Why dream of broken glass? What does broken glass mean in a dream?

Why do people believe dreams? Trying to unravel the meaning of night visions, we hope to control the unknown that awaits us after awakening. A person has always been defenseless against the future, but believed that in a dream he receives tips that will help to avoid dangers. Is it so? Today, even physiologists, psychologists and other representatives of official medicine agree that dreams do predict the future to some extent.

why do you dream of broken glasses
So, to see a broken glass in a dream means that the dreamer will soon encounter unpleasant events. But what will they be?

To believe or not to believe?

Can one believe in dream books? In order to independently answer this question, it is enough to read several popular publications in a row. Even a not very attentive reader will see: in each of them the same subjects are interpreted differently. So dream books lie? Yes and no. Each person has his own set of signals and symbols, which works only for him. A simple example. Test tubes with the smell of fish were brought to the sleeping person . For the fisherman this smell aroused dreams of a big catch, for the cook - a dream about spoiled fish, and the housewife dreamed of a refrigerator. To learn to solve dreams, you need to remember for a long time not only their plots, but also the events that followed them. Scientists have found that dreams, especially recurring ones, signal an impending malaise or illness. Here is an example. Why dream of broken glass? They can symbolize something “crashed”, failed: a failed deal, unhappy love, a failed trip.

what do broken glasses dream of
However, in this case, intuition works. If a person experiences pain from cuts, then most likely, he begins inflammation in the place where the glasses fell in a dream.

Bad and Good Dreams

In fact, these do not exist. Any dreams are a clue. Nightmares, no matter how terrible they may be, dream for only three reasons: either a person begins to get sick, or a terrible dream reflects hidden fears, or the brain thus tries to highlight something important. If a person is calm, does not feel tension or anxiety, he will not see broken things, labyrinths, dead people and other negative subjects in a dream. This is proved by absolutely all dream books. Here's how they answer the question: "Why do I dream of broken glasses?"

  • Miller's Dream Book. Its compiler is sure that broken glass makes a person rush because he has enemies.
  • The new family claims that cloudy or broken glass portends failure.
  • The compilers of the Mayan Dream Book insist that broken glass means a breakdown. (Interestingly, in Mayan times there were many glasses?)

Absolutely all dream books do not see anything bad in the whole glass. In some of them, the interpretation of this concept is simply absent or portends luck. Why is this happening?

dream book broken glass

Dreams and Reality

If we summarize how dozens of other dream books answer the question “why do I dream of broken glasses”, then only two words are enough: “To the negative”. But isn't that obvious? Broken glass can cause injury in life. It is unlikely that anyone will be happy with a broken window, a cracked crystal vase, shattered into shards of a glass. Anxiety, sadness, annoyance are automatically transferred to sleep. Let's do an experiment. What associations does the word glass cause? Most often there are such: fragile, transparent, muddy, sharp, window, color ... Now let’s check what plots are found in dream books.

  • Esoteric dream book: broken glass will inspire recalling the past, which can hurt. Stained glass - for a change.
  • Miller's Dream Book: cloudy glasses dream of failure.
  • Noble dream book: broken glass is a danger on the road.
  • Zadkiel's dream book (old English): dirty, dull glass is the impermanence of a loved one.

Even from this tiny review, you can see that dreams are credited with meanings close to "daytime" associations.

in a dream see broken glass

About broken glass more

Let's try to make sure that approximately the same dream plots in different publications are interpreted differently. Take a simple dream: broken glass. They do not injure anyone, just asleep sees fragments, broken window glass or glasses. What does this mean?

  • Noble dream book foreshadows danger on the road.
  • The dream book with the original name “Interpretation of Dreams” convinces us that the sleeping person will face the death of his mother or the salvation of a child.
  • Medea's dream book claims that the fragments are in danger.
  • The 21st century edition interprets this dream in a completely different way: broken glass, its compilers explain, dreams of safety.

You can find other transcripts of the broken glass story. Why dream of broken glass? To separation and quarrels, illnesses, new meetings, recovery, an early illness, a successful deal, separation from a loved one, quick resolution of an important issue ... In a word, how many authors of these books have so many explanations. Why is this happening? Firstly, each author is based on their own experience. Secondly, interpretations, wandering from one publication to another (especially for online dream books), are gradually overgrown with errors and conjectures. Finally, there are people who do not want to answer the question of why they dream of broken glasses or explain any other plot, but simply earn more money.

dream broken glass

How to "read" dreams?

So, dreams can not be deciphered? They give in if you learn to work with them correctly. This can be done if you spend a certain amount of time. First you’ll have to start a diary in which you need to record if not all, then at least a variety of dreams. After that, carefully analyze your condition: what is worrying at the moment, how you are feeling, etc. So, fragments in the mouth can be dreamed at the very beginning of a sore throat or acute respiratory infections. In a dream, to see broken glass piercing the stomach, most likely, to begin inflammation in this part of the body, but they can also be seen after an overly dense dinner. Broken window glass warns someone about impending troubles, and someone predicts a successful breakthrough in work. After some time, a system of symbols will be built up that will help to correctly interpret your own dreams or visions of friends. Only then will it be possible to understand why broken glasses or any other nightly fantasies dream of.

dream broken glass

What will help to learn the art of interpretation of dreams?

In addition to the painstaking work of compiling a system of own symbols, one can read about what representatives of different cultures and professions think of dreams and their meanings. The work of psychologists, somnologists will help to understand yourself. Books on the physiology of sleep will give clues about what happens when a person is sleeping. Dreams that explain dreams will reveal a whole range of interpretations. And there are books that allow you to create lucid dreams, change dreams already in the process of "viewing" them. Having studied literature, knowing himself, a person will be able not only to answer the question of why broken glasses are dreamed of, but also to create visions at his discretion. Those who do not know which interpretation to choose, which dream book to prefer, experts recommend: choose the most positive interpretation, believe in it, and then nothing bad will happen. After all, human thoughts are material, they can attract both positive and negative. Therefore, do not be afraid of dreams and wait for the bad. After all, even broken glass is not necessarily bad. Remember what the dishes are beating for?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7788/

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