What is the eye wash for adults, children and animals?

Street dust and dirt pose a risk of infection and inflammation of the eyes. If suddenly such an unfortunate situation occurred, redness, lacrimation appeared, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In the meantime, you need to alleviate the discomfort. What is the eye wash in this case? It is possible to use both pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

Washing with furatsilin solution

One of the effective means for washing the eyes with antiseptic and antibacterial effect is furatsilin.

what wash your eyes
The pharmacy sells a ready-made sterile solution of this substance. You can also cook it at home from two tablets of furatsilina 0.02 g and 200 milliliters of warm boiled water. To do this, crush the medicine to a powder state, fill with liquid and leave until completely dissolved, stirring from time to time. Before use, it is necessary to strain the resulting solution through cheesecloth, folded in half, in order to avoid the smallest particles of the drug, which can damage the mucous membrane of the eye.

The use of tea infusion

What are they washing their eyes if there is no way to go to the pharmacy? An effective handy tool is tea. It removes redness and acts as an antiseptic. It is important to use not a freshly brewed infusion, but one that was drunk yesterday. However, the use of stagnant tea should not be allowed, since after two days, bacteria rapidly begin to multiply in it. Welding should not be strong. Infusion, consisting of black and green teas and dry wine, has a positive effect on the eyes. The last ingredient is used in this proportion: one tablespoon per glass of product.

Other eye wash products

How can I wash my eyes yet? For medicinal purposes, the infusion of chamomile pharmacy is widely used. To prepare it, you need two teaspoons of dry collection to fill in 60 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for five minutes to infuse, then strain through gauze folded in half.

Another option for eye wash is a solution of potassium permanganate (simply potassium permanganate). It should be prepared so that the medicine has a pale pink transparent color. It is important to ensure that no undissolved crystals remain in the liquid.

how to wash the eyes of a child

What is the eye wash for adults, children and animals? A two percent solution of boric acid. It is important to observe proportions correctly. To prepare this solution, you need to mix a glass of boiled water and one teaspoon of boric acid.

Eye wash in newborns

How to wash the eyes of a child? To ensure hygiene, babies are washed with warm boiled water using cotton swabs, gently conducting them from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. For therapeutic purposes, it is allowed to use almost all the means used by adults. The baby's eyes can be washed with solutions of boric acid, furatsilina or potassium permanganate. You need to cook them, adhering to the same proportions as for adults. But infusions of tea and chamomile in relation to newborns are not recommended.

How to wash the eyes of a kitten?

For the purpose of prevention or just for hygienic treatment, kittens' eyes can be washed with boiled water, solutions of potassium permanganate, boric acid or furatsilina, infusion of chamomile. The above describes how to cook these tools.

how to wash the eyes of a kitten
Saline solution with a concentration of 0.9% is also used. For the treatment of thick purulent discharge, washing is carried out by the same means, but it is necessary to use additional drugs prescribed by the veterinarian.

How to properly wash your eyes?

The basic rules for washing the eyes are as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. The solution should be at room temperature. It is allowed to use a liquid heated to a maximum of 37 degrees. It is strictly forbidden to use a product whose temperature is higher, in order to avoid burns to the eyes.
    how to wash your eyes
  3. Rinsing is carried out using cotton swabs. Each of them must be sterile. For one eye, you need to use one swab, for the second - the other in order to prevent the spread of infection. The direction of movement during washing is from the temple to the bridge of the nose. Disks made of cotton wool are not suitable because of their stiffness; they can injure the mucous membrane.
  4. Even if only one eye is infected, both must be washed.

If tears flow from the eyes, inflammation appears, purulent discharge is present - you need to contact a doctor. But until the moment you visit him, you need to try to remove the discomfort. What is washed eyes in this case? You can use solutions of potassium permanganate, furatsilina or boric acid, infusions of tea or chamomile. These funds can be used for children and adults. And how to wash the eyes of a kitten? There are no differences. The same solutions and in the same proportion. Washing your eyes, you must act in accordance with the above rules in order to avoid additional infection.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7852/

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