Life path and its choice

Life path is a special term in philosophy, denoting the history of personality development, as well as the very process of its change and evolution from the birth of a person to his death. In many cases, this term is synonymous with the word "biography."

The first person to formulate the concept of life path was S. Buler. In its formulation, the life path had three different lines. The first is a sequence of real events taking place in human life. The second is the emotional experiences associated with them. The third is the results of actions carried out by this person.

At the same time, P. Janet put forward his own theory, characterizing the path of life as a sequence of stages of development and the biography of a person, its evolution.

There are other formulations of this concept, however, all of them are variations on the theme of these two first definitions. Each interpretation to adhere to, everyone decides for himself - since there are no significant differences between them, any of them has the right to exist.

It should be noted that the above definitions of life path are acceptable only for a person with a rational mindset. The mystic, however, believes that the term "life path" means a certain scenario invented specifically for him by higher powers. But even he, as a rule, admits that there is an opportunity to somehow influence this very scenario. How? By your own actions! Having done something right (read - something beneficial for the "screenwriters"), he seems to receive a reward in the form of a favorable development of events, and having made a mistake, he is forced to endure numerous troubles.

The point of view of such a mystic, although not too true, is, of course, much more interesting than the dry knowledge of the realist.

However, there is another interpretation of the concept of life path. It is no less important than the above, and is used more often than they are. So, the life path of a person is a process of fulfilling his destiny, a road leading to the goal of life.

Unfortunately, for most people, the search for this very road is very difficult. Why? Yes, because others (parents, friends, colleagues, relatives) often believe that they know better which life path is best for their loved ones. Especially strong influence is felt by children - from the side of numerous adult relatives. That’s why so many people choose the wrong path in life - it’s very difficult to hear the silent call of true calling after the noise of friends and relatives.

The most acute is the problem of choosing a life path for young people who are just starting an adult life. This is not surprising, because it is in front of them that many different opportunities unfold.

And it is precisely young people who are most likely to make a mistake and regret it all their lives. Therefore, it is so important for them to learn to make the right decisions, and for this you need to follow a few simple rules.

First, you need to learn to distinguish your own desires and aspirations from images imposed by other people. It is equally important to distinguish true, conscious desires, coming from the heart, from base aspirations inspired by instincts.

Secondly, each person must learn to respect their own desires and not put them below the desires of strangers - at least in private with themselves.

Thirdly, it is not necessary to consider that everything that one can dream of will fall directly from the sky into the hands of a person who has only stepped on his own path. To achieve the desired will have to work hard.

And fourthly, one must not forget about responsibility: any choice will be on the conscience of the person who made it - it does not matter, of their own free will or under someone else's influence.


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