Why a pregnant woman dreams of fish: the meaning of sleep, the full interpretation of dreams in a dream book

The world of our dreams is bizarre, and the images revealed to him sometimes compel us to speculate about their secret meaning. It is not easy to understand, because for this you should consider the most various details of what you saw. The most reliable way to avoid mistakes is the help of experienced interpreters who have summarized their knowledge in their dream books. Consider this as an example of what a pregnant woman dreams of fish.

dream of fish

Judgment from centuries

A number of interpreters, clarifying the question of what the fish dream of to a pregnant woman, indicate a connection in this vision with the sex of the unborn child, which, if correctly interpreted, can be determined before the doctors do it. So, back in the 16th century, the famous French mystic and fortune teller Nostradamus wrote that if a woman dreamed that she had caught a fish whose name is expressed by the word masculine, then she would have a son, if female, then a daughter.

In general, Nostradamus was very skeptical about dreams in which the fish appeared, because he considered her image a symbol of duality and inconstancy. He showed particular caution in those cases when it came to pregnant women. He warned them that a large number of fish seen promises all sorts of misfortunes. At the same time, he made some clarification, saying that rotten fish is a harbinger of rumors discrediting a woman's reputation.

Great Nostradamus

The mystic made an exception only for night dreams, in which three fish were the future mother in childbirth. Regardless of size, breed and quality, he interpreted them as a good omen. Just by his deep conviction, the number “three” itself carries a positive burden, and is a happy sign. Note that over the centuries, the correctness of many of his statements has become apparent, which gives reason to believe this statement.

The relationship of the sex of the child with the mother's name

The opinion of the compilers of the "Old Slavonic Dream Book" is also very curious. They noted that if a living fish is dreamed of by a pregnant woman, whose name day, that is, Angel's Day (not to be confused with her birthday), falls on one of the three autumn months or December, a boy will surely be born.

In other cases, the appearance of a girl should be expected. They also indicate that the ladies who are congratulated on their birthday in May, July, September and November, having seen a fish in a dream, become especially caring and loving mothers. However, the authors do not deny that these qualities are characteristic of almost all women without exception.

Day Angel

Ancient symbol of fertility

Looking through modern dream books, you can find a number of other, equally interesting statements about what pregnant women dream of fish. Girls, for example, who have seen such a dream, are highly recommended to pass a pregnancy test. The fact is that since the time of the ancient Slavs, fish has been one of the symbols of fertility, and its image can talk about the birth of a new life. Of course, we are talking only about those girls who have real reason for concern.

The interpretation of the image of large fish

A number of dream books cite a statement that if a woman, when she was pregnant, dreamed of a big, big fish, then her child in life would be lucky. In what form it will appear, the authors do not specify, but are ready to congratulate these happy dreamers in advance. The situation is worse if every future trifle is a fish trifle in a dream: smelt, smelt, bleak, etc. In this case, her future child may encounter various life troubles.

Well, a very big fish!

It is impossible to ignore judgments as to why pregnant women dream of very large fish, well, say, whales, although, strictly speaking, they belong to the category of marine mammals. So, some compilers of dream books, such as, for example, the American psychiatrist Gustav Miller, argue that these giants portend a woman to the appearance of a rich and generous patron who will take care of her and her child. Of course, in this case, we are talking about those women in childbirth who are not connected by marriage bonds with the father of the newborn.

Opinion of Mr. Freud

In interpreting the question of what fish is dreaming of for pregnant women, Sigmund Freud, a traditional and very popular Austrian psychoanalyst of the beginning of the last century, goes beyond. Remaining true to his tradition of seeing sexual motives in all matters and thoughts of people, he interpreted the future dreams of women in childbirth in the usual way. In his opinion, such dreams reflect the woman’s hidden desire, having strengthened after childbirth, to resume an active sex life, and the legal spouse is not always the object of desire.

Beauty fish

The judgment of our contemporaries

The authors of this article, who are of great interest to us today, are also interested in the “Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century”. In their essay, they argue that, having seen a large number of fish in a dream, a woman should be ready for the troubles approaching her, which, however, will not be relevant to the birth of a child. Most likely, the matter will be limited to slander on the part of those who envy her happiness. It is possible, however, that it can cause complications in relations with neighbors or work colleagues.

Nor does it portend a good dream, in which the future woman in labor eats boiled fish. He talks about the approach of financial problems. At the same time, if a woman dreams that she is breeding fry in a pond or aquarium, then this is a good sign. He promises her in the future a multiple repetition of pregnancy and abundant childbirth. However, such a prospect may scare someone.

We also note the popular opinion that if a living fish begins to dream of a pregnant woman, then this portends an early, but nonetheless completely successful birth. Such a vision cannot be cause for concern, since it does not promise any health complications to either the mother or her unborn child.

That just does not dream in a dream!


At the end of the article, it will be appropriate to recall that, despite the widespread recognition used by the most respected interpreters of dreams, their opinion cannot be considered the ultimate truth. Night dreams are, first of all, the product of our own imagination, which sometimes gets out of control, and trusting them in full is hardly appropriate. Having read this or that interpretation in the dream book, it is necessary to take it into account, but conclusions should be made only by those that are pushed by common sense.

This applies to all plots of night dreams. Therefore, regardless of whether a pregnant woman dreams of a lot of fish or not, she should not build her life on the basis of what she saw, and if the interpretation contains a threat, do not consider it a reason for despair, especially since she will need peace of mind for a successful delivery.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7947/

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