Network utility - the key to safe and reliable operation of the Network

For high-quality and uninterrupted operation of the network - both local and external - it is necessary to conduct its monitoring and diagnostics in a timely manner. Anything can happen, starting with the theft of traffic and ending with virus programs entering its environment. To avoid this, the administrator must regularly collect network data, study current indicators and take appropriate measures in case of malfunctions.

What does a web check include?

Actually, the health check of network connections is performed using special applications. Each network utility implements its function and must be with the administrator.

To identify problems, check the following:

  • whether each user is connected to the network, is there data exchange with him;
  • whether users have access to the protocols of the main server;
  • Are the IP addresses correctly distributed to each client in the network?
  • whether the traffic is exceeded, and whether the established limits / transmission speed correspond to the declared conditions.
Network Utility Safe Operation

Precisely because in order to stabilize the operation of the Network, one has to perform such painstaking work, network programs and utilities are required. It is impossible to cope without them.

Purpose of network applications

Of course, this software is used not only as a preventive measure. If the user is good enough in computer hardware and programs, then in case of any problems, he can use Windows network utilities and fix the problems on his own.

In general, network protection is not necessary from the internal work of users. Usually it is a virus and malware, hacking attempts, phishing and sniffing.

Windows Network Utilities

The utilization of these applications on corporate and work networks is simply of tremendous importance. It looks interesting when the utility unexpectedly detects a significant excess of network traffic on one of the computers. This means that one of the users is engaged in extraneous matters.

If you suddenly began to "slow down" the Internet, the speed of opening pages and interaction on the network fell, utilities also come to the rescue. There are several reasons: the long download of large files (possibly even strangers) or problems from the provider. But the network connection utility will determine everything. It will display the results of the check to the administrator.

Network utilities

All applications used to verify the operation of the Network have their purpose and narrow specialization. This makes it possible to purposefully and accurately identify the problem. The following is a list of the most popular network utilities:

  • Ping. This network utility controls the quality of packet exchange based on TCP / IP protocols. It sends a request to a specific client on the network and likewise receives a response packet from it. Based on the results of the check, the quality of the connection and the normalization of the network in this section are revealed.
  • Ipconfig. The work of this utility converges on checking all the data on the settings of network protocols and connections. In particular, how correctly does packet exchange work and does the client-server communication work.
Network programs and utilities
  • Tracert / Traceroute. A small utility that allows you to track all data routes over networks using TCP / IP protocols. Using its own settings and positioning tools, this network utility checks the operation of routers, as well as identifies which of them had problems.
  • Pathping. And this powerful utility is a combination of Tracert and Ping. Sends data to routers using the echo effect (request-response). Based on the results obtained, it analyzes and issues a clear infographic.

Network programs

In addition to the above utilities, there is a whole range of specialized programs whose purpose is to ensure the normal functionality of the network, identify and troubleshoot. And if the network utility performs only one action, then the program contains the whole complex of measures.

Network Connection Utility

In addition, network programs have the following features for network security:

  1. Isolation of shared files from third-party interference. This means setting different levels of access for specific users.
  2. Prohibition of editing files. In cases where a file is used by one of the users, it will be blocked for everyone else.
  3. Client mail services. Perform data exchange.

By purpose, network programs can be divided into three categories:

  • electronic mail messages and instant messengers;
  • planning programs (warning systems);
  • programs with network keys for several users (both highly specialized and general).


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