I want to lose weight by 20 kg, practical recommendations

It is no secret that with age, the metabolism slows down in both men and women. But if men, lovingly patting their round belly, look with pleasure in the mirror, then women are terribly worried about arriving kilograms. Often the weight begins to arrive after pregnancy and childbirth, and if with the first child, for many, the figure returns to normal, then with the second, third it is not so easy to return to its former forms. With age, the metabolism slows down , and banal fatigue and lack of time often affect it. Therefore, many women catch themselves only when they gain more than a dozen kilograms.

“I want to lose weight by 20 kg, by 10, or even by 5!”, One can often hear from girls who have barely crossed the thirty-year line, forty-year-old women and mature ladies, 55 years old. The older the woman, the more difficult it is for her to say goodbye to hated kg. So you have to make a lot of efforts to return a beautiful figure.

Where to start women who have already said to themselves: "I want to lose weight by 20 kg"?

First, determine the motive for this decision. Why lose weight? To improve health, to regain her husband’s interested, admirable look, to put on beautiful things that are so difficult to choose from large sizes? It happens that there is no specific motive - on the one hand, it seems like you want to lose weight, but on the other, everything suits you. In this case, all the kilograms will remain with their mistress - in order to really reduce weight you need to say to yourself once and for all: “I want to lose 20 kg”, and always remember about your decision!

Secondly, you need to choose the right nutrition program. Advertising on television and on the Internet promises that you can lose 20 kg in a month , you just have to buy wonderful pills or refuse 2-3 products. Of course, such proposals are very tempting - I really want to get rid of everything at once, without making any effort to this. However, the kilograms that have accumulated over the years will never go away in a few days without harm to health. The optimal weight loss rate is 2-3 kg per month! During this time, the body gets used to the new weight, the skin tightens, and the metabolism normalizes. Express weight loss, hunger strike not only relieve excess weight, but also lead to serious illness. In addition, the body, which for some period has received less vital substances, will begin to accumulate fat literally “from the air” and in a matter of weeks will not only return the thrown kilos, but also store some new ones.

Thirdly, choose the right sport. Exercise is very important for shaping a beautiful figure. During classes, not only additional calories are burned, but also the relief of the muscles is formed . The type of training is chosen depending on the state of health - for example, people with joint problems are not recommended to run.

The type of loading depends on the presence of problem areas - it happens that excess weight accumulates in only one area (in the hips, on the arms, on the waist). In this case, the exercises should focus on this area. For example, hula-hoop exercises will help to make the waist thinner, and cycling will help to reduce the hips .

It is important that classes are fun and regular. Those who set themselves the “I want to lose 20 kg” setting can start with water aerobics, a gym or swimming. Firstly, the fact that a subscription has already been purchased is an additional incentive to attend classes, and not to fly away from them. Secondly, classes are held under the supervision of a trainer who can individually select the optimal load.

You can search the Internet for exercises designed for different muscle groups. They will help keep the body in good shape if they are done 1-2 times a week.

The main thing is to combine sports and proper nutrition. And then after a while you will proudly say to your friends: “I lost 20 kg!”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K793/

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