How to make fake pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki? A fake page is ...

So, today we will talk with you about what a fake page is. This is actually a pretty interesting question. Especially considering the fact that in modern social networks these objects are quite popular. Let’s try to reveal the meaning of this phrase with you, and then we will learn how to create this kind of page.

fake page is


Well, we begin with the fact that we will try to get at least a general idea of ​​the current object of social networks. A fake page is nothing but a real fraud. Where does this statement come from? If you translate the word " fake" from English, you can understand that we will have to deal with a fake (or copy).

As a rule, fake VKontakte pages and other social networks are created by scammers. Or, for example, your ill-wishers. Sometimes it can be just an imitation, then in this case there is no harm, but quite often this venture is a real evil, which carries one goal - to harm an honest user. So it’s impossible to say unequivocally that a fake page is harm or a joke. Nevertheless, now we will see with you how such copies are created. For example, well-intentioned.

Victim selection

If you are thinking about how to create a fake page, then let's start with you from the most interesting moment. Namely, with the choice of the so-called victim. Without this, creating something will be very difficult. In fact, impossible.

fake VKontakte pages

Any fake page is nothing more than copying data from one profile to another. And completely. Starting with an avatar, ending with groups and information on the page. So think carefully about whom you would like to duplicate. When you find your object of adoration, you can think about how to make a fake page. Usually this process takes no more than 30 minutes. We will try to use standard methods that were popular several years ago.

We collect information

The next step, after you have chosen the "donor" of information, is to collect the data we need. They will be displayed on our page. Let's start with the fact that you need to transfer all personal data. If you choose a person who does not use special privacy settings, then this process will not take much time.

Wondering how to create fake pages? Then just rewrite (or rather select and copy to the clipboard) everything that only relates to the personal information of your "donor" in his own profile. Now, just in case, write the received lines in a separate document and save it. It will come in handy in case of a variety of crashes and malfunctions. So now let's move on. After all, Odnoklassniki is also crowded with these objects. A fake page is created in just a few clicks after you receive data from a real user profile.

VK fake pages

We supplement the profile

But first, we will stop with you on another rather important point. For example, in addition to the questionnaire, we will have to copy some additional data. These include audio recordings (not necessary, but desirable), photographs (usually they play an important role in this case), films and videos (also not so mandatory).

Usually, fake VKontakte pages accurately copy the victim’s profile. So, you have to spend time and, for example, save several photo albums from a real profile for our fake. It will be better if you create several folders with album names on the computer, and then save there certain pictures. This will facilitate future efforts. When you are done with the task, you can figure out how to make the fake page work.


So, let's start with you from the most important point. This is nothing like registering a new user. If you “fall over” at this stage, then you can completely forget about the venture. A fake page is, as already mentioned, an exact copy of the profile of the person selected as the victim. So we have to provide a similar username.

classmates fake page

Go to the main page of the desired social network, and then start registering. Indicate all the data that is only required of you. They must be taken from the "donor" questionnaire. If you saved the received information in a separate document on your computer, you can use it. Sign in. This is how the fake pages in "Contact" are created. True, now our facility cannot be called finished. After all, we have not yet done everything that is required of us in order to recreate someone’s profile. Now we will talk about what else is needed from us.

Fill in the profile

Fake pages in "Contact" or any other social network is an exact copy of our victim’s profile. When we passed registration with you and received a similar name, as well as filling out all the information in the questionnaire, we can proceed to the next step. This is filling the page with the same objects as the original. It's about pictures and photographs.

First you’ll have to put the same avatar as the original profile. Just copy the photo from the profile, save it to yourself, and then log in to the social network using the username and password used as our fake. Click on "Download avatar" and select the object we need. Changes are required to be saved.

how to create a fake page

Since the fake page is an exact copy of the so-called donor, we have no choice but to create exactly the same photo albums and upload certain photos there. If you saved image files in separate folders on your computer, then things should go quickly and easily. Go to "Photos" and then click on "Create Album". Name it exactly the same as in the original, and then fill it with exactly the same pictures. Save the changes and go to the main page. See what you got. In just a short period of time, we have a fake page ready. True, now we need to discuss one more important point. Which one? Find out now.


After you and I created a fake, you can’t help but talk about another rather important point. These are the consequences that may arise after this venture.

how to make a fake page

For example, a person who decided to use a fake will not be able to regain access to it. All problems will be identified at the stage of proving ownership of the profile. Typically, for this venture is required to provide a scan of the passport. Naturally, we cannot have it in the registered name.

The second point is the ban. If you are revealed as a fake, then with a high degree of probability you will get a fine. The site administration will close access to the page and mark you on a special list as a scammer. Agree, not a very good outcome. So try to avoid the temptation to feel like a different person on a social network. However, now you know how to create a fake page on the Internet.


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