How to split a Windows 8 drive. Three ways to split a Windows 8 hard drive (instruction)

It is not as difficult to split a hard disk into several partitions as it seems at first glance. The article will discuss the separation in the operating system Windows 8. In this case, you will find a description of both popular partition tables - GPT and MBR. By and large, the differences in actions are minimal, but still they are.

If the built-in program in the OS doesn’t work for you to split the disk, Windows 8 can also use external programs for these purposes, which are freely available on the world’s network. One of them will be considered in the article. Usually, third-party tools have much more flexibility and wide capabilities.


If your computer was purchased recently, it is likely that a disk with a GPT partition table is installed in it. MBR has many problems that cannot be considered critical, but in GPT all past shortcomings are resolved. Therefore, it is better to use GPT if you decide to split the disk. Windows 8 allows you to specify which table to use if no partitions have yet been created on the HDD.

Disadvantages of the old type file table

It is not possible to create partitions on an HDD with MBR whose total volume exceeds two terabytes. If the volume of your hard drive is equal to three terabytes, on it all the same one third will remain marked as unused, no matter how much you struggle to change partitions.

The number of primary partitions on an MBR disk cannot exceed four. If more is required, you will have to create several logical partitions that will be placed in the primary.

MBR can be modified by viruses. This state of affairs reduces the overall security of the PC.

Built-in utility

If your system has an HDD with a GPT table, you can split the hard disk into two using the built-in tools, and this is very easy to do. Go to the "Control Panel" and click on the "Administrative Tools" item. Then open the “Computer Management” utility, and then in the left column find the inscription “Disk Management”.

If you use a laptop, never touch the recovery partition; it is used by the device for its needs.

how to break a hard drive

Right-click on the drive you want to split. In the context menu, tap on the words "Compress Volume". The system will ask you to specify how much space should be separated from the existing disk. After clicking on "OK" it may seem that the computer is frozen, do not rush to forcefully end the program, otherwise you may lose all the data on the section that you are compressing. Be patient to crash your hard drive; Windows 8 requires a number of complex operations.

After the operation is completed, an unallocated memory area will appear next to the section that has been reduced. Click on its image and select "Create Partition" in the context menu. In the create window, you need to find the file system and the size of the new volume.

If you do the same operation with an MBR disk, an additional volume will be created, not the main one. The system will display both the same.

How to properly split a hard drive during a Windows installation?

This HDD partitioning method has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are simplicity and clarity. In addition, the procedure does not take a lot of time. The main drawback is that this method is applicable only during the installation of a new operating system. And the user resorts to the process of division not only for this reason. In addition, resizing partitions and any editing of them will be impossible without formatting. And formatting, as you know, removes all information from the section.

smash windows 8 hard drive

Some time after loading the program that installs the OS, the user will be prompted to select the volume in which the system files will be placed. It is here that there is an opportunity to break the disk. Windows 8 will show only one volume in this window if the HDD has just been purchased. If used before, most likely, the choice of volumes will be more extensive. To start editing partitions, click the "Disk Settings" button, it is located at the bottom of the window.

split the hard drive into two

Before any manipulation of disk space, one or more volumes will have to be deleted. Remember that by deleting a volume, you lose all the data that was stored on it. If there is free disk space that has not yet been partitioned, it is not necessary to delete partitions.

After that, click on the "Create" button. In the window that opens, you will need to enter the desired volume size. After that, it remains only to click on the "Apply" item.

Using third-party programs

program to break windows 8 disk

In order to split the disk, Windows 8 can use not only built-in tools, but also other products. The most popular volume editing programs are produced by Paragon and Acronis. They have both free versions and commercial ones with advanced functionality. This guide will describe Acronis Disk Director. Download, install and run it. The main window will welcome a dialogue of choosing which mode to work in. Manual has more complex settings, while automatic requires a minimum of action. Choose manual.

detailed instructions

Click on the button of the top menu “Wizard” - “Create Partition”. Select the drive you want to split. Click "Next" to indicate how much space you need to "bite" from the existing volume or volumes. Click on the "Next" button again. Now the program will start checking the HDD for errors. After that, you will be asked to indicate which size of the new partition is desired. It is possible to set the exact number of megabytes, as well as use the graphic slider.

split drive windows 8

Do not take all the free space if you want to create several volumes at once. Here, indicate whether the main section will be logical. For a simple user there is not much difference, choose a logical one. If the system needs to change this parameter, it will take care of everything.

At the next step, you need to decide which file system the partition will have. If you are using the Windows 8 operating system, select NTFS. It is possible to specify the file systems that are used in the Linux family of OS. Next, in the drop-down menu, select the letter and label for the volume. To apply the changes, click on the complete button.

Final steps

All the manipulations done will be reflected in the graphic display of the HDD partitions. But that is not all. Now the program must be closed. Before exiting, the user will be asked whether to perform all the previously mentioned operations. Without an answer, the program cannot be completed. It will be possible to split a Windows 8 drive only if you answer “Yes”. After that, the computer must be restarted.


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