The play "Generation of Mowgli" in Moscow: reviews

This is not the first year that the performance “Generation of Mowgli” has been walking in the country. This is a project of the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation. His task is to enable children living in different parts of our country and in families with completely different incomes to engage in creativity and develop their abilities. The Mowgli Generation is a kind of reporting performance, demonstrating the results of the work of the foundation's project.


mowgli generation reviews
The play “Generation of Mowgli”, based on the immortal work of R. Kipling “Mowgli”, tells how often in our time parents do not pay attention to their children, which is why they grow on their own, fall into good and bad companies, just like Mowgli grew up in a pack of wolves. Throughout the action, the question remains open whether parents will understand that they need to take care of raising their children so that they do not become modern Mowgli. The plot of the play does not completely repeat the tale, the action is transferred to our time. Douglas Mowgli does not fall into the rainforest, like R. Kipling, but finds himself on the outskirts of a modern big city - in a stone jungle. The main character left home because his parents do not pay attention to him, although his family is among the wealthiest, his father is the deputy mayor of the city, and the boy really wants to be friends and loved not for whose son he is , but for what he himself is, for what kind of person he is. He will have many discoveries, he will see different people, each of whom has his own outlook on life and his values. This is a vivid statement, in which there is something to laugh and cry, there is something to think about. A whole storm of emotions in both young and adult viewers will cause the play "Generation of Mowgli." Its duration is 2 hours. He recalls that the most important values ​​in life are family and friends, that you need to be honest, kind, compassionate and take care of those who need help. This instructive tale will tell the children how to stay on their own and find the "truth." And she will tell her parents that the main thing in raising a child is to devote as much time and attention to him as possible, because no, even the best teachers, any toys, entertainment, attractions will not replace parental love and warmth.

Konstantin Khabensky’s fund uses all the proceeds from the performance for charity purposes - for the treatment of seriously ill children. Thus, each viewer gets the opportunity not only to watch an interesting fairy tale, but also to do two good deeds at once - to support young beginner actors and make their small financial contribution to helping sick children.

The creators of the play

musical generation mowgli habensky
The musical “Generation of Mowgli” was invented by Khabensky Konstantin - the famous Russian theater and film actor. Under his strict guidance, several theater studios have already been opened for children in various cities of our country, for example, in Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Kazan, and others. The authors of the musical for the musical were the members of the famous group "Accident" - soloist Alexei Kortnev and musician Sergei Chekryzhov. The director of the performance was Ainur Safiullin - a graduate of the GITIS directing department. The scenery for the play was created by the artist Nikolai Simonov, who is known for his work in theaters such as the Mariinsky, Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov, Sovremennik and others.


The musical “Generation of Mowgli” is a project where young actors play (pupils of the children's theater school-studio Konstantin Khabensky, who were trained to perform roles by professional teachers in stage speech and acting), and famous actors of theater and cinema, musicians are involved in some roles and even athletes. Each city where this production is carried out has its own performers of roles. Almost all of them are residents of the city where the production is carried out, with the exception of invited celebrities.

musical generation mowgli


The performance of the “Generation of Mowgli” in Kazan was attended by the stars of Russian show business: Timur Rodriguez played the role of the bear Balu, and Elmira Kalimullina (star of the project “Voice”) shone in the role of Panther Bagira. The role of Mowgli was performed by an actor-gifted boy - Daniil Pasynkov. This is an amazing child, talented, emotional and sincere.


The play “Generation of Mowgli” in Ufa was unusual in that the main character was a girl, fourteen-year-old Ramil Ardislamova, who had to change her image radically to look like a boy. Konstantin Khabensky first saw the young actress at the festival and invited her to try on the role of Mowgli. When it was approved, she did not hesitate to make a sacrifice, which this role demanded of her - parted with long hair and cut her hair under the boy. The Ufa audience saw the performance during the New Year holidays.


The children's musical "Generation of Mowgli" in Moscow, small and large viewers could see in March this year - during the school holidays. This is a family play, which is interesting to watch for both children and adults, since in the center of its plot is just the relationship between the children and their parents. This is an exciting story for viewers over 6 years old. In the capital, the performance was in the Palace on the Yauza.

In the play “Generation of Mowgli” in Moscow, along with the children, the famous artists took the stage: Yekaterina Guseva in the role of Panther Bagira, Gosha Kutsenko in the role of Balu and others.

performance generation mowgli duration

Performance reviews

About the play "Generation of Mowgli" reviews leave the audience the warmest. They write that the creators managed to make a beautiful production and in a new, modern way told the story of R. Kipling, written so long ago and very popular in the world to this day. The fact that such celebrities as Konstantin Khabensky, Timur Rodriguez, Ekaterina Guseva come on stage with the children is also very pleased. The play “Generation of Mowgli”, according to the public, is useful for everyone to watch - both children and parents, to draw conclusions about their lives, to think about their own actions, since this is a very instructive story.

Mowgli generation in Moscow
Parents note that the production is so interesting that the smallest viewers watch and listen carefully for 2 hours with bated breath. Very good reviews leave the audience about the music and lyrics. The characters of the play have interesting, modern costumes. Parents, who have already brought their sons and daughters to the musical “Generation of Mowgli”, express the opinion that teenage children perceive the production better - not everyone understands it by the younger ones. This is a bright, beautiful, memorable and touching sight, from which many have tears. The performance is filled with stunning modern dances and acrobatic stunts.

mowgli generation

Reviews about the artists

About young artists who are engaged in the play “Generation of Mowgli”, viewers write that these are very talented children who give all their energy to the play, work on an equal footing with adults and at a practically professional level. The way artists play their roles, sing, dance - evokes extremely positive emotions. It can be seen that both adults and young actors give their whole soul to the performance. The performers have wonderful voices, wonderful plastic and very good acting data - this is how most viewers write in their reviews.


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