Fasting days on rice. How to make rice fasting day

Fasting days consist of taking 1-2 food products during the day. The essence of this method is that the body begins to work more actively. During this period, the stomach takes food that is easy to digest, which allows you to relax for the body. At the same time, long gross restrictions on nutrition or even starvation are not required. In this article we will tell you what the fasting days are on rice.

fasting days in rice

Why this product?

Due to its beneficial properties, rice was chosen as a product for fasting days. In addition to the absence of harmful components, it is able to saturate the body. This means that you will not feel hungry throughout the day. In addition, rice contains the optimal amount of protein and fat.

How is the fasting day

Such a short-term diet is carried out once a week. An unloading day is not suitable for continuous use, so do not increase the duration. Moreover, if your health worsened, it is highly advisable to stop this diet and eat something else.

On this day, exclude physical activity, as this will increase the likelihood that you will be too hungry in the evening.

rice unloading day

Do not forget to drink fluids. This is especially important on fasting days in rice, because the product itself has a fastening effect.

It should be noted right away that plain white rice is not suitable in this case. The fact is that this cereal undergoes a serious purification, as a result of which useful fiber and complex carbohydrates are not preserved. This means that there will be no benefit from such fasting days. So find brown or wild rice.

Tips for a fasting day

  • Do not skip breakfast.
  • The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime.
  • Divide the daily diet into five receptions.
  • Do not add any other products.
  • On this day, give up salt, sugar and any spices.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. And now we will consider how a fasting day is spent on brown rice.

fasting day on Malyshev rice


Prepare 150 g of rice the night before, pouring it with clean water. Rinse it in the morning and boil without salt and sugar. Divide this amount of cereal into five identical servings that you will have to eat during the day.

Exit Unloading Day

Remember that fasting days on rice should not abruptly begin and end. That is, you should not overeat one day, the next day confine yourself to one product, and then start eating everything again. Breakfast should be light enough, and for lunch you can add the same rice. So you reduce stress for the body and get the maximum benefit.

Rice Day Features

If you decide to spend such a fasting day, then opt for Wednesday, as this is the equator of the week. If you need two days, then choose Tuesday and Thursday.

Why do we indicate weekdays? Everything is quite simple, because at this time the least food temptations. You will be busy, there will be no time for snacks. So, if you need a result, it is better to start on weekdays.

Ways to cook rice

In order to spend fasting days on rice, it is worth using the recipes below.

The first way is that 100 g of rice is soaked in clean water for three days. You can not add any spices. After this, the water is drained, the cereal is washed and prepared.

The second way is simpler. Groats are simply poured with boiling water and boiled.

rice fasting day reviews

Adding compote

If you are not comfortable with a traditional rice fasting day, then add compote to it. Everything is also very simple here. Instead of water, use a compote of fresh fruits or dried fruits, but without sugar. There is no specific norm, but try not to abuse it.


This component is used in conjunction with rice, and not as a separate drink. You can insist rice on milk or cook on it. But keep in mind that milk must be skimmed.

Effective fasting day on rice. Reviews

You can find many conflicting reviews about the "rice day". This method helped some, others did not. Of course, there are consequences if women were addicted, and instead of a fasting day they chose a mono-diet. As experience shows, all negative reviews are due to the fact that initially there were contraindications. The fact is that rice is a heavy enough product for digestion. If you have gastrointestinal diseases, then it is likely that problems will appear. For this reason, you cannot spend more than one fasting day per week.

once a week fasting day

Fasting day on rice according to Malysheva’s recipe

Efficiency in this case depends on how precisely all the rules are followed. We can say that the principles are as simple as possible, because they are known to everyone. Consider what this fasting day on rice is. Malysheva listed what rice should be:

  • Use only brown rice that is rich in B vitamins and trace elements. This will help you maintain strength and not harm the body.
  • Rice grains should be narrow and long. This variety is richer in terms of nutrients.
  • Get only brown or black rice.

Getting Rice Unloading Day

  • To reduce the calorie content of rice, leave it soaked in clean water overnight. In the morning, wash it several times in warm or hot water.
  • Change the water while cooking rice.
  • Rice is cooked without adding salt.
  • Do not cook the rice until the end. Ideal when the grains are a little hard, slightly undercooked.
  • Do not forget about drinking regimen. You can drink the liquid one hour after eating or half an hour before it. Do not obstruct the metabolic process.
  • You can drink only clean water without gas.
  • According to the recommendations of Elena Malysheva, it is advisable to conduct such fasting days every 3-4 days.

This fasting day was designed to improve health, accelerate metabolism. If you follow the basic recommendations, you will notice the effect as soon as possible.


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