What is the cake about: a dream book. What is the dream of the cake

Most people cannot imagine their life without sweets. It’s so nice sometimes to eat a delicious cake, candy or a piece of cake. But what if sweets are also seen in a dream? Do such dreams promise us a carefree life, or are there other interpretations? We suggest today to understand how the vision is interpreted, in which the cake and cake, dream books appear. For completeness, we will study information from several of the most comprehensive and reliable sources. So what are sweets dreaming of?

dream cake

Modern dream book

What is the dream of the cake, according to the compilers of this collection? A similar dessert by this source is interpreted as a symbol of favorable conditions for commercial activity and work in general. And what does the vision portend in which you want to buy sweetness, but you don’t have enough stuff for a delicious cake? The dream interpretation considers such a situation as a sign that in the future you will be able to gain wealth. However, in order to make it, you will have to work very hard. Eating your favorite pastries in a dream is the need to arrange for yourself at least a short-term vacation that you have long dreamed of. If you dreamed that you ate sweets and were poisoned, then in real life dangers seem to you literally at every step. Do not give in to panic, but try to take a sound look at the state of things. This will only benefit you. The dream, in which guests came to your home and brought a whole box of cakes, promises you waking support from several influential people at once. If it seems to you that your child agrees to eat only sweets, rejecting any other food, then in real life you probably feel guilty because you constantly indulge both your own and others' weaknesses.

cake in a dream

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

According to the compilers of this collection, if you dreamed about a cake, then your chosen one is quite worthy to become your spouse. In addition, if you want, as they say, to twist the ropes from your partner, then you will not find the best candidate. Buying a cake in a dream - to receive some property (possibly inheritance). Fresh biscuit culinary products are seen as a sign of success, prosperity and happiness in personal life. If a person dreamed that he was preparing a cream for cakes, then soon the dreamer would receive a favorable job offer. But the vision in which you bake culinary products warns of the likelihood of wasting a lot of time in vain on idle conversations and entertainment.

Universal dream book

Let us find out how the vision in which the considered culinary product appears is the given source. There is a cake in a dream - to get to know a person with whom you will have a serious relationship. It is also likely that it will force you to abandon old habits and completely change the circle of friends.

have a cake in my sleep

What a cake is for: 21st Century Dream Interpretation

The authors of this collection of interpretations argue that this culinary product, so beloved by many people, is a symbol of flattery and missed opportunities. Therefore, if you had such a dream, in real life do not trust ghostly ideas and do not count on the rapid achievement of the result. Try to do your job the way you did before, without stepping off a rut. Otherwise, you may expect severe disappointment. In a dream, see the cakes that you yourself baked, and eat them - to contention in the family. Moreover, the cause of the quarrel will be some annoying misunderstanding. Therefore, try to be careful with your loved ones in order to avoid a breakdown in relationships.

see cakes in a dream

Dream Book of the White Wizard

Consider how the compilers of this collection interpret visions of sweets. So, a cake in a dream, which you enjoy eating, reflects the fact that in real life you attach too much importance to the appearance, the shell of things, and you practically do not pay attention to their true essence and do not notice it. This attitude does not allow an adequate assessment of the situation, which leads to the emergence of a variety of problems and difficulties. The dream in which you bake a cake or other sweets, promises the appearance in the foreseeable future of the need to do complex and responsible business, which will require all your skills. Such a test can reveal the dreamer's hidden abilities before this. By the way, your further career will depend on how well you manage this business.

Collection of tips received in a dream

If you saw a magnificent big cake, then in real life for some time you do not let go of a premonition of future success. You really will have good luck in business, but not if you had a terrible hunger in a dream at the sight of a culinary product. If you barely found the strength to not fall for dessert, then in reality you will have to work hard to achieve your goal. Burning candles decorating the cake in a dream promise the dreamer the fulfillment of some desire in the foreseeable future.

buy cake in a dream

Big dream book

The authors of this collection suggest paying close attention to how a cake or a cake looked in your vision. The dream book contains information that if the dessert was prepared on the basis of yogurt, fruits and other healthy products, then in real life you are now able to make a serious practical contribution to solving a problem. If sweets in a dream were covered with a lush high-calorie cream, then you are more a creative person. The dreams in which you bake a cake for someone speak of your desire to take care of someone.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7917/

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