Surprise the kid: do-it-yourself shadow theater

Do you want to offer your child a new interesting entertainment? Looking for original ideas? It’s enough just to make a shadow play at home with your own hands. You will not need any special equipment and materials. All tools are available. Such an activity will captivate the child so much that you can turn him into a creative, developing process.

The principle of the organization of the spectacle

The Shadow Theater is one of the oldest forms of art. Previously, it was available only to the rich, since puppet dolls were created from expensive materials. Subsequently, this entertainment became an exciting children's game. Do-it-yourself shade theater at home is easy. You will need the following:

  1. Screen made of white translucent fabric.
  2. Spotlight (ordinary table lamp).
  3. Objects that will act as artists.
  4. Scenery.

The screen is hung or placed between the audience and the light source. Figures that cast shadows are placed between the screen and the lamp. The closer the characters will be to the source of light, the more they will become more on the "stage". It is important that your silhouettes do not appear in the rays of the flashlight, otherwise they will also be on the screen.

The objects with which the play is played can be figures assembled from fingers, objects made of paper and other materials, moving people. In the latter case, more space will be needed to organize the theater. In the first and second variant, the table plane is sufficient.

do-it-yourself shadow theater

Your hands are the best artists (schemes)

If the child you are going to entertain is still small, just use your own palms. This is the easiest way to make your own shadow theater. Finger weave patterns are presented below.

do-it-yourself shadow house theater

First of all, you will have to practice folding your hands yourself. You can use static shapes that will move along the stage. When this stage is mastered, move on to the dynamic characters. Wiggle your fingers, and the ears move in the bunny, the mouth opens in the wolf, and the bird flies, flapping its wings.

do-it-yourself shadow theater patterns

If the kid was impressed with the action and wanted to try himself as a director and director, motivate him, inspire, praise for everything that he will do. This is a very useful developmental activity, as it improves the motor skills of the fingers. If initially not everything will be obtained from the baby, do not be discouraged. He will gradually master this technique. Further it will be possible to move on to more complex productions with puppet dolls and decorations.

The main characters do it yourself

When the finger theater is mastered, start making characters from improvised materials. You will need the following:

  • paper or cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • knife or scissors;
  • glue;
  • stencils, fabric (optional).

There are two ways to make figures:

  • on sticks;
  • on flat bases.

The first option is more convenient in that those who will keep them can be at a distance from them.

do-it-yourself shadow theater fairy tale
It is important that the shadows on the screen do not fall from the players themselves. In the second case, when the figures are rearranged, the hands of the player are visible. However, this option also gives an advantage, which consists in the fact that the figures can be arranged and are in a static state without human intervention (they do not need to be kept). At this time, another character will move between the standing figures. It is convenient, for example, to build scenery (trees, houses).

If you have decided on the design of the figures, proceed to create their shapes. The easiest way to cut them out of paper. As sticks, cocktail tubes are suitable. Forms can be made solid or openwork, as well as add fabric decor.

If you need to make a lot of identical objects, it is easier to use stencils, that is, make one form, and then circle them the desired number of times. If you have children's stencils for creativity or any other, use them. They are convenient, as they are thematic, for example, according to fairy tales. With their help, you can easily and quickly make all the characters. You don’t need to draw heroes yourself or look for examples of illustrations. Now it’s easy to make figures by printing images on a printer and cutting them out.

We do the scenery

In addition to figures, you can make objects that will create the atmosphere of a particular scene. In this case, the do-it-yourself shadow theater takes longer, but it looks more diverse and interesting. It is worth remembering that children are fascinated not only by the production itself, but also by participating in the preparation of the play.

do-it-yourself shadow theater fairy tale

The original idea of ​​creating the scenery and the characters themselves is presented in the photo above. Drawing characters and scenery on a white screen (sheet of paper) with black paint is the very idea. To do this, of course, you need to be able to hold the brush in your hands. Outlines of objects can be outlined in thin lines in advance.

Children also want to be artists

Do-it-yourself shadow theater can be created by children even without the participation of adults. You will be spectators of an impromptu performance. Hang the sheet on the frame, install the lamp. Let the children portray different movements, imagine themselves to be fairy-tale heroes.

do-it-yourself shadow theater

Performance Ideas

With the help of such entertainment you can have fun with friends and their children. Have a joint presentation. If you decide to make a collective shadow theater with your own hands, the fairy tale that will be the basis of the script should be selected in advance. In this case, everyone will receive the task of which heroes he must make. Such a creative process will be very exciting and everyone will like it.

do-it-yourself shadow theater

You saw that the shadow theater with your own hands is easy to do. All materials are available, and the process of creating a performance is as interesting as viewing the action. This fascinating activity will help to entertain the baby at home and have fun.


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