How to tie a hook to the fishing line: options

One of the most popular and fascinating activities in nature is fishing. Outdoor recreation, which allows you to have fun, is impossible without special equipment. Every fisherman needs to know how to tie the hook to the fishing line in a quick and reliable way. The success and subtlety of the event often depends on this. To understand all the intricacies of the fishing process, going to spend time with a fishing rod in a pond, you should be interested in theory.

A variety of mounting techniques

There are many methods that allow you to securely fix the hook on the main fishing line. When choosing a mounting unit, you need to consider some of the features of the upcoming fishing. When going to catch a large fish, it is important to know how to properly attach the hook to the fishing line so that the prey does not break during the hook .

fishing hook

A huge variety of hook fixation techniques can be divided into several main groups:

  1. Simple knots - often used by fishermen to quickly repair damaged gear. These methods of attachment are used in difficult fishing conditions, when there is no large time interval for replacing the hook, or in severe frosts.
  2. Complex knots - necessary for catching fish of large breeds. In this case, the mount must be as reliable and durable as possible. The hooking technique is effective in ponds with an abundance of snags and algae.
  3. Sliding knots - they are often knitted by fishermen who have chosen to fish in places with different depths, the presence of underwater pits. This technique allows you to cover different layers of the water surface, increasing the chances of a successful catch.
  4. Universal nodes - should be in the luggage of knowledge of both beginner and experienced angler. Possessing a universal fastening technique, in any difficult situation you can not be afraid of the question "how to properly attach the hook to the fishing line."
  5. Knots for hooks with a shovel - often needed for appropriate gear, which is ideal for certain breeds of fish.
  6. Specific nodes - allow you to securely attach the hook without a scapula or auxiliary eye. Some types of fishing require equipping fishing rods with hooks of this kind.

Each fisherman is fluent in the most necessary techniques, but knowledge of the rest of the mounting techniques will never be superfluous.

Bloody knot

Despite the awesome name, the bloody knot is considered one of the strongest and simplest, allowing you to tie a fishing hook to the fishing line. Experienced fishermen say that the history of the appearance of the name goes back to the days of the sailing fleet. A special knot tied at the tip of the cable, which was used to punish the guilty sailors. When striking, the knot left a noticeable bloody mark on the skin.

Mounting technology is as follows:

  • the edge of the line is threaded into the hook fixing ring;
  • make several turns around the forend;
  • pass the remainder of the fishing line into the eyelet loop;
  • tighten the knot securely.

This technique is used not only for hooks - with its help you can attach a spinner, mormyshka and other types of bait to a fishing rod.

Bloody knot variations

Over time, the site popular from ancient times was constantly improved, adapting it to certain fishing conditions. There are many types of fixation on the basis of a bloody node. The technique of a locked assembly will help to increase the strength of fastening. For its implementation, it is necessary to carry out classic hooking. At the last stage, after holding the fishing line in the eye, the edge must be stretched from top to bottom in the loop that appears, only then tighten the knot.

how to tie a hook to the fishing line

Another improvement option is to hold the edge of the fishing line from top to bottom along the forearm, while twisting the previously looped loop. This technique is called "tucked up bloody knot." The clinch technique, a variation of the popular mount, is used when using thin and medium fishing lines. Before you attach the hook to the fishing line, you need to double-pass the edge of the monofilament into the ear of the tackle. Next, the basic fixation scheme is repeated.

How to tie a leash

Novice anglers who do not have enough experience often face a problem: they don’t know how to tie a hook to a fishing line on a winter fishing rod using a leash. The quality of the entire gear largely depends on the technique of fastening the leash. An improperly made unit can lead to disruption of production at the most crucial moment of fishing. One of the universal and popular methods of tying is the technique of “loop into loop”.

First you need to make loops. For this, the fishing line is folded in half, threaded through it and tightened, getting a strong knot. Next, the loop of the main monofilament is threaded into the loop of the leash. The hook must be threaded into the loop of the main fishing line. The design is qualitatively tightened and checked for strength. This technique allows you to evenly distribute the load when fishing and provide easy dismantling of gear after use.

Shovel hook

The presence of a special fixing eye on the hook greatly simplifies the technology of its fastening. Novice anglers often do not know how to tie a hook with a spatula to the fishing line. However, if you look at this issue, this can be done without much difficulty. The whip method is considered by many to be the most reliable in this case.

whip mounting method

A free loop is formed along the forearm of the hook, the free edge of the fishing line is wrapped around the rod 6-9 times. The monofilament tail is passed into the prepared loop and the knot is tightened. To strengthen the strength, the line is pre-wetted with water. Another effective method is to attach a hook with a spatula to the fishing line. As in the first case, the edge of the monofilament is carried out along the forend from top to bottom, 6-7 free turns are made around the rod and fishing line. The free tail is carried into the loops formed and, pulling at both ends of the fishing line, tighten the knot.

Offset Hook Attachment

A popular node that can withstand heavy loads and is used for tying sinkers, fasteners, offset hooks, has the name "Palomar". In order for the fastening to turn out to be reliable and durable, it is necessary to carefully observe the knot tying sequence:

  • the running edge of the fishing line is folded in half, departing from the edge of 25-30 cm;
  • form a flat loop;
  • the loop is passed through the hook mounting hole;
  • with a bent edge of the fishing line, tie a regular knot so that the hole is inside;
  • the hook is pulled through the loop;
  • Wet the fishing line with water and tighten the knot.
palomar knot

A few practical exercises in your free time will help you understand how to tie a hook to a fishing line in any conditions.

Fixing the hook on the main fishing line

The success of fishing in many respects depends on the high-quality and reliable fastening of the hook to the main fishing line when rigging the fishing rod. Among the many different methods experienced fishermen single out one simple and effective way to increase the strength of fishing lines of any diameter. Having trained a little in comfortable conditions, the knot can be tied directly to a pond during fishing.

hook fixing without eyelet

Before tying the hook to the main fishing line, its edge is passed through the fixing eye and laid parallel to the main thread. The free end is wrapped around the loop formed from two woods towards the hook. It is enough to complete 3-4 turns. The free edge is passed through the loop farthest from the hook, the line is wetted and the knot tightened. Excess ponytails are cut with scissors or special nippers.

Double hook

Lovers of feeder and float fishing often use the second and third hooks to attach fishing rods. To attach the second hook to the main fishing line, as with single equipment, you need to know the fixing technology. There are several popular options that help you quickly attach extra gear.

second hook mount

To tie the second hook to the main thread, you need to make three small turns with a fishing line. Tightening the resulting loop, form a knot-eight, to which the leash is attached in any convenient way. Then it remains to fix the hook on the leash using one of the methods described above. Understanding the basic technology, you can easily understand how to tie a second hook to the fishing line.

Hook quality

The catchability of fishing will be significantly higher if, when rigging a fishing rod, attention is paid to the quality of its components. The hook is an important part of fishing tackle; there are currently a large number of varieties of it. Depending on the breed of fish, season, conditions of the reservoir, it is necessary to choose the appropriate category of products.

When choosing a fishing hook, you need to pay attention to such important details:

  • hook shape and size;
  • bending angle;
  • forend strength;
  • sharpness of the tip;
  • coating and color of the product;
  • quality of the metal used.

In specialized stores, it is easy to purchase a hook of the right size, suitable for catching a certain type of fish.

How to choose a fishing line

An equally important role in the equipment is played by the correct choice of fishing line or thread. The outcome of fishing may depend on its quality. As in the case of hooks, the diameter and strength of the acquired equipment part depends on the type and habitat of the fish. In winter, the water becomes more transparent, allowing the fish to notice from a distance a fishing line with a pronounced color. In such cases, it is better to use a colorless product or painted in calm, bright colors.

When fishing using light bait and lures, a coarse and strong fishing line can reduce catch. Large-diameter material does not straighten well in water with insufficient load. The fishing line retains noticeable waves, which often scare away the fish. It is important to know how to tie the hook to the fishing line correctly, so that when immersed in water, the functionality of the bait is preserved. It is advisable to perfectly master the technique of fastening the hook to avoid fish gathering.

Tips from experienced fishermen

If you provide the necessary storage conditions for parts of fishing equipment, you can significantly extend their service life. To prevent the hooks from rusting and dull, they must be kept in a suitable box. It is covered with foam soaked in engine oil. Hooks are placed on it, sorting them by size and purpose.

hook storage

To prevent rust on small carbines and other parts of the equipment, several tablespoons of starch should be poured into the storage box. Hooks that have been exposed to rust can be stuck in a piece of laundry soap for a while.

Often during fishing, it is necessary to quickly replace the gear that has become unusable. Finding the right parts can take up valuable biting time. To avoid this, it is necessary to prepare and anticipate possible troubles in advance. If you are going fishing, you can make several leashes with hooks for quick installation. It is important to keep order in the box where the equipment parts are stored. Storage of hooks, mormysheks, and spinners in bulk not only complicates the search for the desired product, but can also lead to injuries.


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