Samsung J5 Prime: features and review

In the cohort of the best smartphone manufacturers of our time, a prominent place is taken by the Korean company Samsung. Today it is she who produces the most productive and highest quality devices. In a way, they are even cooler than Apple’s products. It is not known how and why, but the smartphones of this particular company are recognized as the best at the moment. Samsung devices are beautiful, have high-quality case materials, are productive and extremely reliable. An example is the Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime G570F. Its characteristics are such that it can easily be attributed to mid-range devices. But this did not affect the quality in any way. We will definitely analyze this interesting gadget, but for now let's say a few words about the manufacturing company.

j5 prime specifications

A little bit about the company

Samsung is known to everyone. Since 1938, she has been producing a variety of electronics. Their household appliances and televisions are in almost every home. The manufacturer began producing phones back in the days of the dominance of “button handsets”. Already in those days, the company became legendary, and its phones were the subject of desire of many. When the era of smartphones began, Samsung decided to try it in this field. And here the company's products did not hit the face. The very first device of the company on the Android platform caused an unprecedented stir. By the way, Samsung was the first company after Apple to launch a smartphone class device. And now its products are in high demand. And proof of this is the completely modern smartphone Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime, the characteristics of which meet all modern requirements. Now consider it in more detail.

Appearance and design

So, consider the look of the Samsung J5 Prime. We will leave reviews and characteristics for later. When you look at this device, it immediately becomes clear that we have before us a product from Samsung. This is noticeable by the characteristic elongated button under the display. The display itself has a fairly normal size. It is covered with Corning Gorilla Glass. All sorts of sensors are conveniently located above the screen, the earpiece mesh, the front camera and the logo of the manufacturer. The back panel is made of plastic. I must say that the whole device is completely plastic. This suggests that we are not the flagship. There is a camera eye on the rear panel, a speaker grid to the right of it, and a two-color flash to the left. Nothing extra. Mechanical controls (volume buttons and power button) are located on the side faces of the device. On the lower edge is conveniently located a connector for charging, coupled with a microphone, and on the top - a headphone jack. This arrangement is standard for budget gadgets and mid-range smartphones.

j5 prime specifications reviews

Screen specifications

We continue to consider the smartphone Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime. Screen characteristics are also very important, since it is this component that provides the user with visual information. Usually, Samsung installs displays based on the Super AMOLED matrix, but here there is PLS TFT. As a result, the image is not quite what we would like. The screen resolution is non-standard - 1080 by 720 pixels. It’s a bit short of HD. The pixel density is 294 dpi. Not bad for a budget device. In any case, you don’t notice pixelization of fonts. In principle, such a resolution and such a pixel density are quite normal for a screen with a diagonal of 5 inches. The display is covered with 2.5-D tempered glass. This is fashionable now. And Samsung, as usual, is in trend. The brightness of the screen is quite normal. viewing the text in direct sunlight will not be difficult.

samsung j5 prime specifications reviews

Hardware platform specifications

So, we climb "under the hood" "Samsung J5 Prime". Specifications and reviews suggest that the device has a quad-core Exynos processor (manufactured by Samsung) with a clock frequency of 1400 megahertz. This is pretty good for a budget device. The amount of installed RAM is 2 gigabytes. For everyday tasks, such a tandem is quite enough, but for games you have to choose a more powerful platform. But the device can play all multimedia content thanks to the Mali T720 graphic chip with full support for OpenGL and DirectX. The device easily plays Full HD video in MKV format. Other features include support for the latest generation LTE networks, high-speed Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transmitters, a capacious battery, a high-speed fingerprint scanner, support for multiple SIM cards and a navigation unit.

samsung galaxy j5 prime g570f specifications

Characteristics of cameras (front and main)

Now, let's take a look at the main camera of the Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime. Reviews and specs suggest that the camera is just superb. The device has a 13-megapixel high-speed photomodule with wide angles. The camera provides excellent quality photos. But at the same time, the module is devoid of some purely “flagship” options. For example, for full resolution there is no HDR mode. Although it is not really needed with a camera of this level. Color reproduction is already realistic. Also, the camera can write video in HD and in MP4 format. Video quality at a decent level. As for the front camera, here we have a fast 5-megapixel module without any "bells and whistles". However, this camera provides pretty good quality photos and videos. Chatting on Skype is also possible with comfort. Only no flash. But these are minor trifles. We will not find fault.

samsung galaxy j5 prime smartphone specifications

Software platform

Now let's move on to the Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime operating system . Specifications from the manufacturer indicate that the device has the Android operating system version 6.0.1 installed with the TouchWiz proprietary interface shell. It is worth noting that the company has debugged its proprietary shell. Now it does not buggy and does not slow down. Android itself fit pretty well into this device. Hardware power helps all applications and the shell itself run smoothly and quickly. For the year of using this smartphone, there was not a slightest drop in performance. It is also the merit of Samsung, as the manufacturer actively supports even devices such as J5. The operating system constantly receives updates, which include numerous improvements and corrections. Therefore, the OS in this phone is always stable. Of course, with proper use.

samsung j5 prime reviews specifications


Let's move on to the battery life of the J5 Prime. Specifications from the manufacturer tell us that the gadget has a 2400 mAh lithium-polymer battery pack. For such an apparatus, the capacity is quite decent. Judge for yourself. The device works in standby mode for 5-6 days. Video playback with maximum screen brightness - 11 hours. This suggests that with the autonomy of the device, everything is fine. In standard load mode, he may well live for 3 days, for him this is not the limit. Of course, you need to take into account the power of the device. This is far from a flagship. Therefore, it is so "tenacious". But even this would not help if the smartphone was not optimized. But with the optimization of the “Samsung” and without that, everything was always in order. So in terms of battery, the phone is fine.

Positive feedback from owners

Like any gadget, J5 Prime, the characteristics of which we just disassembled, has a certain number of positive and negative reviews. It is always useful to consider them, because only in this way it is possible to understand how the device behaves in real conditions. And in the case of this smartphone, everything is transparent. The overwhelming number of reviews is positive. Most users are happy with the purchase. Everyone notes the very high-quality assembly, high-quality materials and the exceptional reliability of the device. Also, many people like the performance of the gadget. Some even claim that he can handle almost all modern games. Except for the most "tricked out". And, of course, all owners of this miracle are wildly delighted with the camera. Although it is quite budget, but the photos are very high quality. This cannot be taken away. The vast majority of owners of this smartphone also note that the headphones in this phone have very high-quality and detailed sound. But this is the standard "chip" of the "Samsung". The company has always paid attention to the high-quality reproduction of music. In general, the reviews are mostly positive. But there are those who are not happy with something. They are always there. Only constructive criticism from these comrades cannot be heard. Some baseless accusations.

samsung galaxy j5 prime reviews specifications

Negative owner reviews

On the part of the “haters", the TouchWiz signature shell is subject to complaints, which is strange. None of those who praised the J5 mentioned that the shell was annoying in any way. But some individuals are not happy with the design. Yes, and God be with him. The main thing is that the smartphone works well. But here are those who shout that "the device is bad, it does not pull Asphalt 8". It has already been said many times: this smartphone is not for games, but for working and playing multimedia content. Also, some categorically do not like the speed of the fingerprint scanner. Want speed - buy flagships. In principle, derogatory comments about Samsung Galaxy J5 end there. As you can see, there is no constructive criticism here at all. So pay attention to these reviews is not worth it.


So, we reviewed the Samsung Galaxy SM G570F J5 Prime. The characteristics of this device allow it to cope with all applications and some games without problems. The device also copes with multimedia content. But this device is perfect for those who need an inexpensive, high-quality, reliable and moderately efficient smartphone for work and some not very "heavy" entertainment. Despite its budget status, the device has an excellent camera, a powerful processor and a good amount of RAM. All this allows us to call this gadget the best in the ratio of "price-quality". And to argue with this is very difficult.


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