Types of simulators in the gym: photos, names, purpose

The types of simulators used in gyms are divided into several aspects, including the principle of action, the study of certain muscle groups, and additional functionality. Next, we consider sports equipment in blocks oriented to pumping various parts of the body.

Sports simulator

Aggregates for pectoral muscles

In this direction, the following types of simulators can be distinguished:

  1. Loaded, or block option for performing the press up at an angle. Exercise involves the upper chest. This projectile can be used to work out the triceps and the delta using the barbell or dumbbell bench press (additional insurance is not required).
  2. Bench for horizontal bench press. The anterior delta, triceps, and pectoral muscles participate in the work. Work on a sports apparatus is similar to the above version, only it is carried out not at an angle, but strictly horizontally.
  3. โ€œChest-machine, or Butterfly.โ€ This unit allows you to use the large and small pectoral muscles, the emphasis on training is on the central separation of the worked out parts of the body. The most popular exercises are: working with arms bent at the elbows, and flattening the elongated upper limbs.

Pullover and Gravirtron

The first type of simulators, the photo of which is presented below, is focused on the development of the entire group of pectoral muscles, back, delta and press. Classes on the projectile are safe, do not require an insurance assistant, and are great for beginners. The design provides a handle feed lever.

"Gravirtron" is designed to perform pull-ups. It allows you to โ€œpumpโ€ the broadest, rhomboid, large round muscles of the back. Also involved in the work of the biceps. In general, the device is an imitation of a horizontal bar, equipped with a special platform and a counterweight, which helps athletes with an insufficient degree of training to actively engage.

Gym simulator

Shells for the back

"Extensor of the back" is a type of simulator in the gym, the photo of which is available below, focused on the activation of the direct spinous muscles of the back. The device is often used to recover from injuries, can serve as a substitute for "hyperextension". The block type frame allows you to adjust the load level.

T-bar thrust at an angle. Almost all the dorsal sections are involved here, biceps with a delta also work. Sports equipment allows you to isolate a group of latissimus muscles, excluding the extensor from work. Reliably fix the legs and chest allow emphasis, which makes it possible to focus exclusively on the study of the back. Also, this type of simulators can transform under the draft of the load in the slope.

Lever load. The device employs the broadest muscles, trapezium, biceps, delta. The main load falls on the extension / flexion of the back, the study of the broadest muscles. The design provides the ability to lock the extensors and feed the handles using a special lever.

Inclined bench simulator

For legs

Next, we consider the popular types of simulators, in the gym they are used to work out various muscles of the lower extremities.

The Hack machine allows you to develop the entire frontal and back of the thigh, as well as the buttocks. The main focus is on the front muscle group and the outside. The projectile can be used for squats with a barbell or other weighting. An insurance partner is not needed because there are locking levers.

Smith's machine has a specific design that allows you to work out most of the muscles. Most often, this type of exercise equipment is used for squats with a load of hips and buttocks. The counterweight device optimizes the softness of the guide elements and reduces the weight of the neck.

The extensor and flexor of the hips

The first type of gym equipment (extensor) is designed to work out the back of the thigh. Also, the teardrop muscle located above the knee is involved in the work. In addition to training the legs, the projectile is used for rehabilitation purposes, as well as for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The hip flexor makes it possible to work out the back and calf muscles. The main load falls on the lower compartment of the biceps. In medicine, the unit is also used for the rehabilitation and prevention of diseases of the OAA (musculoskeletal system).

Among other popular sports equipment for the legs:

  1. Machine calf for calf muscles.
  2. The exercise machine for a back leg press. Classes at it are aimed at the development of the buttocks and body shaping.
  3. A fixture for performing lower limbs swings to the sides. Develops a diverting group of hips and buttocks.
  4. Device for mixing and breeding legs. Trains abduction and adduction femoral muscles.
  5. Machines for working out the lower leg (sitting, standing, and at an angle).
    Combined Trainer

Types of simulators and their names for the hands

Biceps machine. The simulator provides training for a certain part of the hands (as the name implies). Exercise is performed while sitting, which allows you to unload the spine. The handles are adjustable in tilt, guaranteeing the most comfortable training. The same analogue is available for working out triceps.

French bench press. It mainly involves the inner and middle triceps bundle. The grip angle provides a comfortable exercise, thanks to the design of the machine the loin is not overloaded.

Block triceps. When performing exercises, the corresponding muscles are fully involved, as well as the front part of the delta. The emphasis is on the fixed position of the torso, providing maximum study of the triceps muscle.

Bars sitting. The simulator allows you to "pump" the pectoral, brachial muscles and triceps. The block design with adjustable weight allows athletes with different levels of training.

Roller block. This projectile is effective for the development and muscle building of the forearm.

For the press

Bench to perform twisting while sitting. Classes allow you to use the rectus abdominis muscle with an additional load of dentate and intercostal areas. In sports medicine, the projectile is used to prevent diseases of the spine.

Twister. On this simulator, the external, transverse and internal muscles of the press are included in the work. The high efficiency of the device is manifested for building an athletic physique. In medicine - for the prevention of spinal diseases.

Shoulder girdle

Three popular simulators are noted in this segment:

  1. The bench press makes it possible to use the middle and front bundles of the deltoid muscle. Sports equipment is effective for the formation of a beautiful and powerful upper shoulder girdle. The design features of the unit contribute to the release of the spine from excessive load, the handle feed lever and the height-adjustable seat provide the most comfortable training.
  2. Wiring sitting. In this case, the middle and front parts of the delta are studied, the emphasis on the lesson is on the middle of the muscle group. A sports device is often used to breed dumbbells in a sitting position or standing.
  3. Reverse wiring. The simulator is aimed at working out the posterior deltoid muscle bundles. The device has a combined configuration, which contributes to the implementation of exercises such as bench press and abduction of dumbbells. The design provides for a change in the position of the levers and handles.
Arm & Shoulder Trainer

Multifunctional models

Types of simulators in the gym, a photo of one of which is presented below, belong to universal modifications. Two instances can be distinguished here:

  1. Crossover: This tool allows you to use triceps, biceps, all parts of the delta, back, hips and buttocks. The design consists of four blocks (two at the top, another pair at the bottom). Connecting and adjusting the handles makes it possible to work out almost all parts of the body.
  2. The frame is block. This machine consists of a pair of traction units, connected handles of different lengths and configurations, as well as the main frame. The performed set of exercises works out the muscles of the arms, legs, abs, back and chest.
    Elementary simulator

Cardiovascular equipment

In this segment there are several modifications:

  1. Treadmill. This shell is simple and effective, it allows you to burn up to 300 calories in 30 minutes of daily regular exercises. Exercise has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular and circulatory system.
  2. Exercise bike. The unit imitates cycling, differs in simplicity of design and ease of use, and provides excellent assistance in maintaining optimal physical shape.
  3. Rowing machine. Universal cardiac machine, makes it possible to achieve good results in terms of weight loss. On this unit, you can work out most of the muscles of the human body.
  4. Stepper. It provides a load on the muscles of the legs and buttocks, simulates climbing stairs, is popular among a female audience, helps to make legs slim and toned, without increasing muscle mass.


The types of simulators and their purpose are considered above. These models are used mainly in gyms, many of them have a multifunctional orientation, which allows you to work out various muscle groups. With the development of technology, some modifications are being modernized, others remain unchanged, and obsolete versions are simply discontinued.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7895/

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