Propagation of violets with a leaf at home: step by step instructions

Propagating violets with a leaf is a simple method to get a new plant. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Violets leaf propagation

Sheet selection

Having decided to propagate the violet with a leaf, you need to choose the right material. Leaflets that have changed color, damaged, as well as those located on the bottom row, are not used for reproduction. They have few nutrients, even if they give roots, you will not succeed in getting a beautiful, strong and healthy plant with such material.

To propagate the violets with a leaf , material taken from the second row of the outlet is used. It is better to choose a material with a long stalk. This is necessary in order to be able to trim it in case of decay. If the outlet has two or more colors, then you need to choose a sheet with the darkest color. Variegated varieties reproduce in sheets with a minimum brightness of color.

The violet leaf selected for propagation must be broken off from the outlet, but not cut off. Otherwise, you will have to remove the stump, as it can rot.

Possible difficulties

After separating the sheet from the outlet, after a few hours, it begins to wither. If suddenly it does not work out to plant the plant, then the leaf is wrapped in a damp cloth or a piece of cloth and placed in a bag. In this form, the plant is transported.

Next, the resulting leaf is rooted. This can be done by different methods: in water, in the ground.

Violet leaf preparation

Rooting in water

To propagate the violet with a leaf at home in water, it is necessary that she has a petiole of at least four centimeters. It is not necessary to take material with a long or too short cut for reproduction.

At the leaf it is necessary to cut off the edge of the handle. It’s better to do it diagonally: this method allows you to increase the area of ​​building roots and children.

In order for the material to give roots, it is necessary to choose the right vessel. It is best to take a bottle with a narrow neck, but you can use a glass with a volume of not more than 100 ml. The cooled boiled water is poured into it and a leaf is placed there. The handle should not touch the bottom of the container and the walls of the vessel. To avoid deformation of the sheet and improper sprouting of the roots, the following can be done: a piece of paper is taken, a small hole is made there and a piece is inserted, the paper is placed on a glass. As a result, the leaflet should be suspended in a container, as it were, without touching the walls and bottom.

In about a week, roots will appear. It is impossible that they sprouted more than a centimeter, otherwise the leaf does not take root in the ground. Ideally, material with half-centimeter roots is planted in the ground.

Rooting violets in water


As soon as the roots appear at the leaf, it can be planted in the ground. It is best to use ready-made soil mix for senpolia, sold in any summer house store. It is recommended to plant in cups with a volume of fifty or one hundred grams. They are half filled with earth. They make a dimple in it and put a leaf there. It is placed at an angle of 45 degrees. Landing is carried out shallowly, about one centimeter.

After a few weeks, the kids will appear on the surface. They can not be immediately separated from the maternal part, you need to let them grow up to four centimeters. As soon as the children grow up, they are separated from the mother's sheet.

Usually on one leaflet is formed from two or more children. They are carefully separated and seated one at a time in the container.

Violet leaf roots

Rooting in the ground

The article presents photos of violets. Leaf propagation can be done in different ways, including direct planting of the material in the ground, where it gives roots and immediately builds up the kids.

The best time for propagation is spring and summer, but if necessary, you can plant violet leaves at any time of the year. But in winter, the roots grow reluctantly, slowly. This is due to the resting period of the plant. And if you germinate without additional illumination, then the process of germination in the winter will be long.

In addition to sprouting leaves in water, they can be planted immediately in the ground. Step by step propagation of violets with a leaf at home is performed as follows:

  1. The leaf from the outlet is cut off or broken off. This should be a sheet of the second row with a long handle. If the stalk is too long, it needs to be cut, leaving about four centimeters.
  2. We are preparing the ground. It is best to take vermiculite and soil for violets, mixing in equal proportions.
  3. Capacity for landing. Leaflets do not need much land to germinate. They can be planted in fifty-gram cups, in a bag, any container with a depth of at least 2 cm.
    Propagation by violet leaf

Reproduction in a package

Those with little space are advised to propagate the violets in the bag. To do this, take a bag with a lock, on the side at the level of four centimeters from the bottom two vertical cuts are made 2-3 cm long (they are needed for air intake and humidity level regulation). About two centimeters of soil are poured inside, wetted. It is placed at the depth of one centimeter leaf. The package snaps into place. Water the sheet as the soil dries. In such a small plate, the leaflet quickly gives roots and the children are shown. As soon as they grow about four centimeters long, the mother’s leaf is separated, the children are seated.

Reproduction in a glass and other container

If you look at the photo of the propagation of violets with a leaf at home, you can see that children grow best in conditions with high humidity.

For leaf propagation immediately in the soil, it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture. It should be light, loose. Some gardeners plant leaves in pure vermiculite.

For landing, you can use a variety of containers. It can be a disposable cup with a volume of 50 or 100 ml. Be sure to make holes to remove excess moisture. Soil is poured into the container, moistened. Then the prepared leaflet is planted at an angle of 45 degrees to a depth of one centimeter. Capacity is necessarily covered. To do this, you can use a disposable cup, but a larger volume. For example, you planted a leaf in a 50 ml container, then you need to cover it with a glass of 100 ml.

If there are a lot of leaflets, then you can use the container from under the cookies, cake. Soil is poured at the bottom, moistened. Leaflets are marked, planted at an angle of 45 degrees. Top landing is covered with a lid. For convenience, it should make several small holes for air exchange. If you do not do them, you will have to air the greenhouse every day.

When using a container from cookies, containers for breakfast, containers from under the cake, it is possible to propagate violets with a leaf fragment. To do this, the sheet is laid horizontally on the ground, the central part is slightly pressed. From her go kids.

Propagation of violets in the ground

Reproduction in peat tablets

Some gardeners use peat tablets for propagation. When propagating violets with a leaf, when the children appear, it is necessary to constantly feed the plants, since there are practically no nutrients in the tablets.

To grow a socket using this method, you must:

  1. Prepare tablets for planting. For this, an in-depth container is taken in which the tablets are placed. Water is poured there. As soon as the tablets absorb it, you can proceed to planting.
  2. Planting material is being prepared. The cut of violets is pruned at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. A depression is made in the center of the tablet. A leaf is placed in it.
  4. Tablets are placed in a greenhouse: it can be a special micro-steam container, a container under the cake, a plastic breakfast container and another container.
  5. As the top layer of drying is watered.
  6. As soon as the children appear, it is necessary to apply fertilizers for violets and other indoor, decorative flowering plants.

Possible rooting errors

There are a variety of errors when propagating violets with leaves. Which breeding to choose is a personal matter, and everyone decides how it will be easier for him to root the material. However, in order to get a healthy plant, you need to know what mistakes you may encounter.

Most often, flower growers are faced with withering leaf. Due to the long transportation, the leaves may fade. In this case, before embarking on rooting, it is necessary to restore its elasticity. This is easy to do by placing the plant completely in warm water for a couple of hours. After this procedure, the cuttings cut is updated, leaving about three centimeters.

If you decide to propagate the violets step by step with a leaf (a photo of this process is in this article), then you should make sure that the materials do not touch each other, the bottom and the walls of the container. Ideally, it is recommended to root the plants individually: one container of water per plant. In this case, rotting of the entire material can be avoided.

Landing errors

When propagating by leaf in the ground, the following errors are often encountered:

  1. Airtight earth used.
  2. The soil is too saturated with fertilizers. To germinate the leaf, you do not need to take too "greasy" soil, it is quite enough to mix vermiculite or perlite with the soil mixture for violets in equal parts.
  3. The sheet is too deeply buried. With excessive deepening, the germination of children is difficult. It is enough to just plant a leaf to a shallow depth, if only it were kept in the ground.
  4. There is no drainage. When water stagnates in a container, the leaves begin to rot.

With any method of reproduction, the separation of young outlets from the mother leaf is carried out in the case when at least three leaves grow and they reach one third of the size of the mother leaf. Young plants are carefully separated and planted separately.

Errors when planting young plants

During planting, novice growers often take too large containers. As a rule, young rosettes cannot master an earthen lump, the roots begin to rot, the plant dies. To prevent this from happening, first young sockets are planted in pots with a diameter of not more than 5 cm, and only six months later they are planted in pots of 8 or 10 cm.

As a rule, up to twenty new outlets are formed on one mother sheet. To plant them, you need to use the same substrate as for sprouting the leaf. As soon as the outlet releases the first peduncle, it will be necessary to feed. This is done with special fertilizers, but the concentration should be two to three times lower than stated by the manufacturer (this applies to any liquid fertilizer).

Propagation of Violets

If you follow all the recommendations step by step, propagating the violet will be simple and effective. As a result, you will be able to get several rosettes of your choice. In just six months, young plants will delight you with beautiful flowering. Good luck!


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