Read the summary of Vasyutkino Lake. Astafiev V.P. wrote a fascinating work

Not every person can boast that an object was named after him. But in honor of the boy Vasily named the whole lake. How this happened, you can find out by reading the work, which was written by Victor Astafyev. The story “Vasyutkino Lake” introduces the reader to a 13-year-old boy. He is from a fishing family. Vasily had a grandfather, father and mother. All of them, together with his father’s friends, went to look for “fish” places. What twists and turns happened with Vasily, the reader learns by looking at a couple of minutes a summary of "Vasyutkino Lake." Astafiev came up with a fascinating story.

Summary of Vasyutkino Lake. Astafiev

For the catch

Cooling and rains did the trick. The fish went to the bottom, and the catch was very small. Then the fishermen, together with their foreman Grigory Afanasyevich Shadrin - the father of Vasyutka, decided to try their luck elsewhere. Having loaded their things into boats, they set off down the Yenisei River.

It was decided to live in a hut on the banks of the river. Here the team began to wait for the autumn Putin. Vasyutka was bored, because only adults were nearby. The boy himself figured out how to entertain himself. He often went to the forest for cedar cones. In the evening, all adults with pleasure clicked nuts. Summary “Vasyutkino Lake” (Astafyev) comes to an interesting point. Now the reader will find out why the boy has gone far into the forest.

Got lost

Over time, there were few cones near the hut, so the boy decided to go further. Mother insisted that the guy take matches and bread with him, and he went to the taiga.

Vasily had a gun with him. On the way, he shot a wood grouse, but the wounded bird did not give up. Then the boy ran after her, took the prey, but saw that he was lost. Now the reader will learn about how the child lived in the taiga. The summary of Vasyutkino Lake will help this. Astafyev reveals many interesting details that help the reader mentally travel to that forest.

Astafyev - the story "Vasyutkino Lake"

First, Vasily tried to find the forest path along which he walked. There should have been nicks in the trees. But the boy could not find them. Then he tried to navigate the sun to go to the Yenisei. After all, as you know, where the river is, there are people.

How the boy acted in the taiga

But not only this knowledge will be gained by the book lover after reading a brief summary. "Vasyutkino Lake" Astafiev Viktor Petrovich wrote with knowledge of the matter. This story will teach the reader how to behave if you get lost in the taiga.

Vasyutka acted correctly: he made a fire, and then he buried it, buried the cultivated carcass of a capercaillie in hot earth and again laid hot logs on top. The boy dined, and hung the rest of the food on a tree so that the animals would not eat them on the ground. He hacked logs, laid moss for himself and went to bed in a warm place.

Victor Astafiev. "Vasyutkino Lake"

Five days took the path of a boy. On the way, he shot ducks, baked them and ate. Once a child found a lake full of white fish. Basil was glad that the lake was connected to the Yenisei. The boy was picked up by a floating bot and taken to his parents.

Two days later, Vasya showed the fishermen a miracle lake. They put a hut near him and began to fish there. Here is an interesting story written by Viktor Astafiev. Vasyutkino Lake, as they began to call it, helped fishermen have a rich catch.


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