and so on).


As with any treatment, there are so many โ€œbuts.โ€ Doing such an operation is strictly forbidden to people who suffer from progressive astigmatism, myopia or hyperopia, with any stage of glaucoma or cataracts, with any eye inflammation, patients with diabetes mellitus, people with endocrine system diseases, children under eighteen years old, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers .

Before surgery

It is important to know what steps you need to take before you lie down on the operating table. First of all, you should undergo a full eye diagnosis and choose the appropriate correction technique with your doctor. Then choose โ€œX-Dayโ€ and prepare for it as follows: stop wearing contact lenses in two weeks, do not drink alcohol in two days, do not use cosmetics and perfumes in one day. In addition, a blood test will be necessary.

clinics for laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk
When going for surgery, you need to remember to bring sunglasses with you - they will be needed right after a few hours to protect your eyes.

Clinics for laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk

In every major city in our time, there are many clinics where eye surgery is performed. Krasnoyarsk is no exception.

The laser eye microsurgery clinic on Maerczak Street offers a choice of an individual correction program, modern equipment from Germany and excellent specialists. The doctors of this clinic guarantee full restoration of the eyes already on the second or third day after the operation. Consulting an ophthalmologist in this center will cost one thousand two hundred rubles, the cost of the procedure itself varies from twelve and a half to twenty five and a half thousand for one eye. In addition, the clinic offers a VIP procedure - a close person can be present in the room, the patient will be provided with a transfer and personalized service. Such a pleasure will cost forty-five and a half thousand rubles.

laser vision correction krasnoyarsk reviews
Laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk can be done in the center of vision correction "Oculus". It is located in the very center of the city - on Prospekt Mira. Specialists offer five different methods and four types of powerful modern equipment (they say that devices of such a high class first appeared in Krasnoyarsk). Laser ocular correction in Oculus will cost (depending on the chosen method and type of disease) a total of fifteen - forty-five thousand rubles per eye. Students receive a twenty percent discount.

Another center of laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk is Iris, which also offers high-class equipment and several different technologies. One eye can be operated on here from twenty two to thirty one thousand rubles. If necessary, documents are provided for the return of thirteen percent of income tax. The clinic is also located in the center, but on Lenin Street.

At the Bereg Clinic, on Dubrovinsky Street, right next to the Yenisei embankment, the cost of an operation in one eye is from twenty-one thousand rubles. And in Krasnoyarsk they are doing laser vision correction on Nikitin - there is the eye center. There, they will take from twelve thousand rubles for work in one eye with a patient.

Laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk: reviews

The most favorable reviews at the clinic of laser eye microsurgery. Patients note polite and attentive administrators, competent doctors, work without delay and really useful recommendations. According to most, this is the best clinic for laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk.

laser vision correction in krasnoyarsk reviews
Reviews on the eye center are a little worse - people are unhappy with the system of recording procedures. Nevertheless, patients talk about the high professionalism of doctors, their participation and friendliness. The disadvantages of this clinic also include high prices, which are calculated at the consultation of an ophthalmologist.

According to patients, the Okulus Medical Center has good doctors and the lack of queues - this is a plus. And of the minuses - the carelessness of administrators, the high cost of treatment and, unfortunately, not one hundred percent result of the operation.

About the Iris Clinic reviews are also mostly positive. People note the human approach, attentiveness and accuracy of the staff, a truly guaranteed result and assistance in restoring the eyes.

Laser vision correction in Krasnoyarsk is also done in the ophthalmologic clinic โ€œBeregโ€, reviews of which are generally favorable. Among the shortcomings are the lack of badges for nurses and the necessary information on the site and high prices. Some patients talk about visual impairment after going to the clinic and doubt the competence of specialists.

laser vision correction Krasnoyarsk Nikitin
โ€œFor taste, for the color of comrades,โ€ says a famous proverb. It can be successfully applied to any aspect of life, including the choice of a clinic for vision correction. One thing is for sure: there are plenty to choose from, and if vision problems exist, you cannot hesitate a day.


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