Seal forgery: crime structure and liability

In the 17th century, such a crime as falsification of seals became quite widespread. Since then, this “art” has made significant headway: new technologies and a large number of various cunning tools help attackers in their dark affairs.

fake stamps

It is necessary to make a reservation that the term “fake stamps” also means their restoration. This is done using a finished ink print on paper. This requires the services of a specialist. At the same time, everything is completely legal: it is only necessary to submit a document proving that the old seal is lost or has become unusable (this is mainly due to getting wet from ink).

Crime structure

1) The object of this type of offense is public relations related to the production, as well as the use and marketing of various kinds of documents.

2) The subject is directly the thing with which the copy was made for criminal purposes. It may be a fake seal, certificate, stamp, form, state. awards or other official document.

3) The objective side of the crime is any action with fake objects. They are illegal. These actions include:

  • directly manufacture and fake;
  • personal use;
  • sales to third parties.

4) The subjective side of the crime is direct intent.

5) A person who has reached the age of 16 years may be the subject of a crime. However, they can be not only an individual, but also a legal entity.


fake print

How can fake seals be carried out today? A program (and not even one) that will help anyone in this difficult task can be easily found on the Internet. However, it is worth remembering that due to the commission of such unlawful actions, criminal liability may occur . According to article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, falsification of seals is punished differently, depending on the gravity of the crime. We also note that this article includes explanations about creating copies of letterheads, awards, and stamps.

1) The falsification of seals, as well as any other documents (which are official), which either provide special rights or relieve a person of certain duties, is prosecuted by law. The same applies to their marketing. What is this responsibility? It could be:

  • arrest for 2-4 months;
  • restriction of freedom for up to 3 years;
  • imprisonment, which usually does not exceed 2 years.
    fake stamp program

2) In the event that the acts described above are committed repeatedly or had a repeated character, you can be imprisoned for up to 4 years.

3) A fine of 100-200 minimum wages is imposed on the one who used documents that are obviously false. Instead of this punishment, however, others may be used, such as:

  • work of a mandatory nature, the duration of which will be 180-240 hours;
  • correctional labor up to 2 years;
  • an arrest that will last three to six months.

Always remember the responsibility that arises as a result of misconduct. After all, fake printing is one of them.


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