Choosing a table for a first grader

Preparing for school is a real test. And not so much for the child as for his parents. How many questions need to be resolved! How many things to buy! And this is not only about pens, notebooks and books, because the future student also needs appropriate furniture! What should I look for in order to choose a reliable and high-quality table for a first-grader?

first grader table
First of all, decide for yourself: are you ready to change furniture every 2-3 years. If not, then you should look after the transformable table for the first grader, who will serve him, possibly until the graduation. Some parents prefer desks whose countertops are tilted. However, it is worth noting that such models are not equipped with drawers, so in this case you will have to buy an additional rack or shelves for books and notebooks for the student. But there is an undeniable plus - this is the slope of the surface. The load from the spine in this case and the tension of the back muscles are removed.
kids table for first grader

Before choosing a table for a first grader, be sure to consider what it should be. Perhaps it is advisable to immediately buy a model with sections for a computer, because today the educational process is not complete without this technique. Although this option can hardly be called successful, because if the space is occupied by a monitor, then less space will be left for writing instruments.

Going to the store to buy a table for a first-grader, be sure to take with you the very future student. It is very important that the child's posture during exercise is correct, and this can only be achieved if the furniture is suitable.

how to choose a table for a first grader
So, put the first grader at the table. Please note that the distance that is formed between his stomach and the edge of the furniture should not be greater than the width of the palm of the child. Improper position is fraught with the development of stoop. To determine if the table is suitable for a first grader or not, ask your child to straighten up. Let him put his elbows on the desk, spread his fingers and try to touch the outer corner of the eye with his forefinger. If he succeeds, then this table is perfect. If the finger rests on the forehead or chin, look for another option.

It is also important to pay attention to the position of the child's legs. If the knees rest below the tabletop, then the table is too low. The knee, ankle and hip joints should be located at an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, there should be enough space under the student’s leg table.

If you do not have the opportunity to take the child with you to the store, focus on the following indicators.

Child height, cm

Table height, cm







More accurate indicators can be obtained by measuring the student. If you seat him on a chair (of the correct height) and measure the distance from the floor to chest level, you will get the necessary table height.

Well, of course, do not forget that a children's table for a first grader, like any other furniture for babies, should be made only from natural materials. Its main qualities are safety and convenience. Let your son or daughter go to first grade, but they still remain children. Therefore, care for their health remains in the first place.


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