How to pump up the lower press at home and in the gym? Exercises for the lower press

Nobody gets a beautiful toned body from nature - this is the result of hard work. A flat stomach, a beautifully drawn muscle relief is a dream not only of athletes and bodybuilders, but also of ordinary average people.

Unfortunately, nature has laid it so that the bulk of fat accumulation is concentrated on the stomach, namely in its lower part. This situation is familiar to both men and women. But in order for this problem place to turn into a tightened and eye-catching press, you need to know the features of how to start the lower press and remove the stomach effectively and permanently. The main question of the article: "How to pump up the lower abdominal press for a girl and a man."

What you should know about the lower press?

Sports girl

Before you begin hard work on yourself, let's turn to the anatomy. As such, the β€œlower” and β€œupper” presses do not exist. The abdominal muscles are divided into the rectus abdominis muscle, oblique muscles of the abdomen and transverse muscles. Transverse - these are the deep layers of the muscles, the exercises on which are so important in yoga and Pilates. But for a beautiful relief they do not matter. For the cubes so desired by all, the most important is the rectus abdominis muscle, on which the relief depends on the degree of inflation. For the convenience of training, the rectus muscle is conventionally divided into β€œtop” and β€œbottom”. The upper abdomen is more developed in the average person, since these muscles are involved in a large number of daily movements, as well as with delays in certain poses. How to pump up the lower press remains a mystery to many. Often in the gym you can meet people with a beautifully drawn relief of the upper cubes. To achieve the drawing of the lower cubes is quite realistic, the main thing is to know how to quickly inflate the lower press.

Success Conditions

All people are in different conditions. Someone has very little time for sports, and someone can spend hours in the gym. It should be said that both categories of people can succeed using exercises for the lower press. But it is worth remembering that a lot of important components of a beautiful press are cardio training and proper nutrition. Training the lower part of the press can be repeated an infinite number of times and, indeed, strengthen the muscles. However, a beautiful relief from under the fat layer cannot be seen. Hence the conclusion of the ideal formula for pumping up the lower abs: exercises for the lower abs + proper nutrition + cardio training.

Features of pumping the lower press

Before starting the exercises for the lower press, we will study the technical points, without which the effectiveness of the exercises will be reduced to zero. In addition to the fact that you do not receive the coveted relief press, if improperly performed, you can damage the back, especially the lumbar. First you need to always remember about breathing. By inhalation, the muscles relax, and the main effort in the exercise is exhaled.

Many beginners complain of lower back pain. The first reason is incorrect execution. In most exercises on the lower press you can not lift the lower back from the floor, it should be strictly and tightly pressed. But even with the right technique, pain can be observed. This is probably due to the weakness of the muscles of the lower press, part of the load on which the lower back takes over. Over time, when the abdominal muscles strengthen and become more trained, the pain will disappear. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor in order to avoid more serious consequences.

Another point - you need to be able to listen to your body. When doing exercises, try to focus on the lower part of the rectus muscle, consciously reducing (retracting the stomach) it.

Also, there is no need to bring yourself to exhaustion. It is enough to choose a complex of exercises that is comfortable for you and perform three standard approaches 15-25 times and gradually increase the load.

How to pump up the lower press at home

Exercises to strengthen the lower body can be performed at home. The most important thing in this business is regularity. Spend about 30 minutes a day on targeted exercises and you will succeed. Do not forget about the development of the muscles of the top in order to avoid an imbalance in the development of the rectus muscle. Exercises for the lower press can be performed without equipment, using only a mat or other bedding for convenience. Fitball can serve as a good helper in working on a press at home. Below we will talk about exercises on the topic: "How to pump up the lower press at home."

Press exercises at home without equipment

Here are the most famous and common exercises. There are a lot of them, and all are very simple. Nothing complicated. Everyone can handle it.

Reverse twisting

Reverse twisting

We are laid on the back, the lower back is strictly pressed to the floor. Bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Hands along the body, palms down. We take a breath, tighten the lower abdomen, while exhaling we tighten the knees as close to the chest as possible, slightly raising the lumbar. When the exercise is easy, you can perform the movement more slowly or add a weighting material between the legs.


Lower press

At first, the exercise is best done slowly in order to feel the tension in the lower abdomen. We are laid on the floor. Hands behind your head without crossing. Raise one knee, bringing it to the opposite elbow while stretching the other leg parallel to the floor. Perform alternation from side to side. In the future, you can accelerate the movement.


Exercise scissors

We are laid on the floor. The loin is pressed to the floor. Raise your straight legs above the floor at an angle of about 30 degrees. We begin to cross and spread legs, alternating. To complicate this, you can lift the body onto the forearms (the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle is additionally involved).

Straight leg lift

Leg lift

We are laid on the floor, the lower back is strictly pressed to the floor. Hands along the body, palms down. As you exhale, raise your straight legs up to an angle of 90 degrees and lower to parallel with the floor, but without touching the floor. The exercise must be approached very carefully, as there is a risk of harming the lower back.

Fitball exercises at home

Fitball Exercises

Fitball is an indispensable assistant in training at home. It allows you to achieve a variety of exercises and, if necessary, increase the load on the press, while unloading the spine.

Fitball bar

We fix the forearms on the floor, on a comfortable surface, place our ankles on the fitball and try to keep the body static evenly, without bending or raising the pelvis. First, start with 30 seconds and gradually bring up the static retention time to 1 minute or more.

Fit knees to chest with support on fitball

The legs are placed on top of the fitball, as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, we begin to pull the knees as close to the chest as possible without raising the pelvis. Do not forget to exhale on an effort.

Ascent to the "hill" on the fitball

Starting position as in previous exercises. We take a breath, and on the exhale, raising the pelvis, we roll the ball so that it is under the feet and the pelvis is at the top, forming the letter V. Exercise is classified as advanced.

How to start a press in the gym

All exercises performed at home can be easily duplicated in the gym. But in the gym, the possible range of exercises and difficulty levels is increasing.

If you train according to a certain program several times a week, it is necessary at the end of each training to perform the complex that you liked at the press. The most important thing is regularity.

Do not forget that to quickly and accurately achieve results, you can always hire a personal trainer who will select the most comfortable and effective exercises for the client.

Exercises for the lower press in the gym

Let us cite an example of the most effective and common exercises. With these exercises, you can easily find out the answer to the question "How to pump up the lower press in the gym."

Hanging straight legs

Hanging legs

A horizontal bar is required to complete the exercise. On exhalation, we try to raise our legs to the level of parallel with the floor. It is important to try to focus on the lower part of the press.

Knees up

We rest our elbows on the simulator, elbows 90 degrees. As you exhale, pull your knees to your chest as high as possible. We are trying to reduce the muscles of the lower press.

Twisting on the bench for the lower press

The upper body is pressed against the bench. It is necessary to perform a leg lift from the bench until the buttocks are torn off the bench. Perform an exhalation exercise.

Features of training the lower press for girls

In women, the lower press is one of the most popular places for the accumulation of fat, since in this area there are close organs associated with childbirth. It has been established by nature that it is easier to protect them with the help of the fat layer. Therefore, the struggle is not easy and to achieve the result it is worth knowing how to pump up the lower press for the girl. Of course, the same formula works: nutrition, exercise, cardio. But exercises for the lower part should cause a point effect on the muscles.

These are exercises:

  • reverse twisting;
  • lifting straight legs in the hanger;
  • raising and lowering straight legs lying down (the most important thing is to ensure that the lower back remains pressed to the floor);
  • bicycle;
  • scissors;
  • vacuum (we draw in the stomach - we draw the navel to the spine and hold it in this position for 10-30 seconds, without holding our breath).

Such an integrated approach will help the girl achieve ideal results in strengthening the muscles of the lower press.

Features of training the lower press for men

Anatomically, in men, the body fat percentage is much lower than in women. But to create ideal press cubes, especially the lower ones, you will also have to make a lot of effort. Therefore, how to pump up the lower press, a man should also know.

Most men work in the gym according to the split system (working muscles are broken by the days of the week), but press exercises must be performed in each workout, that is, 3-4 times a week.

Effective exercises for men:

  • β€œBook” (β€œfold” on a horizontal bench; a comprehensive exercise for the top and bottom of the press);
  • lifting straight legs in the hanger (above the parallel with the floor);
  • work with a bench for the lower press;
  • work of standard exercises for the press with weights (dumbbells, medballs, etc.).

Thus, it is possible to control the degree of load.

Cardio in abs workouts

For a beautiful drawing of press cubes, in addition to strength exercises, one should not forget about cardio. For maximum effectiveness, cardio should be performed in the morning on an empty stomach (if you have no health problems). So you can activate the work of stale adipose tissue in the lower abdomen (and other problem areas). Cardio can be selected to your taste, the most important thing is that the training was a pleasure. The most effective are training on cardiovascular equipment (treadmill, ellipsoid, exercise bike, stepper), step, jump rope and much more. Replace cardio with outdoor activities (bike, team sports, swimming) and get a great mood.

Nutrition for a beautiful press

There is a saying that the ideal press is not done in the gym, but in the kitchen. Therefore, it is so important to build your regime and diet correctly:

  • You need to know your calorie intake and not exceed it. For the need for weight loss, create a slight deficit (no more than 300-500 kcal).
  • It is necessary to drink the norm in the amount of clean water - at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • It is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Carbohydrates should be predominantly complex. To achieve the required percentage of adipose tissue in the body and drawing the press, simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, pastries, etc.) should be temporarily excluded from the diet. Animal fats (pork, lard, butter) are also preferred. Vegetable fats (vegetable oils, nuts, flax seeds, avocados) or omega-3 fats (fish) should be preferred.
  • It is necessary to observe the regimen of meals - 5-6 times a day. Never skip breakfast.


It is important to understand that it is necessary to pump the press almost daily, otherwise there will not be significant results. If you have seriously decided to do this, in no case do not abandon it, since a relief body adds strength and confidence to many of us. In addition, do not forget to follow the meals and do not eat something that can greatly harm your figure.

We hope that the article was interesting for you, and you managed to get an answer to the question "How to pump up the lower press and remove the stomach."


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