The concept, types and examples of abstraction. Abstract thinking

The philosophy in the view of many people is a science that is characterized by transfusion from empty to empty, as the saying goes. That is, in the eyes of the townsfolk, philosophers only do what they reason, without any benefit. This idea of ​​science has developed largely due to its incomprehensibility, due to the use of complex specific terms and long, uniform descriptions of their meanings.

Meanwhile, many philosophical concepts are quite relevant in ordinary life. For example, abstraction. This word can be heard very often. Moreover, in conversations people use it to refer to the abstraction or "nebula" of what is being said. But what is an abstraction from a scientific point of view?

What it is? Definition

The name of this term comes from the Latin word abstractio, which is translated into Russian as "distraction." This is precisely the essence of this philosophical concept.

Abstraction is nothing more than a distraction, a mental departure from the subject being studied, studied, or discussed, carried out with the aim of identifying and highlighting the most important, essential points, signs, elements by generalizing.

In simple terms, this is a way of mentally eliminating the unnecessary, helping to focus on the main thing. Moreover, importance can be both generalized and detailed.

Also, this concept is defined as a generalization achieved by abstraction.

What could be the abstraction? Life examples

As a rule, a category is perceived only as part of some lengthy dialogs. In fact, each person resorts to it daily and more than once.

The simplest example is the train of thought that arises when looking at the sky. Every modern person knows that there is an atmosphere above his head, which consists of several alternating layers. Everyone knows that it consists of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen.

But what happens in the head when looking up? Just the word "sky." This is an example of a natural abstraction that does not require special efforts. In this case, in the brain there is a distraction from known to the person looking into the sky, but at the given time unnecessary details and details. That is, the desired element is determined and singled out by generalization.

Swirls of Abstract Thoughts

If, when looking up, the word “clouds” appears in thoughts, then this is already a more complex abstraction. It involves not only generalization, but also the allocation of a specific, important element. However, it is also natural, not requiring special effort.

People in everyday life also see examples of abstraction of the conscious quite often. In any conversation in which the narrator resorts to abstract analogies to explain something, this category is involved. That is, if a person gives an example of a case from life, explaining to them what he wants to say, he resorts to abstraction and does it consciously.

What is abstraction? Definition

Examples of abstraction demonstrate the presence of certain techniques in communication and, of course, the way of thinking. The totality of this is called abstraction in philosophy. This concept has two main meanings, which are related in meaning, overlap with each other. The first defines this concept as the process of distraction itself or as a method, and the second as a method.

That is, abstraction is the use of the method of distraction in the process of cognition or explanation, reasoning.

Abstract representation

Distraction comes from all that is insignificant, irrelevant in a particular period of time, from unnecessary, which prevents one from correctly understanding the essence. The result of this process is the formation of an abstract concept.

Abstract and Concrete

Examples of abstraction, both meaningful and natural, demonstrate the achievement of a certain result. It is he who is called in philosophy an abstract concept.

It can be almost anything, devoid of clear detail, such as color, light, curvature, ugliness or beauty. That is, if only the result of abstraction is voiced out of context, for example, the word "sky", then each person will have his own understanding.

Abstract concepts

In other words, this concept carries a meaning, has a meaning, but does not convey any precise characterizing details that specify and narrow it down. It is by the presence of exact characteristics that abstract and concrete concepts differ. That is, if upon receiving information it can be perceived completely differently, then it is abstract. A specific concept does not allow various interpretations; it is extremely accurate.

Types of abstraction

Paradoxical as it may seem, this category has both a clear classification by purpose and a very extensive and vague list of conditional types.

In accordance with the purpose of abstraction is:

  • meaningful;
  • formal.

The substantial form implies the allocation of the particular through the general. That is, recalling the example mentioned above, if when you look at the sky the word "cloud" comes to mind, then this is a meaningful abstraction.

Abstract psychedelic images

The formal one identifies those elements that themselves do not exist, such as color. Formal abstraction is the basis for the assimilation and transfer of descriptions of external properties, and also serves as the basis for theoretical reflection.

The main types or types of this category include:

  • sensual primitive;
  • generalizing;
  • idealizing;
  • insulating;
  • constructivizing.

Separately, scientists distinguish the so-called abstraction of actual infinity. She stands out because examples of abstraction of the main types can be found in everyday life, but it is impossible to observe this species. That is, this philosophical category is a completely theoretical concept. What is its essence? It is to mentally distract from the axiom that it is impossible to fix each of the components of an infinite set. And then this set will become finite. This philosophical theory, although reminiscent of utopia, is very seriously considered by mathematicians. It is possible that in the future it will still be in demand in practice, for example, in the process of space exploration.

What is meant by abstract thinking?

Often you hear how they say about someone that he thinks in abstract categories. Moreover, it is clear that we are talking about a person who is not distinguished by mundane and ordinary, about who is inclined to think and reason without any clarity and specificity. But what is meant by philosophy in this?

Abstract thinking is, in simple words, nothing more than a form of cognitive activity. That is, it is a type of brain activity of a person for which the formation of specific abstract concepts and their further operation is characteristic.

Abstract thinking

That is, an individual with this type of thinking is characterized by an abstraction of the picture of perception of the surrounding world, of any phenomenon or concept. In reasoning and dialogue, he departs from the usual system of rules and axioms. This allows you to convey or receive information, ideas or thoughts without undue stress, to use symbols and images. However, accuracy is lost and, of course, a context or a well-known symbol is necessary for a correct understanding of thought.

What is the use of abstract concepts and thinking?

The general concept of abstraction adopted in science does not at all reveal the practical benefits of this phenomenon. Meanwhile, it is necessary for the development of human mental capabilities. For example, it is through abstractions and their juxtapositions that children begin to learn about the world.

Abstract concepts are an integral part of the mental activity of people. They contribute to the disclosure of connections and relationships between phenomena, objects, elements, concepts. With the help of abstract thinking, people synthesize existing ideas and form new types of interconnections and relationships between the objects in question, thereby developing their own consciousness.

The emergence of thoughts in the mind

That is, with the help of distraction, the progress of cognitive, mental activity of a person occurs.

In addition, abstractions are inextricably linked with language skills. Learning the speech of babies occurs using this type of thinking.

In art

Not only philosophy, but also art is characterized by such a thing as “abstraction”. The paintings of many famous artists are written in this genre.

Abstract art is a direction in art, which characterizes the rejection of the transmission of something in the form of a realistic display. This primarily concerns the forms of images in painting and sculpture. However, any work can be abstract, for example, a story, a poem, theatrical scenery, costumes and much more.

Kandinsky, the first abstract painting

The founder of this genre is considered to be the Russian painter Vasily Kandinsky, and the first abstract work is his watercolor work “Untitled”, written in 1910.


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