Monitor Matrix Type

Modern computers are not at all like those bulky slow machines, which, however, have made a revolution in technology. And monitors are now far removed from cathode ray tubes and picture tubes. The main difference between all monitors is the type of matrix. Of the modern, the most common are monitors based on liquid crystal technology. In English, it will sound like a "Liquid crystal display" . Often you can see another reduction - LCD.

matrix type

A thin film transistor array type is also used. This is a type of field-effect transistor that is used in virtually all LCD technologies. In English, it sounds like a "thin-film transistor" (usually abbreviated to TFT). Thus, we can say that most LCD monitors are also TFT monitors.

But even here there are varieties. The type of matrix determines both image and performance. Therefore, it is worthwhile to elaborate on the most popular types.

matrix type tn

The oldest technology can be considered Twisted Nematic (or just TN). To date, it is considered to be both the cheapest and the most common. Given its simplicity, this type of matrix is โ€‹โ€‹constantly evolving, improving, becoming more high-quality and affordable. A new round in the development of Twisted Nematic technology is an additional layer that increases the viewing angle of the monitor. This feature is called "Film". The main advantage of this innovation is the low price, which became the basis of its popularity, as well as the rather low response time, which allows you to watch dynamic movies on these monitors (itโ€™s easy to guess that this is why this type of matrix tn is called โ€œFilmโ€.)

However, TN has some drawbacks. For example, it has poor color rendering and a relatively high probability that defective subpixels will appear on the screen. Therefore, such monitors are often used in offices or at home for a limited budget.

Another popular technology is IPS, which was jointly developed by Hitachi and NEC. The main task of the development was this: get rid of the main disadvantages of TN-TFT. Using their IPS, developers were able to increase the viewing angle, solve the problem with color reproduction and contrast. However, they could not avoid the negative sides: the response time increased. The price of such monitors, of course, is much higher than the TN TFT.

matrix types

Another groundbreaking technology is IPS-S. The letter S here should mean the word "super." These types of matrices were supposed to solve the problem with viewing angles and increase the response time of pixels. Which, in fact, the developers completely succeeded. These types of monitors are often used for games, as screens for advertising and graphic design, demonstration of projects.

There are several more subtypes of IPS technology. These are Horizontal, Ultra Horizontal and Professional. They are modified versions of IPS matrices and have some advantages, but at the same time a higher price. For example, the advantages of such subtypes include increased contrast, improved viewing angles of the display, and high-level color reproduction.


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