Hurricane: dream book. The interpretation of dreams

All people have dreams. Someone sees acquaintances and relatives, someone different objects and objects, and someone the most different phenomena or images. We suggest today to find out why a hurricane is dreaming. To interpret this vision, we turn to some of the most respected and complete dream books that are available in our time.

hurricane dream book

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

Let's consider how night vision interprets, in which one way or another the hurricane appears, this collection. So, if you dreamed that you were in the center of a storm, then in the foreseeable future you run the risk of experiencing pain and disappointment because your plans that were supposed to lead you to your cherished goal are not destined to come true. Miller’s dream interpretation is also interpreted as a harbinger of big changes in the fate of the sleeper, which are often associated with serious losses. A vision in which you hear the roar of a hurricane and see trees bending under gusts of wind holds a long and painful expectation, which will be replaced by decisive attempts to resist the collapse. If in a dream a tornado collapses on your home, then in reality you will find a change in the established way of life. Perhaps you will often move from place to place and change jobs. If at night you saw only the consequences of a terrible storm, then in reality woe will not touch you personally.

see a hurricane in a dream

What a hurricane dreams of: Freud’s dream book

This source considers night visions in the plane of relations with representatives of the opposite sex. So, let's find out why the hurricane is dreaming, according to the ancestor of psychoanalysis. According to information from this source, this is a very transparent symbol. He is a harbinger of the coming of significant changes in your life. Moreover, they will be associated with meeting a person who will make you take a fresh look at familiar things, as well as relationships with people close to you. Seeing in a dream a hurricane that caused damage to you or someone else - to an acquaintance that in the future will bring you a lot of excitement and problems, although at first it will seem that everything is working out perfectly. Watching an approaching tornado - to worries about the fate of a friend or girlfriend who are unlucky in their personal lives. However, one should not worry for no reason. So, if your friend is quite happy with this state of affairs, then you should not worry.

Intimate dream book

If you saw an impending storm, then in real life serious changes await you, and not always for the better. It is possible that you are facing separation from a loved one. A dream, a wind, a hurricane in which you do not see, but only hear their noise, acts as a warning about a threat looming over you. Therefore, in real life, maximum vigilance and prudence should be shown.

dream wind hurricane

Modern dream book

What does the vision say in which a hurricane sweeping and destroying everything in its path is coming right at you? The Dream Interpretation says that in this case, excitement and a feeling of uncertainty await you, which will engulf you when you try to deal with problems that could seriously damage your business. If you had the impression that you are in a house that is about to be destroyed by a powerful tornado, while you are trying to save someone, then in real life you will experience very serious changes. It is possible that you will wander around distant countries, which in the end will not affect positively either your financial or family affairs. Watch in a dream of destruction after a severe hurricane - to a threat looming over you. Moreover, close people will help you take it away. If you have imagined someone who has suffered from the actions of the elements, then in real life you will be very worried about someone's problems and troubles.

dream hurricane tornado

Old English dream book

Many interpreters of night visions are very wary of such a symbol as a hurricane. The authors of this collection are not an exception. According to them, a dream, a hurricane, in which the tornado plays a fundamental role, promises all sorts of dangers and misfortunes to sailors and travelers, as well as the bitter disappointments of lovers. In addition, such a vision is a harbinger of disease for business people, as well as ordinary traders. For the rest of the people, the hurricane promises family scandals and quarrels.

Gypsy dream book

This source interprets the vision in which the hurricane appears as follows. You will seriously quarrel with a relative or close friend and, in the heat of your voice, tell him too much, which you will later regret very much.

dream hurricane outside the window

Dream interpretation for the whole family

To begin with, we find out what promises the fair sex a vision in which a hurricane appears. A dream interpretation for the whole family sees this natural phenomenon as a sign that you are overwhelmed by passions. Most likely, you are waiting for serious changes in life. If at the same time you still hear the terrifying growing rumble of the elements, then the upcoming changes will bring you nothing but disappointment. Attempts to hide from the hurricane indicate that in reality you are striving for a calm measured life and harmonious relations with others. To dream of the terrible consequences of a tornado, to the onset of a black strip. So, perhaps a deterioration in health and loss of understanding with loved ones.

Now we find out what such a dream prophesies for men. The hurricane outside the window, seen by the stronger sex, is seen as a harbinger of the formation of some obstacles on the path of life. If you dream only of the roar of a tornado, but you do not see the natural phenomenon itself, then in reality you risk inaction in a situation that requires the most decisive action. To dream of a hurricane that destroys a sleeping man’s house means a change of job, and possibly occupation, as well as frequent trips. The tornado, which dreamed on the night of Sunday to Monday, warns of your dissatisfaction with the boss, even a reprimand or demotion is possible. A hurricane, seen from Tuesday to Wednesday, warns of impending financial difficulties. Such a dream from Friday to Saturday suggests that in the near future you may have to do some dirty, humiliating work.


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