The one who saw snow in a dream is that happy person?

In their definitions, the sources are ambiguous. Some people think that snow is good, others have a different opinion. So what if you saw snow in a dream? How to interpret?

saw snow in a dream
Family dream book

Snow in a dream predicts a calm and prosperous life. White, clean, covering vast spaces - to a long period of well-being. The one who saw snow in a dream is a happy person! He does not need to deal with troubles, to overcome life's hardships. Everything is easy and simple for him. Fate itself brings him to the right people, builds the necessary circumstances! Moreover, it does not cause envy and negativity among others! Seeing a lot of snow in a dream is a lot of fun! Wait for the pleasant guests who will excite and fill your home with noisy bustle! The snow is melting - you risk making the wrong decision under the guidance of your emotionality. It is worth stopping and counting to ten (or more) to calm down! Do not decide in a rush, then you will regret it!

see white snow in a dream
Female dream book

Seeing snow is a life without troubles. If you saw how snowflakes swirl in the air and cover the earth, admired the beauty of the landscape, then get good news. Perhaps the emergence of a new interesting acquaintance in your life. Dirty snow - to pacify pride. You will have to communicate with a very harmful person who repels you with his arrogance. Alas, you cannot avoid this contact. Take everything as an exam for the goodness in your soul! And better laugh at your experiences. Seeing white snow in a dream is also a laugh. The fun will be very unexpected, one might say, even inappropriate, but it will help to resolve a certain awkward situation that arose in the team.

Russian dream book

Anyone who saw snow in a dream will be deceived. Where you have expected success and prosperity, you will receive losses and betrayal. The snow-white cover, seen in a dream, portends a series of obstacles that lead you away from the desired achievements. If summer

see a lot of snow in a dream
it began to snow - you have to marvel. A pleasant event will extremely please you, although it will happen completely unexpectedly. The snow is melting - your affairs are going smoothly.

Modern dream book

In winter - does not bode well. In the summer - to the surprise. A terrible snowstorm - to great obstacles. If you freeze in snowdrifts - to stagnation. If you walk barefoot through the snow cover - to poverty. Hard times have come, literally have to save in everything. Only one who saw snow melting in a dream, disappearing in the sun, can hope for a change for the better. A favorable turn in the fate of those who saw such an image is expected soon.

Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

Anyone who saw snow in a dream should fasten. His affairs will not soon come to a successful conclusion. Seeing flying snowflakes - to the encouraging news, benefit. If they fall on you - there will be a dream come true! Wander among the snowdrifts - to trouble. Snow poured your yard - to mourning.

Esoteric dream book

This source believes that snow whiteness is associated with the clothes of doctors. Saw him - get to the hospital. The cause may be both an injury and an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Dirty snow - to recovery. Minor diseases will leave you for good, serious diseases will disappear for a long time and will not make themselves felt.


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