GTA grouping in the Moscow Region: the scope of criminal activity

For several months, this gang has terrified motorists. Its members, without any remorse, killed not only drivers, but also those who became an unwitting witness to their atrocities. Moreover, criminals “murdered” in 99% of cases not for profit: money and jewelry of the victims were of last interest to them. So what is this gang that kills motorists for no good reason?

History of creation

The investigation was able to establish that the GTA group is behind all the killings of car drivers. In the suburbs, this gang was created . Presumably, it got its name thanks to the computer game Grand Theft Auto, which takes the gamer to the criminal environment of a big city. Detectives say that the criminal community was "knocked together" in one of the dachas of the Udelnaya village near Moscow.

GTA Grouping in the Moscow Region

And the suburban homeownership belonged to the relatives of a certain Alexei Staroverov, who, as it turned out, was the head of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

It was not difficult for investigators to assume that the GTA group in the Moscow Region and Aleksey Staroverov are links in one chain. It was found that the gang members and its organizer lived for a long time at the cottage of the prosecutor's office, and there they formed a solid arsenal of weapons.


Detectives also found out that in an empty cottage (Staroverov’s relatives only occasionally visited there), a middle-aged lady who had come to the region from far abroad lived for some time. Initially, she settled in the garage. In the end, the owners of the dacha entered the position of a woman and invited her to guard the household. After some time, her daughter began to visit her often, and then a certain Rustam Usmanov appeared at the dacha. Friends began to visit him, who, however, complied with the regime and did not make noise.

GTA grouping

Naturally, none of the neighbors even thought of contacting the police: "persons of non-Slavic appearance" were quiet. Often they asked women for solitude in order to pray to Allah. But in reality, they needed to remain without outsiders in order to discuss the details of the planned atrocities. The GTA group in the Moscow Region equipped a hiding place at the dacha, where pistols and improvised grenades were stored. Rustam Usmanov was chosen as the main one in the gang. He will leave almost every day on a foreign car Daewoo Nexia for the territory of a country homeownership and meet with accomplices. As a rule, such actions ended in atrocities.

Gang affairs

The GTA group in the suburbs began to commit crimes in the fall of 2013. On the section of the Baltiya highway (Krasnogorsk district), The corpse of the owner of a Toyota Land Cruiser jeep was found directly on the side of the road. Gunshot wounds were recorded on his body . As it turned out, after the murder, the criminals took possession of the SUV, and then left it in Solnechnogorsk. In the spring of 2014, members of the GTA (Moscow Region) killed on the M-4 Don highway a group of tourists who were traveling from the capital to visit their relatives living in the Krasnodar Territory. Then the summer resident turned out to be a victim, who was driving to Moscow in his own car.

GTA Grouping in the Moscow Region latest news

The murderers operated until the fall. Investigators found that the GTA (a gang of bandits) killed 17 people.


The algorithm of criminal actions was trivial: spikes were laid out on the track, and after the victim’s wheels were punctured, and the car owner left the passenger compartment, the latter was shot point blank. If valuable things were found in the car, then their criminals simply took them away. But, as it turned out later, money was not the main thing for criminals. They enjoyed the process of killing. For GTA members (bandit group), the identity of the car owner did not matter: everyone could be a victim.

It is noteworthy that the composition of the criminal community was not constant: it was periodically updated, because after two or three atrocities part of the murderers left for their historic homeland.


Naturally, the public was very soon worried about the monstrous and cynical crimes committed by the GTA group in the suburbs.

GTA group in the suburbs caught

The latest news about the gang informed by the media turned out to be pleasant: on November 6, 2014, during the storming of the garage, the security forces managed to eliminate the leader of the attackers. All charges were dropped from Alexei Staroverov, since it was established that he was not connected with the gang, and the cottage where the criminals were stationed did not belong to him specifically, but to his relatives. But back to the events of November 6th. So, during the operation, the security forces completely neutralized the GTA group in the suburbs. Eight men and 6 women were caught, who were subsequently prosecuted. Firearms were found and seized on the territory of a suburban household, including two Kalashnikov assault rifles and cartridges.


The commandos continued their work, but already in the territories of Suschevsky Val, the Western District and the Krasnoselsky District of the capital.

GTA near Moscow

According to investigators, it was there that members of the GTA criminal gang lived. All of them came from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Detectives found two grenades, two traumatic pistols and fourteen rounds of ammunition in the apartments. As the criminals explained, when committing the atrocities they were driven not by self-interest and profit, but by the desire to intimidate “infidels”, since they belonged to the radical trend of the Islamists. The final point in this story will put the court. However, the defense representative has already stated that this is a losing case, and the criminals will get what they deserve.


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