Audit of operations on the current account - the basis for calculating the tax base in the absence of primary documents

An audit is an expert review of financial documents and statements of an economic entity, carried out in full accordance with the rules of all financial and accounting operations in accordance with the current Russian legislation and the provisions of the accounting report to reflect the accuracy and completeness of the financial statements on the economic activities of the enterprise.

Audit is divided into two main types: proactive and mandatory. The customer of an initiative audit is usually either the founders (founder) of the enterprise, or the management of the enterprise, who wants to identify weaknesses in accounting, verify the correctness of the calculation and payment of taxes for the year, and also conduct an audit in accounting for the existing debt of the enterprise. A mandatory audit (comprehensive or selective thematic) is carried out at the request of state bodies and is aimed at identifying distortions and violations in the general accounting system for the enterprise.

The main documents for the audit are the annual balance sheet of the enterprise, the final report on the movement of cash assets, tax calculations, accounting registers for the movement on the current account and documents (contracts, invoices, invoices) that serve as the accounting basis for processing banking operations for various accounts.

Audit of settlements with creditors, as well as audit of operations on a current account and audit of operations on current accounts is carried out to draw up an opinion, to form an independent opinion on the accuracy of the data presented on the financial statements in the “Cash assets” section based on the approved methodology of accounting for cash and assets in accordance with the provisions of regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation for the audited period.

Audit of operations on settlement accounts is carried out on the basis of regulatory instructions governing the list of operations and the procedure for their implementation on settlement, foreign currency and other special and block accounts with credit institutions.

Audit of operations on a current account begins with determining the number of current accounts opened at the enterprise. Next, the analytics is checked on each of them individually. The basic necessary information on the movement in the current account is contained in bank statements and primary documents, which are the basis for banking operations.

An audit of the operations on the current account reveals the correctness of the reflection of the operations reflected in the bank statement and their compliance with the primary documents.

In addition, the audit of current account operations is aimed at revealing the completeness and accuracy of crediting collected cash. In the process of checking the movement of the current account, the validity of money transfers from the organization’s account on the basis of the concluded contracts is checked and at the same time, settlements with creditors are audited.

The task of checking the current account includes the following points: this is the implementation of the correctness of the execution of financial documents, their arithmetic verification, as well as verification of the legality of their implementation.

Checking of settlements with debtors and creditors is carried out on the accounts No. 46 “Implementation of work (services)”, No. 60 “Settlements with suppliers of goods and contractors”, “Settlements with buyers” account No. 62 and No. 76 “Other settlements”.

The general audit and verification of operations on all accounts includes an examination of the movement of funds in foreign currency accounts (current and transit), as well as on accounts 55 of “Special Accounts”. These are checkbooks, letters of credit, and deposits. The correspondence, completeness and correctness of the entries in these accounts is also verified with the data reflected in the general ledger.

It is no secret to anyone that in the database of existing and existing enterprises, there are sometimes business entities who are trying to divert the funds received from taxation, using all possible options. For example, the primary reporting may be destroyed or it is impossible to determine any credentials from it. Then, the inspection bodies carry out a mandatory audit, in particular, an audit of operations on a current account, carried out on the basis of information received from the bank serving this enterprise, on the movement of funds in current accounts. Further, in the process of auditing past operations, primary documents are restored , including documents on mutual settlements with debtors and creditors. And so all the basic data that affect the tax base for the company for the reporting period are recreated .


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