Diet "Seven Petals": a menu for every day, reviews, results

In the struggle for beauty, both women and men try a huge number of different diets. The attitude to diets among doctors, nutritionists, fitness trainers is rather ambiguous. Someone scolds them for strictness and imbalance, and someone believes that this is a great way to cleanse your body of toxins and find a healthy look. But the fact remains unchanged: diets whose results are visible in a matter of days will always be popular. The rest is the work of a person, in particular one who is obsessed with the cherished idea, and plans to bring it to the end.

Reviews on the diet menu "Seven Petals" are quite clear and positive. However, this is a diet for people with a strong will, because not everyone can withstand a week of strict restrictions. For the most important prize - lost kilograms. They are worth the effort. Believe me, the result will be immediately noticeable. The main thing is willpower, endurance and desire. Nothing happens just like that, you need to make at least a small part of the effort.

In this article, we will tell you about the creator of the diet, the menu for the week, as well as some other interesting facts and recommendations.

Diet creator

A few words about the creator of this wonderful diet. The diet was developed by Swedish dietitian Anna Johansson, becoming a more efficient reprocessing of the well-known 6-petal diet, with the addition of a seventh day to consolidate the results. This diet belongs to the category of mono-diets, that is, during the day you need to eat exactly the same product. But unlike other more rigid mono-diets, the balance is maintained here and the main problem is eliminated - imbalance, since the basis of this diet is the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. So, the body is supplied with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs.

Diet psychology

Vegetarian food

The psychological factor is the main plus of this diet. The creator introduced some element of the game. You need to draw and cut a flower with seven petals. You can turn on creativity and color the petals or cut them out of colored paper. Each petal must be numbered and signed according to plan. The flower must be hung in a conspicuous place, for example, on the refrigerator. And after each day passed, you need to tear off one petal. Each day passed is a small victory for your figure and your willpower.

Prohibited Products

The seven-petal diet menu clearly states that:

  • We categorically exclude salt and sugar. These supplements are prohibited in the diet.
  • We exclude food garbage in the form of sauces, dressings, harmful oils.
  • Completely exclude fried foods. This method of preparation increases the calorie content of foods several times. "Seven petals" is a diet for weight loss and menus, and the recipes of which are based on the simplicity of preparation, without unnecessary "frills" in the form of oil during frying, etc.
  • We exclude harmful bakery products and sweets. High-calorie foods do not contribute to quick results.
  • We remove various flavor enhancers in the form of sugar substitutes and other chemicals.
  • It is advisable to exclude coffee. But coffee lovers can take 1 cup a day in the morning. Strictly natural and insoluble coffee.

All About Diet

Seven petals

For the seven-petal diet, the daily menu consists of alternating protein and carbohydrate days. Their priority must be strictly observed. Every day you need to use only one product. What exactly these products are and how they should be prepared are described in detail below.


We start the diet with fish. It is necessary to eat fish in any permitted form: baked, boiled, stewed or steamed. Sauces are prohibited. Lemon juice is allowed. For the day you need to eat no more than 500 g of fish. It is advisable to give preference to varieties of white fish, in which there is more protein and less fat. Additionally, you can use a small amount of fish stock. It is better to refuse salt, but you can use natural seasonings without salt in the composition (ginger, caraway seeds, pepper, basil, etc.) and a little greens. The first day is proteinaceous, and it is with its help that the process of fat burning is gradually launched.


The inscription "Diet"

On the second day, only vegetables should be consumed. Up to 1.5 kg of vegetables can be consumed per day. It is better to refuse vegetables containing starch, as they will inhibit the process of losing weight (potatoes, boiled carrots, corn). Preference should be given to green vegetables: broccoli, white cabbage and cauliflower, green salad, cucumbers, peppers. But others are allowed to use. From vegetables you can cook salads, stews, soups. You can also use in any not forbidden form (boiled, stewed, baked). Salt should also be discarded, giving preference to spices and lemon juice. Vegetables are rich in fiber and will allow to remove products of protein metabolism after a fish day. The body will receive all the necessary vitamins, and feel comfortable.

Chicken or turkey

On the third day of the diet, we cook meat. According to various sources, 300 to 800 g of meat should be prepared per day. Take the average value - 500 g. The skin of the chicken must be removed so that the meat does not absorb its fat content. It is advisable to bake or boil the meat, steaming is allowed. Offal is allowed in small quantities. But still, it is mostly better to use the loin. The use of broth is also allowed, but its top layer is better to remove, since it contains a lot of fat. The use of salt should be replaced with seasonings, as is the case with fish. Chicken day helps the body compensate for the protein deficiency caused by vegetable day and strengthen muscles.


Diet diary

Cereal products are the basis of nutrition the next, fourth day. On this day, you need to eat cereals (up to 200 g in dry form), cereal bread and various seeds. In cereals, it is better to choose oatmeal, barley, buckwheat or brown rice. 50 g of dry matter is enough per serving. A day of complex carbohydrates will help the body stock up on fiber and replenish energy reserves. It is very important on this day to drink a sufficient amount of water 1.5-2 liters.

Sour-milk day

On the fifth day, you need to consume up to 500 g of cottage cheese, preferably with a fat content of up to 5%, or use low-fat sour-milk products not more than 1.5 liters per day. The lack of hot becomes a big problem, because on this day you can and should drink large quantities of green tea or decoctions of herbs. A small amount of cinnamon or greens can be added to the curd. Supplements in the form of sugar, salt or sugar substitutes are prohibited. This day we again replenish the protein reserves of the body.


Vegetables or burgers?

During the sixth day we eat no more than 1.5 kg of fruit. Sudden jumps in blood glucose during the day without complex carbohydrates and protein can cause apathy and a sharp change in mood, there is a threat of disruption. One has to be careful. It is worth consuming apples, pears, citrus fruits, pineapples, as well as berries. Bananas, persimmons, and grapes should be excluded due to the large number of calories and high glycemic index. Decoctions on permitted fruits are allowed to be consumed.


In the Six Petals diet, this was not initially, but subsequently, in order to consolidate the result, an additional day was introduced. In fact, this is one of the most difficult periods, because only non-carbonated water, herbal decoctions or green tea are consumed. Drinking is worth at least 2.5 liters of liquid, but by evening, in order to avoid swelling, it is better to reduce the amount of water. If you feel unwell, it is allowed to dilute a spoonful of honey in a glass of water and drink, but it is better to refuse coffee consumption in order to avoid drying the body.

Let's look at a few basic seven-petal diet recipes. By and large, every day diet is a kind of prepared recipe, but so that your diet goes painlessly and tasty, we decided to add a couple of interesting dishes. Let's get acquainted.

Hake Fish Soup

We prepare the fillet, which is already boneless, then boil it in salted water. Immediately after cooking, drain the water, but leave a small portion so that the soup is liquid. Then we grind the fish with the help of special devices and add salt and greens to taste. Everything, enjoy the resulting dish.

Note: As the main ingredient, you can take any fish of low-fat varieties that have few bones.

Stuffed peppers

Grate the carrots, finely chop the tomato. Then peel the onions, garlic, zucchini and send everything to the pan, pass. Then we put carrots with tomatoes. In the finished mass add spices and salt to your taste.


The described diet should be treated with extreme caution, despite the fact that it can help lose weight, it can also harm your body. It is strictly forbidden to resort to it to people with a disease of the stomach and intestines. Pregnancy is also not the best time for such experiments.

Game elements

In order to simplify the diet from a psychological point of view, sometimes an element of the game is introduced. It was coined by nutritionist A. Johnson. The essence of the game is that you need to cut out special forms from ordinary paper in the form of seven petals, which are subsequently attached to the refrigerator and signed in accordance with the days of the diet. At the end of each day, you need to tear off the corresponding petal, as a symbol of endurance.

Many nutritionists strongly recommend the inclusion of gameplay, as this greatly relieves a personโ€™s emotional stress.

Basket with vegetables

Diet "Seven Petals": reviews

What else do they say about diet? Many women prefer a diet because of its diversity and versatility, unlike many other ways to get rid of extra pounds. Each review of the seven-petal diet menu is laudable. However, doctors recommend that you be very careful about dieting. The diet is strict and not recommended for those with poor health, as well as for people with increased physical activity. Diet should not be observed more than once every six months.

Seven Petal Diet: Results

With strict observance of the order of days, in this diet you can lose from 3 to 8 kg. But most of it is dumped due to water and muscle tissue, so you should be careful when ending a diet. Do not immediately pounce on high-calorie foods.

The number of kilograms lost depends on the initial weight. If your weight is significantly higher than normal, then you can lose 10 kg or more. Since a large amount of water leaves, and the body urgently cleans itself. If your weight is slightly higher than normal, then in a week you will be able to lose weight by an average of 2-3 kg, following all the recommendations.

Advantages of the Seven Petal Diet:

  • Simple and easy to remember menu.
  • Affordable and common products, no frills.
  • On many days, you can create yourself a variety (fruit, vegetables, cereals, sour milk), which psychologically softens being in the diet.
  • Quick ways to cook.
  • Cleansing. Mono-diets are fasting days. So, the body will get rid of toxins and toxins and you will get the desired ease.
  • Balance due to the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days.
  • Performance.

Cons of the diet "Seven Petals":

  • Loss of muscle tissue. The diet promises us to lose an average of 5 kg per week. But the body is not able to get rid of such an amount of fat in a week, which means that we also lose water and muscles. Because weight, as in any other mono-diets, after graduation can quickly return.
  • Lack of daily balance in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.
  • It is difficult to sustain in terms of willpower. For example, the seventh day on the water is actually a hungry day.
  • Due to the lack of sugars, possibly feeling unwell (weakness, dizziness, nausea, up to fainting).

Main principles

Set of vegetables
  1. Do not replace products.
  2. It is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of days.
  3. It is worth drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean still water per day.
  4. Do not forget about physical activity for a better result.
  5. It is necessary to observe the regime, that is, to eat fractionally, dividing the amount of food allocated for the day, into 4-6 meals.


If you decide to seriously go on a seven-petal diet, then you need to be mentally prepared and also have excellent willpower. In addition, we recommend that you strongly perform various physical exercises, so your diet will only be more interesting and effective.

By and large, any diet is a kind of test that must be passed and passed to the victorious end. Only in this case can progress be made and corresponding results obtained. No one should count on an easy start, especially in this case, since this diet is far from the easiest.

If you do not follow all its rules, then nothing will work. After all, the most important thing in achieving all goals is motivation. Find her and keep moving in that direction. Various sports videos or an example of an idol sometimes help to find motivation. You can subscribe to the channel of people known in this field and always "reinforce" with a daily portion of motivational images and videos.


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