Diet "Minus dinner": reviews and results, photo

How to quickly lose weight and not gain excess weight again in the near future? This is a rather complicated question, to which there is no single answer. There is a way for everyone. One goes to the gym, the other chooses for himself a sophisticated diet. But there is one way that is great for everyone. Universal and very simple - it is called the “Minus Dinner” diet. Reviews call it a diet for the lazy, because it does not involve the preparation of special dishes and the purchase of expensive products.

diet for the lazy minus dinner reviews

general description

This system is based on an unshakable rule. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy. That is exactly what the followers of the Minus Dinner diet do. Reviews say that this system is simple and affordable. It does not require counting calories and a special menu. You can well cook familiar and beloved dishes in your family. All that is required is to deprive yourself of the evening meal. Is it hard? It is up to you to decide. If you think that such a system is not able to give a good result, then you have not tried the “Minus Dinner” diet. Reviews say that this is one of the most effective systems.

Basic principles

Believe me, you don’t need much time to remember them. They are simple and straightforward. Diet does not impose a ban on food. That is, you can expect that the menu will contain all the vital and important batteries.

The only prohibition is “bad” fats. Fried sausage, lard, pies from a pan - all these are products that are better to refuse. Ideally, you should completely exclude them from your menu. If any arguments do not allow you to abandon your favorite snack, try to use it no more often than a couple of times a week, in small quantities. The rest of the diet can be very diverse and complete.

diet dinner minus reviews

Number of meals

Here it is possible to build your day in the way that is most convenient. Reviews diet "Minus dinner" is not in vain called the most loyal system. In the classic version, there should be three main meals per day. By reducing their calorie content, you can also organize two additional snacks.

  • Breakfast. This is the most important meal. Even if you could not imagine a full, morning meal before, you must love it. Breakfast can be completed with your favorite dessert. It will energize and prevent depression.
  • Dinner. It's time to charge the body with a set of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Having fully satiated in the middle of the day, it will be much easier for you to refuse dinner.
  • The last snack should be completed before 16: 00-18: 00. After that, any meal is prohibited. Try to free the refrigerator from tempting goodies. Buy products on a daily basis. Ideal - so that the last portion was eaten during an early dinner.

Decide on such an experiment will help reviews on the forums. The Minus Dinner diet seems complicated, but the main thing is to get started. Communicating with those who have gained the desired forms through this system, it is much easier to follow the rules and go to the goal.

diet minus dinner reviews and results

Why in the evening you can’t eat

Nutritionists can easily answer this question. In most cases, our evening activity is not too great. A man comes from work and sits in front of the TV. Consequently, the calories obtained are not completely consumed. If the body does not receive any food, it will be forced to use its own fat reserves.

To make it easier to tolerate evening time, it is allowed to drink an unlimited amount of unsweetened liquid. It can be herbal tea, water or green tea. Throughout the day, do not forget about drinking water. It will allow you to fully cleanse the body.

diet dinner minus results reviews photos

How to distract yourself from the urge to eat

We are all different, and if one suffers refusal to eat quite easily, then the other is visited by serious suffering from the fact that the next snack will be only in the morning. To mitigate your fate, you can resort to the following methods:

  • Be sure to have lunch. Include sources of complex carbohydrates in your diet. This is an important point, so that a feeling of satiety is preserved for a long time. This will ensure that you do not pounce on food when you return home.
  • If the feeling of hunger does not leave, then go for a walk. Walking, running, exercising in the gym, all this works perfectly for you.
  • Needlework or another hobby is also very distracting. Yoga, meditation - you can choose your own occupation to your liking.
  • Before going to bed, a warm shower is recommended. You can add foam with the smell of chocolate. And if you add candles and a cup of herbal tea to this, you get a great alternative to dinner.
after six

Pros and cons of the system

Important information is given by reviews with photos. The Minus Dinner diet is stable, albeit not too fast. If such a diet becomes natural and familiar for you, then the problem of excess weight will never arise before you again. But, like any power system, this one also has its pros and cons. Let's start with the good points:

  • One of the most significant advantages is the absence of a hunger strike. That is, the diet does not accept bullying over its body. The technique only introduces restrictions on food intake several hours before bedtime and at night. If you eat properly throughout the day, then this practically does not cause inconvenience.
  • No need to give up your favorite dishes. But to achieve maximum effect, you need to limit the calorie content of the diet.
  • Diet involves a fairly loyal attitude to calorie intake. But control is still necessary. The total "weight" of the daily menu should be in the range from 1,800 to 2,500 kcal. This circumstance eliminates the need to eat only vegetables and fruits.
  • A big plus will be that the diet can be used by almost everyone. The exception is only expectant mothers who are breastfeeding women. The danger of hormonal changes makes you abandon any experiments, even the most harmless ones.

Perhaps the only drawback is the impossibility of instant, quick weight loss. In addition, refusing only dinner and consuming any food during the day somewhat hides the effectiveness of the restrictive regime. In fact, this is an option for the lazy. Diet "Minus dinner" reviews earn mainly due to the stability of the results.

diet dinner minus reviews with photos

What you can count on

A lot will depend on your diet. The balance between consumed and consumed energy has not been canceled. Therefore, the reviews and results of the Minus Dinner diet may vary slightly. But on average, even if you spoil yourself delicious during the day and do not rush to enroll in a sports hall, body weight may drop by 1 - 2 kg in a week. This is a good achievement. To make the plumbing more serious, you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, play sports and switch to healthy foods.

diet dinner minus menu

Noticeable Changes

Despite the fact that the diet does not promise quick changes, you will quickly notice the first changes. The absence of excess load in the form of evening meals affects digestion very well, which is emphasized by reviews and photos. The results of the Minus Dinner diet appear after 3-4 days. The convex tummy picks up a little and ceases to attract attention. After about two weeks, it becomes noticeably flatter.

The second problem area is the hips. But a decrease in their volume will become noticeable no earlier than in a month. To speed up this process, you need to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet and increase activity.

diet dinner minus results reviews photos

Menu Features

The Minus Dinner diet involves making changes to the diet. This is an important point, because in most cases it leads to weight gain. An example menu option is as follows:

  • For breakfast, you can safely cook yourself scrambled eggs. Porridge and salad are also allowed.
  • For lunch, you can stock up marshmallows, fruit or berry jellies.
  • It is better to have lunch with soup, boiled meat and vegetables.
  • For afternoon tea, cottage cheese mixed with dried fruits is perfect.

Products can be changed, leaving only the principle of building a diet. Reducing the total calorie content by only 100-200 kcal, you get a chance to make your weight loss even more successful.


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