What do fruits and berries dream about? The interpretation of dreams

In the world there are many people who not only regularly dream, but also try to interpret them on their own or referring to all kinds of dream books. Here, for example, why do you dream of fruit? Different sources have their own opinions on this subject, but nevertheless, is there a main line of interpretation, so to speak? And what awaits in the near future a person who sees, for example, apples in a dream (or pears, or berries)? Let's try to figure it out.

what are the fruits for

What it means: to see fruits in a dream

The whole thing is complicated by the fact that there are many fruits: good, as they say, and different. But in general, interpreters of dreams about these delicious fruits agree that they do not bring unhappiness and setbacks in the future life path, but rather are some kind of generalized symbols of prosperity (especially ripe, dreamed of by any of us).

Some interpretations of previously and today dream books

  • Seeing fruits in a dream is for future prosperity (at least, according to Miller's dream book). But the green fruits seen in a dream, according to the directory, can mean the futility of your efforts in relation to the undertaken undertakings or serve as a kind of warning that your actions are thoughtless, immature.
  • If you eat fruits in a dream - to trouble. If a woman in a dream eats any fruit, then this means her moral decline in the future or the loss of the expected inheritance. In general, there is a ripe juicy fruit in a dream - a sign of temporary and short-term pleasure or a flash of luck, followed by another bad luck.
  • Buying / selling fruits may mean that you make a deal, but it will not bring you much profit (for business people).

see fruits in a dream

Another explanation: what are the fruits of dreams

  • According to the dream book of Hassa, dreams about fruits can dream of an increase in offspring, an increase in business. And the dreamed orchard predicts the large number in your family and a successful marriage, mutual understanding between partners and mutual happiness of the spouses.
  • What is the dream of fruits on the esoteric interpretation of dreams? Such a dream predicts the strengthening of the internal forces of man - mental and physical. Promises energy in business, which will have a beneficial and unexpected effect on achieving success, and in a variety of areas (by the way, this largely depends on the variety of the dreamed fruit or fruits). But if you dreamed of dried fruits, then your mood will be pessimistic and decadent, and you will have to spend a lot of time to raise your spirits and return to its former mobility and energy.

Dream Interpretation Longo

This source pays close attention to these fruits. What is the dream of fruit for, according to this popular publication?

  • There is a table with various ripe fruits on it - to various carnal pleasures that you will soon experience. You will be involved in a whirlpool of events, but do not be afraid of your own emotions and feelings: give free rein to feelings, and enjoy life "to the fullest", not realizing it. And do not try to reject the feelings of the other, directed in your direction. Subsequently, you can greatly regret it.
  • If you dreamed that you were buying fruit in a market or in a store, then this moment gives out, most likely, your tendency to embark on another intrigue. But take your time, because you need to weigh the pros and cons before making decisions. Look at the people around you, make sure of the sincerity of the feelings that they feel for you. And only then can one reciprocate.
  • What is the dream of fruit? If you hold out fruit to someone in a dream, you will take an active part in the fate of this person. And if you offered any fruit to a friend, then in the near future you will be engaged in the improvement of his personal affairs and life. And your intervention in the fate of others will have a very beneficial effect.
  • And if you pluck fruit in a dream, then this may portend a certain light streak in your life. You can literally grab luck by the tail. And even the most pipe dreams can come true. Such a dream directly indicates that you need to take advantage of the current moment and get the most out of life.

A separate question is if there are any particular fruits in a dream . And here, each dream book has a certain interpretation.

apples in a dream

An Apple

What does it mean if you saw apples in a dream? According to a gypsy dream book, for example, if you eat sweet and ripe apples in a dream - to joy and pleasure. If they are sour and not ripe - to a quarrel, annoyance, temptation. In a female dream book, an apple is mentioned as a symbol of wisdom, reward. And the ripened apples on the tree, seen in a dream, are the realization of hopes and moving forward. But apples that have fallen to the ground can mean that a traitor and a flatterer are among your friends. According to Tsvetkov's esoteric dream book, apples dream of disappointment and illness. And according to the dream book of Fedorovskaya - in general, to tears! Such an ambiguous, to put it mildly, interpretation of the image of an apple in various sources is quite justified. After all, an apple in world culture means a forbidden fruit, and a craving for knowledge, and the pleasure of eating - all at the same time.

pear in a dream


What does it mean if a pear is dreamed up in a dream? Some publications claim that this fetus may dream of losses and losses. If you eat a pear in a dream - this is to tears. And in Veles’s dream book, in general, to tear green pears is to death. However, for example, Ezopov's collection claims that the pear is a symbol of good luck, interest, profit. And if in a dream you eat a ripe and sweet pear, then soon you will succeed on the path of life. But the rotten ones mean that you will face betrayal and betrayal in the near future.

berries in a dream


What does it mean if you saw berries in a dream? They, as a rule, and this is confirmed by many interpreters, give the dreamer a signal of impending troubles and diseases (especially if the berries are dark in color). But the red berries seen in a dream can mean tears from a joyful event. White - to success. White tear - defeat the enemy. Dried berries are a disease. Eating berries raw - to illness and failure. Thus, many well-known dream books interpret the image of berries seen in a dream, quite clearly, as a sign of trouble.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7838/

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