What is the dream of a dead dog? Dream Interpretation will tell!

A dog that appears in a dream is treated differently by peoples. In the West, it is traditionally considered a symbol of a friend, in the East - an enemy. It is clear that this is also the attitude to the plots in which the murdered dog flashes. Dream interpretation of Azar, for example, argues that a dead dog - to the loss of a loved one, grounded feelings. This is a harbinger of a quarrel with a friend, a woeful break that cannot be avoided. However, not all commentators are so pessimistic. Let's look at the transcripts to understand what the murdered dog looked like.

dead dog dream book

Miller's Dream Book

A dog is a symbol of a close, faithful, faithful friend. Dogs have long been living among people, helping to protect the settlements from a wild beast and an evil person. It is from this point of view that Mr. Miller approaches the decoding. A four-legged friend, as a rule, speaks of something good: support at a difficult moment, timely warning, comfortable relations and the like. Another thing is a dead dog. Miller's dream book is sure that this image portends trouble. If you just saw a dead dog, you will lose confidence and calm. People will turn away from you, refuse to understand and support. This is a symbol of mistakes committed out of a selfish desire to be the best, to get the most delicious piece. According to this dream book, to kill a dog in a dream with your own hands is to initiate a serious conflict in a friendly circle. Defending your opinion, you will not regret the feelings of a person who has done nothing but good to you. He will reasonably be offended. To restore relations will be very difficult, almost impossible, if you do not realize in time that you are attacking the poor fool in vain. Sleep warns against rash words and deeds. To kill a mad dog, on the contrary, is good. The plot portends the identification of a traitor, gossip, a liar among close friends.

dream book kill a dog in a dream

Modern dream book

Killing a dog is an important event. According to this source, it is important to recall all the circumstances of the events that happened to you in the astral plane. The fact is that the interpretation depends on the type and condition of the dog. A large, thoroughbred dog denotes an influential person to face. If you killed her in a dream, then in reality you will not be able to take the chance to enlist the support of some important person. This will happen due to your mistake or mistake. Another thing, according to the dream book, is to kill the dog that attacks. This is a sign of victory over the enemy or adverse circumstances. An evil dog is not just an ill-wisher, but an active, cunning, very cruel enemy or hater. The image portends serious troubles with which the dreamer will be able to cope if he shows will and courage. The killed dog, the dream book is unambiguous here, is also a harbinger of a way out of the black line of life. Be sure: ahead of joy and happiness!

dream book kill the dog

Moon Dream Book

Visions about dogs are very ambiguous, written in this source. They can mean both friendship and support, and irreconcilable hostility. It all depends on the color of the animal. A white dog is a sign of good relations, help, success, a black one is a symbol of an envious person or an enemy. It is clear that the murdered dog is also treated ambiguously. The Dream Interpretation assures that to kill an animal of a light color is to trouble through its own fault. This is a harbinger of a fatal error, which, by the way, everyone commits. If you correctly analyze the dream, take it into account in real life, then you can change your fate, avoid a mistake. To take the life of an evil black dog is to cope with the enemy, to overcome unfavorable circumstances, sometimes to defeat your own vice. In any case, the plot portends a victory. If in a dream they killed a skinny hungry dog โ€‹โ€‹- offend an innocent person. Such a plot speaks of excessive pride, contempt for those who have achieved less success in life. Take your pet to the veterinary clinic and kill him there - to family troubles.

dream book see kill a dog

Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

The dog, according to this authoritative source, knows how to see spirits, the animal in realities anticipates events that should happen to its owner. For example, if a dog barks in a dream, it means that petitioners will come to the doorstep. The dog can look to the future. To kill your dog is to oppress the corresponding abilities in the soul. That is, this advice is to stop brushing off the hints of intuition, to listen to them, says the dream book. To kill an evil dog is to overcome sinful, useless desires. This is a symbol that the bright side of nature will prevail over the dark. A great omen! To kill a dog belonging to another person means that in real life you commit an offense, which will become a source of torment for conscience for a long time.

East dream book

Let's look at the image of the dog from a different perspective. In eastern tradition, it is a symbol of the enemy. When deciphering plots that occurred in the astral plane, this is taken into account. As this dream book assures, to see โ€œkill the dogโ€ means that the enemy will be defeated before your eyes. This person will face a formidable force that exceeds his capabilities. You just have to watch the events from the side and rejoice that you did not have to enter the fray. The enemy will be defeated by the wrong hands. To kill the dog himself is to fight the enemy. She will be successful. If the dog survived, then you will not be able to cope with the enemy in realities. He will harbor resentment and try to take revenge. Kill a rabid dog - get help in business from an unexpected angle. The one you consider the enemy will be a kind and helpful person.

dream book kill the dog that attacks

Family dream book

This source connects a pet to the atmosphere in a circle of close people. Kill the dog - enter the black bar. There will be quarrels and conflicts in the house. Dying your dog is a loss of understanding in the family. This is a harbinger of alienation between loving people. If you happen to have killed an attacking dog in a dream, identify the gossip that poisoned your life. Most likely, this person enters the house. He uses the information received from visits to denigrate your good name, dissolving false gossip. This rogue will soon be caught red-handed. If a woman sees how she kills a white dog, then she will be able to identify the true intentions of the womanizer, who seeks to use her kindness for her own purposes.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

To kill a dog is to lose a source of income, to remain without funds, this source of wise thoughts assures. Lead your dog to the slaughter - at risk of attack by robbers. The dream interpretation recommends taking precautions, checking constipation, and not walking along dark streets alone. This is a disturbing story portending the loss of property through violence. Seeing someone killing a dog means you have to witness someone else's ruin. Sometimes this portends a fire or natural disaster, as a result of which the property of neighbors will suffer, for example. If a cat kills a dog in a dream - believe the crook, who will clean it to the skin. Try to be more careful and prudent.

dream book kill an evil dog

Russian dream book

Dog means friendliness and brotherhood. Plots in which the animal dies are interpreted negatively here. If you yourself killed the dog, then your discontent and a tendency to indiscriminate criticism create problems for others. People are just tired of listening to constant accusations and groans. They will try to bypass you so as not to get too much negative. Do not change your behavior - you will remain alone. To kill a dog is to lose friendly warmth and support. A dream is good only for egoists who do not understand why people value communication so much and strive for it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7810/

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