The story "Spring Water": a summary (Turgenev I. S.) A brief analysis of the work

In this article we will consider the story "Spring Water" (summary). Turgenev, the author of this work, is known for his excellent ability to describe the relationship of people. The fame of the writer is due precisely to the fact that Ivan Sergeyevich noticed those feelings and emotions that are common to all people, regardless of whether they lived in the 19th century or in the 21st.

About the book

spring water turgenev summary

“Spring Water” is a novel written in 1872. This period of Turgenev’s work is characterized by writing works based on memories of the past. For example, “Unfortunate”, “Knocks”, “Strange History”, etc. Of all these stories, the work “Spring Water” is considered the most successful. And the main character became a great addition to the gallery of Turgenev's weak-willed characters.

The story was published in 1873.

Spring Water: Summary

Turgenev describes his hero: he is 52 years old, he lived his life as if he was sailing along the smooth, calm sea surface, but in the depths of it lurked grief, poverty and madness. And all his life he was afraid that one of these underwater monsters would one day turn his boat over, disturb calm. His life, although rich, was completely empty and lonely.

Wanting to escape from these gloomy thoughts, he begins to sort out old papers. Among the documents Dmitry Pavlovich Sanin finds a small box inside which a small cross is stored. This item vividly brings back memories of the past.

Sick child

Now the reader is brought to the summer of 1840, the story "Spring Water". Summary, Turgenev, according to research, agrees with this idea, describes the chance that Sanin once missed, the chance to change his life.

In these years, Sanin was 22 years old, and he traveled throughout Europe, releasing a small inheritance inherited from a distant relative. On his way back to his homeland, he made a stop in Frankfurt. In the evening, he was going to take the stagecoach to Berlin. He decided to spend the time remaining before this for a walk.

In a small street, he noticed the “Italian Confectionery Giovanni Roselli” and entered it. As soon as he entered, a girl ran up to him and asked for help. It turned out that the girl’s younger brother, fourteen-year-old Emil, fainted. And in the house, except for the old servant Pantaleone, there was nobody.

Sanin managed to return the boy to consciousness. Dmitry noticed the amazing beauty of the girl. Then the doctor entered the room, accompanied by a lady who turned out to be the mother of Emil and the girl. Mother was so glad to save her child that she invited Sanina to dinner.

spring water tale

Evening at Roselli

Talks about first love the work "Spring Water". The story describes Dmitry’s evening trip to visit, where he is greeted as a hero. Sanin recognizes the name of the mother of the family - Leonora Roselli. She and her husband Giovanni left Italy 20 years ago and moved to Frankfurt to open a pastry shop here. Her daughter's name was Gemma. And Pantaleone, their old servant, was once an opera singer. The guest also learns about Gemma’s engagement with Karl Kluber, manager of a large store.

However, Sanin was too carried away by communication, stayed away and was late for his stagecoach. He had little money left, and he sent a letter to a Berlin friend asking him to lend. Waiting for an answer, Dmitry stayed in Frankfurt for several days. The next day, Emil and Karl Kluber came to Sanin. Gem Gemma, a noble and well-mannered young man, thanked Sanin for saving the boy and invited him to go with his Roselli family for a walk in Soden. At this, Karl retired, and Emil remained, soon making friends with Dmitry.

Sanin spent another day with new acquaintances, not taking his eyes off the beautiful Jemma.


how spring water they rushed

Turgenev's story tells about the youth of Sanin. In those years he was a tall, stately and slender young man. His features were a little vague, he was a descendant of a noble family, and he inherited golden hair from his ancestors. He was full of health and youthful freshness. However, he was distinguished by a very gentle character.

Walk in Soden

The next day, the Roselli and Sanin family set off for the small town of Soden, which is half an hour from Frankfurt. Herr Kluber organized a walk with the pedantry inherent in all Germans. Turgenev's story describes the life of middle-class Europeans. Roselli went to dinner at the best restaurant of Soden. But Gemma was bored with what was happening, and she wanted to have dinner on the common terrace, and not in a separate arbor, which her fiancé had ordered.

A company of officers dined on the terrace. They were all heavily fed, and one of them approached Gemma. He raised a glass for her health and took the rose lying next to the girl’s plate.

It was an insulting act for Gemma. However, Kluber did not intercede for the bride, but quickly paid and took the girl to the hotel. Dmitry boldly approached the officer, called him impudent, took a rose and challenged the offender to a duel. Kluber pretended not to notice what had happened, but Emil delighted this act.


The next day, without thinking about love, Sanin talks with the second of officer von Dongoff. Dmitry himself did not even have friends in Frankfurt, so he took Pantaleone's servant in seconds. We decided to shoot with twenty steps from the pistols.

The rest of the day Dmitry spent with Gemma. Before leaving, the girl gave him the same rose that he took from the officer. At this moment, Sanin realized that he was in love.

At 10 o'clock a duel took place. The dongof shot into the air, thereby admitting that he was guilty. As a result, the duelists parted, shaking hands.

spring water product


The story of the love of Sanin and Gemma begins. Dmitry is visiting Frau Leone. It turns out that Gemma is going to break the engagement, but only this marriage will help save the financial situation of her entire family. The girl’s mother asks Sanin to convince her. But persuasion did not bring results. On the contrary, he realized that Gemma also loved him. After mutual recognition, Dmitry makes a proposal to the girl.

Frau Leona reconciled with the new groom, making sure that he has a fortune. Sanin had an estate in the Tula province, which should be sold, and invested in a candy store. Suddenly, on the street, Sanin meets an old friend Ippolit Polozov, who could buy his estate. But at the request, the friend replies that his wife, an attractive, but domineering woman , manages all financial matters .

Mrs. Polozova

Turgenev's novel

The work "Spring Water" tells how Dmitry, having said goodbye to his bride, leaves for Wiesbaden, where Marya Nikolaevna Polozova is treated with waters. She turns out to be a very beautiful woman with beautiful blond hair and slightly vulgar features. Sanin interested her at first sight. It turned out that Polozov gave his wife complete freedom and did not meddle in her affairs. He was more concerned about abundant life and good food.

Spouses Polozov even made a bet on Sanin. Hippolytus was sure that his friend loved his bride too much, so he would not succumb to the charms of his wife. However, he lost, although his wife was worth a lot of work. Dmitry cheated on Gemma three days after arriving at the Polozovs.


There are no perfect figures in Spring Water. Heroes appear as ordinary people with their weaknesses and vices. Sanin was no exception, but upon his return he immediately confessed to all of Gemma. Immediately after that, he went on a trip with Polozova. He became a slave to this woman, and accompanied her until he was tired. And then she just kicked him out of her life. The only thing that remains in memory of Gemma is the very cross that he found in the box. Over the years, he did not understand why he left the girl, because he did not love anyone so much and dearly as her.

spring water analysis

An attempt to recapture the past

The work “Spring Water” (summary) is coming to an end. Turgenev again returns to the aged Sanin. His hero, succumbing to the surging memories, rushes to Frankfurt. Dmitry Pavlovich wanders the streets in search of a pastry shop, but cannot even remember the street she was on. In the address book, he finds the name of Major von Dongoff. He said that Gemma got married and left for New York. He received the address of his beloved Sanin.

He writes her a letter. Gemma sends an answer and thanks Sanin for the annulled engagement, as this allowed her to become happier. She has a wonderful family - her beloved husband and five children. She says that her mother and Pantaleone died, and her brother died in the war. In addition, she attaches a photograph of her daughter to the letter, which is very similar to Gemma in her youth.

Sanin sends a pomegranate cross as a gift to Gemma’s daughter. And later he himself was going to America.

Spring Water: Analysis

spring water heroes

It is best to start the analysis of a work from the first poetic lines taken by Turgenev from an old romance. It is in them that the main theme of the whole work is enclosed: "Merry years, happy days - how spring water they sped."

Turgenev talks about past dreams, lost opportunities and missed chances in his work. His hero, because of his softness, misses the only chance for happiness. And he is no longer able to correct his mistake, no matter how much he strives.


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