What is the salary of the police: salary level depending on the position

Back in 2009, the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began . After several years, conclusions can be drawn. Ordinary citizens noticed only the renaming of “police” to “police”. But what changes have occurred? Perhaps the most important question is, has the police salary changed? The president set this task several years ago. In particular, the increase in salaries is planned to be made due to the reduction in staff.

What determines the salary of police officers?

Total income consists of several points:

  • salary;
  • allowances;
  • regional coefficient.
what is the salary of a policeman in russia

Also, for cops, surcharges may be provided:

  • for length of service;
  • for complexity.

An employee’s salary may also be affected by a state award. The exact amount of the reward is unknown.

All salary components, with the exception of salary, are set individually. That is why it is difficult to say unequivocally what salaries the police have. Too many factors affect it. Therefore, even employees of the same department can have different incomes. For example, a local police officer is paid more than a traffic police inspector who works with documents.

What is the salary of the police?

The income of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not as high as many assume.

An ordinary policeman who has served no more than 5 years receives 25 thousand in salary.

Having become an officer, he can count on 36,000 rubles. And only after 15 years of service, the salary will increase to 42,000.

Studying the question of what the salaries of the police, it is worth noting that the income of officers and superiors can be very different. Heads of departments are paid 80 and even 100 thousand rubles a month. Ordinary policemen in Russia can only dream of such income. Despite government promises, employees do not have to rely on a real increase.

Answering the question of what kind of salaries the police receive, one cannot ignore the fact that it depends heavily on the region of residence. According to stubborn statistics, in Siberian cities the income is about 60 thousand rubles. This is higher than the average salary, which in Russia is about 35 thousand rubles.

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Many are interested in the salary of a policeman in Moscow. It turns out that by capital standards, law enforcement officers do not receive a very high income - about 50 thousand rubles. You need to understand that these are average numbers. As mentioned above, the salary of police officers is formed taking into account several factors.

Some are interested in not only the size of the salary, but also other details. For example, what is the salary of the police? Usually employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive income on the 20th. However, this date may vary depending on the place of work.

Will the salary increase?

By Putin’s decrees, monthly payments to the police were to increase by 150%. But the economic crisis intervened, so the plan could not be implemented. For the same reason, in the near future, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not have to count on improving the situation.

It was planned to carry out an increase in salaries due to staff reductions. But the promises, as always, were false. The government has decided to spend the freed money at its discretion. It is unlikely that they are interested in what the salaries of the police are.

In addition, they do not plan to return the 13th salary and free travel in public transport.

The opinion of the authorities

Relatively recently, Putin once again recalled the need to increase salaries, despite the raging crisis in the country. However, few people believe in the promises made by the authorities.

The maximum you can hope for is the indexation of salaries for police officers. This measure will only allow to overcome the consequences of inflation.

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In addition, the Ministry of Finance proposes to allocate funds to improve conditions: repair the premises, purchase equipment, as well as improve the skills of employees.

However, raising salaries is possible only if the state finds ways to replenish the budget. One of them will be an increase in taxes.

According to financial experts, with the successful implementation of government plans, police salaries will rise to 60 thousand rubles. The good news is the return of previously canceled benefits to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Police fines

Against the background of the planned increase in salaries, the requirements for employees have been tightened. For example, if you are absent from work for more than 4 hours, a policeman may be deprived of a bonus or even some of the salary. Certification is also provided. According to its results, they will reduce staff so that the released funds can be used to increase payments to existing police officers. That's not all. Getting bonuses will now be more difficult. They will be paid only by decision of the commission.

what is the salary of the police

Police privileges

It has long become clear that the police do not have to rely on an increase in salaries. Therefore, for the time being, employees have left privileges that can at least partially compensate for low incomes.

Among them:

  • up to 10 days of rest in addition to vacation;
  • separate queue for housing;
  • sanatorium treatment for a police officer or his relatives;
  • access to free medical care.

Also for law enforcement officers entering the police, places are provided in dormitories. Separate rooms are allocated for family employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How much do interns pay?

If the future policeman recently graduated from an educational institution, he should not count on a large salary. An intern who is just starting to gain experience and gain practical knowledge will, on average, earn 20-25 thousand rubles.

To increase your monthly income, you need to earn, for example, to an ordinary. For this, the trainee will need a lot of time, as well as a reserve of patience and strength.

How do police salaries affect retirement?

This question interests many. To assign a pension, a police officer must have at least 20 years of experience. The number of years worked directly affects the size of payments.

Pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on many factors:

  • salary for the position;
  • salary for the title;
  • experience.
police work

These three indicators are taken into account when calculating the monetary allowance for former police officers. The minimum pension that can be assigned will be at least half of the salary. Therefore, the police are in more favorable conditions compared to other citizens.

Income statement

In connection with the fight against corruption, the state seeks to control not only the salaries of police officers, but also their expenses. Every year, every employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is required to submit a declaration. It should reflect information on income and expenses, as well as on the availability of property. Moreover, this obligation extends not only to the policeman. The declaration should contain information about the spouse and minor children. It is assumed that such a measure, forcing to transfer information about the financial condition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will allow to combat bribery.

Separately, it should be said about the declaration of income of spouses. This applies only to those police officers who are in official relations. At the same time, nobody cares whether spouses live together or not. Even if they do not maintain a relationship, but have not officially divorced, the police will have to include information about the spouse in the declaration.

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How much does a policeman earn in the USA?

How much they pay the Russian law enforcement officers, we found out. Also take an interest in what is the salary of a policeman in the USA? I must say that in comparison with the earnings of Russian colleagues, it is significantly different in a more favorable direction.

The salary of an American policeman does not depend on the experience gained and the number of years spent in his position. According to statistics, the average income is about 120 thousand rubles a month, excluding premiums and other additives. Police officers in Russia can only envy American colleagues.

The spread of salaries for law enforcement officers in the United States also takes place. If you count in dollars, then income varies between 44-73 thousand dollars a year. For a better understanding, translate into rubles. Then you get 250-400 000 rubles a month. That's the salary for cops in America.

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However, you need to understand that higher income hides more stringent requirements for American police officers compared to Russian colleagues. For example, getting the next rank simply for years of service is impossible. To do this, the police officer has to pass complex tests. The higher the rank, the more difficult the exam. That is why in America it is considered a typical situation when a policeman retires in the same rank that he received at the dawn of his career.

Now you know what a policeman’s salary is in Russia. Whether it is worth applying for the post of employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everyone decides for himself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7930/

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