Winter wobbler: types and description, features of application, photo

Fishing bait wobbler, invented more than a hundred years ago, was originally intended for summer trolling or spinning fishing. However, not so long ago, this type of bait began to be actively used for winter predator fishing. Consider the features of winter wobblers and the possibility of their use for ice fishing.

What is a wobbler

A wobbler is an artificial bait that looks like a small fish, amphibian or insect, which is the food of predatory fish. These voluminous baits look natural, no matter what angle their predator sees. The movement of the wobbler in water imitates the movement of the fry, which attracts predatory fish.

The material for the manufacture of wobblers is wood, plastic, sometimes cork, and more recently, silicone. The most reliable and durable are solid plastic baits without glued parts.

The wobbler consists of a body with a blade attached to it, which serves to deepen and create intense vibrations. From one to three hooks, usually tees, are attached to the body, but can be double or single. The case also has an eyelet for attaching fishing line.

Types of Wobblers

Currently, there are a huge number of wobblers that differ in body shape, weight, scapula size, buoyancy and color. Any fisherman can choose a bait depending on the tasks that he sets for himself and on the conditions in which to solve these problems.

pot-bellied wobbler

The main criteria when choosing a wobbler is

  • Buoyancy. Depending on how the bait behaves in water, they are all divided into floating (remain on the surface), drowning (go to the bottom) and suspenders (remain in the water column at an average depth, as if in a "suspended" state).
  • Immersion depth. By the degree of maximum deepening, these baits are superficial, medium and deep.
  • In body shape. Lures of the most diverse forms are produced - long and short, spindle-shaped and almost round, pot-bellied and blunt. Not only the nature of its β€œplay" in water, but also other operational parameters depends on the shape of the bait.

What types of wobblers are suitable for winter fishing?

What is a winter wobbler

Since the movement of the bait in a vertical position is relevant for winter fishing, all wobblers used for these purposes are usually called vertical. In Russian, the slang name of rattlin was assigned to them, which comes from the name of the Rapala Rattlin, a very popular wobbler in Europe, a bezelless bait for sheer luster.

Almost all wobblers for winter fishing belong to sinking-type lures, only some of them are suspenders.

winter wobbler

Features of winter fishing lures

Distinctive features of winter wobblers are:

  • The absence of blades. All rattlins move vertically under the weight of their own weight and do not deviate too much from this direction when pulling up and with free planning.
  • Holes for attaching fishing line (one or more) are located on top of the back.
  • Rattlins are equipped with two hooks, usually tees. But double and single hooks can be used. Since the hooks are located below, under the abdomen, the bait should not be lowered to the very bottom, otherwise it will cling to any obstacles on it.
7.5 cm 9g per zander

These baits are made of high quality plastic, hollow inside. A rattle is arranged in the body of the "fish" - small balls that create a noise that attracts a predator. As a rule, any winter wobbler shows itself perfectly in summer fishing conditions.

By weight, rattlins are light and heavy. Light (slowly sinking) weigh up to seven grams, heavy (quickly sinking) - from seven grams and above.

Vertical bait game

When pulling up, rattlin makes small oscillatory movements in the water. After stopping at the top, it begins to slowly descend, moving from side to side with damped oscillations. It is the slow motion of the bait that causes the predator to bite. Raise the bait up to a height of half a meter, then it drops almost vertically.

The task of these actions is, firstly, to attract potential production. Therefore, when catching a new hole, they make sharp movements with a large amplitude. And secondly, when the predator drew attention to the bait, you need to induce him to bite with careful smooth jerks that imitate the movement of a weakened sluggish fish.

On rivers with a fairly strong current during winter fishing, it is possible to perform horizontal rattling. For this, a powerful fishing rod with a reel is used. A triple swivel is attached to the fishing line. A sinker of the Cheburashka type is attached to one of its loops, and to another, a small floating wobbler on a leash one meter long.


Winter wobblers for pike should maximally reliably imitate the behavior of small fish at this time of year. Therefore, for catching pike, you should choose "quiet" options with a small amplitude and frequency of oscillations. In this case, the optimal buoyancy of the wobbler is a suspender, because it does not sink and does not float during stops.

Since the pike are caught both in the β€œpits” and in shallow places with a depth of not more than half a meter, you should have a stock of lures with different indicators of the depth of immersion, so that you can catch as much as possible all possible habitats of pike.

pike fishing

An important role in catching a toothy predator is played by the size of the bait. You should choose wobblers with a length of at least seven centimeters. If the aim of fishing is specimens weighing more than a kilogram, the bait from eight to ten centimeters in length will be optimal.


Winter wobblers for zander must meet the following requirements:

  • The length of the bait is from six to ten centimeters.
  • Since zander is caught in deep water, it is better to use heavy bait.
  • You should choose bait with a muffled acoustic effect. Silent rattlins will not attract the attention of a predator, and too loud and noisy models can scare him away.
  • Preferred baits are painted in silver tones or acid-green with scarlet points of attack on the body.

In the conditions of fishing for pike perch, the winter wobbler "Saurus" of the Japanese company Saurus VIVRA has excellently proven itself. This sinking rattlin, six and a half centimeters long and weighing fifteen grams, has a bewitching game that invariably attracts a toothy predator.

rattlin saurus


There are no special winter wobblers for perch. These baits are universal and are used for catching any predatory fish. The size of the rattlin and the selection of the depth of diving, taking into account the fishing conditions, are important here.

shallow perch

Winter fishing lures for perch are usually small and light, as fishing is often done aground or close to the shore. For this small predator, the game of bait is important, so proper wiring is of great importance. Various β€œornaments” in the form of multi-colored wools or beads attract the perch.


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