How did Borodina Ksenia lose weight?

how Borodin lost weight
The question of how Borodin lost weight is asked by many girls and women aged. An amazing transformation of the TV presenter happened some time after the birth. The public remembers that ten years ago, Ksenia Borodin could not be called a slender girl, she always had volumes and mouth-watering cheeks. During pregnancy, as often happens, Ksenia was not able to maintain her normal weight, and she recovered greatly. In the vastness of the Web, one could find many unsuccessful photos of the TV presenter with unflattering comments. After the birth of the child, Borodina decided to pull herself together and go on a diet. So, let's figure it out together, how Borodin lost weight.

According to the TV presenter herself, she did not turn to nutritionists for help and a rational menu. The girl herself perfectly understood that in order to improve her figure and lose extra pounds, it was necessary to combine body cleansing with sports. That is why Ksenia began to often go to the gym, she also walked a lot with her newborn daughter and conducted training at home.

how did Ksenia Borodina lose weight book

As for nutrition, here the answer to the question of how Borodin lost weight will be cucumbers. A vegetable diet allows you to get rid of toxins in the body, saturate it with vitamins and lose weight without starving. Borodina says: “At that time I ate a lot of cucumbers. They served me breakfast, lunch and a snack. ” Vegetables can be combined with meat and other products. The main thing is to give up sweets. According to Xenia, sweets are a white death. Simple carbohydrates give endorphins to the brain, but make it impossible for us to feel beautiful and slim.

How did Borodin lose weight in such a short time? The girl did not want to stretch the “pleasure” of the diet for a long period. She is convinced that if desired, goals can be achieved as quickly as possible. The TV presenter did not let down her willpower . For several months she managed to get rid of 12 kilograms. Borodina also notes that she did not resort to the help of diet pills. Ksenia is sure that they not only do not bring benefits, but are also harmful to the body, as they disrupt the metabolism and slow down all cycles. So, after a course of pills, the weight doubles back and does not go away even when fasting.

how much weight has Borodin lost

How Ksenia Borodina lost weight

The book, which a TV presenter released several years ago, is dedicated to working on yourself and your body. Here she tells young girls how to better build their diet, how to monitor muscle mass, how to maintain harmony for a long time. Her cucumber diet is also mentioned here. The TV presenter has no secrets from her fans. She readily shares tips.

The question of how much Borodin lost weight, we covered. It is worth noting that now with an increase of 165 centimeters, its weight is only 46 kilograms. The girl really looks good and spectacular, looks after her figure and, of course, does not forget about sports. Thanks to the clear and regular work on the body, Ksenia remains attractive and charming.


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